2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 8(7)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 8(7)教案 广州版I. Objectives1. Vocabulary: mustnt, pick, line, line up, be going to, park, lesson, leave, need, youll, notebook, call, city, city flower2. Language focus: Can I leave my bag here?Yes, but youll need your notebook and pen.Kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou.II. Procedures1. Pre- task (1) Greeting(2) Review: rose, tulip, lily, sunflower, oak tree, plant, pine tree.2. While - task(1) Present: Kapok tree. Read and remember, the spell out. We call the kapok tree the Hero Tree. Kapok is the _(city flower) of Guangzhou.(2)T: Do you like to go to the _(park)? Do you like to have a _(lesson) in the park?Yes, Were _(going to ) the park for our lesson. You can _(leave) your bag on the grass.But _(youll need) your _(notebook) and pen(3) Read and remember the new words.Practise: be going to youll = you willWere going to take photos.He is going to take a rest.Youll need some tools.They will water the flowers.Sally will go to the park.(4) whole class read all the new words.(5) Listen to the dialogue and find out which words you dont know: mustnt = must notline up pick Distinguish: mustnt cant(6) Listen again and answer the questionWhat are we going to do?What will the children need?Is there an oak tree over there?What tree is it?Why mustnt we pick the flowers?Read the dialogue after the tapeRead in groups3. Post - taskLook at the key words, try to retell the dialogue.Homework: Listen, read the dialogue.Copy the new words and dialogue.LayoutBe going to kapok treeWe are going to take photoscity flowerI am going to plant treescallHe is going to take a restparkYoull = you will leave leavesYoull need some toolsneedTheyll water the flowersnotebookSally will go to the parkline up附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 8(8)教案 广州版一、教学目标:一)Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary词汇:Mustnt =must not, pick , line up , be going to, Lesson, leave, need , youll= you will, notebook, call, city, flower (四会) bluebell, violet, kapok(三会)Sentences句型:1. We are going to the park. (现在进行时表将来时) 2. Youll need your notebook and pen. 3. We call kapok tree the Hero Tree, Kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou. 4. They look like cups, dont they? 5. We must leave the in the park. We mustnt pick the flowersDaily Express习惯用语:We must leave the in the park. We mustnt pick the flowersGrammar :语法: 1. 现在进行时表将来时.2.反意疑问句。3.情态动词must的疑问和否定句.2.Language skill语言技能:能用英语讨论花草树木,公园里的制度.3.Affect 情感态度:培养学生要爱护花草树木,爱护环境。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:小组学习活动,互帮互助。帮扶学困生。5.Culture Awareness文化意识:二、重难点分析与教学预设:1.对于有一定英语基础的五年级孩子来说单词发音和拼写并不难, 但本课的词汇太多了, 应此,前置性的学习对本课教学非常重要, 布置适量的预习作业很有必要.,减轻课文的教学难度, 提高教学效率.2.本课的新句子也很多, 因此设计了一些课件较直观的教学, 使孩子清晰地了解句子, 在课件的引导下,在小组学习地互助下,大部分同学掌握应该不会有太大的问题.3.课文比较长, 把此课设计为阅读课, 分为两部分进行教学。减轻难度。三、教学资源:1.教学课件教学单词和句型。2. 光碟教学课文。相关前置性学习:观察木棉花, 风铃草,紫罗兰三种花草, 并介绍这三种花.了解公园里的制度。四、教学过程:一)快速出示一些图片,引导学生复习旧知识(rose, lily, banyan, pine tree, sunflower, tulip, grass),通过复习旧知识引出violet, bluebell, kapok。二) 把三个新词放入P32的小诗里熟悉这三个词,并起到热身活动。三)宣讲目标:教学课题。1)T: Do you like sightseeing? today, We are going to Tianhe Park(出示课件公园图片) Youll need your notebook and pen, you can leave your bag here. 2)Before entering, can you tell me the rule in the park? Can you pick the flowers(课件摘花的图)。引导学生回答: No, you cant.T: Oh, we mustnt pick the flowers, we must leave the flowers in the park.四)让学生继续讲出公园的制度从中练习must 和mustnt 的句型:1. We must keep the floor clean. We mustnt throw anything on the floor. 2:.We must take care of the birds. We mustnt catch the birds3. We must stay outside the grass; we mustnt stay on the grass. 4. We must We mustnt五)通过讨论木棉花来教学新句型. T: Lets go inside Tianhe Park, Look, What flower are those? 教师指着课件上的木棉花问)Ps: They are kapoks. We call them the Hero Tree or the city of Guangzhou.T: What do they look like? They look like cups, dont they?引导学生说: Yes, they do. 六)呈现课文: 由于课文较长,因此, 把此课定位为阅读课, 在把重难点解决后份两步完成课文阅读的教学. 分两部分看书,回答问题: 1) 第一部分(Picture1):1:Where are they going to go? 2:What does Jiamin want to do before going? 3: What will the children need? (Picture 2) 1. What tree can they see? 2) We call kapok _ _ and _ _ _ _ _. (如有不懂的词, 看词汇表)Read the dialogue in four(如有不懂,互相帮助) 表演课文(如有不准的发音,教师纠错)2) 第二部分(Picture3):1:1. What flowers can they see? 2) What do they look like? 3) When do they grow? (Picture 4)1: Who loves vilest? 2) What does Sally want to do? 3) Can we pick flowers?4) Why? (如有不懂的词, 看词汇表)Read the dialogue in four(如有不懂,互相帮助) 表演课文(如有不准的发音,教师纠错)七)发展:改编课文: In the Taine Park. HomeworkHave a dictation of the words mustnt violet. 2) Listen, read and recite the text loudly3)Write the rule in the park. (must, mustnt)


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