2019-2020年四年级英语下册 MODULE9 unit2教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 MODULE9 unit2教案 外研版Teaching aims:Did Dad cook lunch?Teaching importance:Talk about past activities.Teaching difficulities:Using the simple past tense of regular verbs to talk about past activities.Teaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.On the board,write some regular verbs in their present tense form,e.g. listen,play,help,jump,watch,open,point.Explain to the students that you are going to call out the past tense form of these verbs.Then choose individual students to go to the board,find the verbs and add-ed.Step two:Listen and repeatRemind the students that we can add-edor-dto regular verbs to make the past simple form.Have the students think of verbs they know and write their suggestions on the board.Try to get the students to tell you whether the verbs are regular or irregular.Step three:chant1Have the studnets look at the pictures and describe what the students are doing(walking,dancing,jumping) 2 Find out if the students enjoy doing some or all of those activities.Discuss their favourite activities.3 Play the spoken version of the song and get the students to repeat the words.Now play the second version and let the students listen to the melody or they can sing along with the music.Explain to the students that they should mime appropriate actions as they say the chant.Step four:Homework附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module9教案 外研版本单元由Unit 1 I helped Mum. Unit 2 Did Dad cooklunch?组成,谈论过去的行为或事件。 Unit 1 I helped Mum.Teaching aims:I helped Mum. Did you cook meat yesterday? Yes, I did/No, I didnt.Teaching importance:Talk about past activities.Teaching difficulities:Using the simple past tense of regular verbs to talk about past activities.Teaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Write these words at random on the board:watch, cooked, talked, helped, phoned , talk, pointed, phone,listen, help,listened, played, watched,point ,cook, play. Note that someof them are in the present tense and others are in the past.Explain to the students that you are going to call out the present and the past form of a verb. Choose one student togo to the board and draw a line to connect the words.Step two:listen and pointExplain to the students that many verbs in English areregular. That means they follow a pattern,or rules. To make the negative of regular verbs,we use the auxiliary,orhelping verbdo plus not and the infinitive withoutto.Ofcourse,when we are talking about the past, we must use thepast tense form of the auxiliary,which is did,e.g. didnt play didnt talk .The auxiliarydo(which beesdidin the pasttense)is used to form closed,oryes/noquestions,e.g. Do youhave a dog? Did you go to the library?Now hold up your book,point to the pictures in Acitivity 1 and ask question,e.g. Did Amy help her mother on Sunday?Did she play on the puter?Did Tom watch TV?The students should look at the pictures and respond,Yes,she/he/they/did.or No,she/he/they didnt.Then have the students continue the activity in pairs.Step three:play a gameDo an example with a student,say that you are going to ask questions and they have to sayYesor No.For example:Did you cook on Saturday?.Did you play football on Saturday?.Step four: HomeworkUnit 2 Did Dad cook lunch?Teaching aims:Did Dad cook lunch?Teaching importance:Talk about past activities.Teaching difficulities:Using the simple past tense of regular verbs to talk about past activities.Teaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.On the board,write some regular verbs in their present tenseform,e.g. listen,play,help,jump,watch,open,point.Explain tothe students that you are going to call out the past tense form of these verbs.Then choose individual students to goto the board,find the verbs and add-ed.Step two:Listen and repeatRemind the students that we can add-edor-dto regularverbs to make the past simple form.Have the students think of verbs they know and write theirsuggestions on the board.Try to get the students to tell youwhether the verbs are regular or irregular.Step three:chant1Have the studnets look at the pictures and describe whatthe students are doing(walking,dancing,jumping) 2 Find out if the students enjoy doing some or all of thoseactivities.Discuss their favourite activities.3 Play the spoken version of the song and get the students to repeat the words.Now play the second version and let the students listen to the melody or they can sing along with the music.Explain to the students that they should mime appropriateactions as they say the chant.Step four:Homework


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