2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lesson 12(2)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lesson 12(2)教案 闽教版教学内容:闽教版小学英语第三册 Unit 6 Weather Lesson 12教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)复习巩固句子:How is the weather in? Its a sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy day.(2)能认读单词cloud, snow, cold, sky, need;(3)能听懂会读课文。(4)能正确发sh / / 和 ea / i: / 读音及其单词。2.能力目标:培养学生运用句子谈论天气的交际能力。 教学重难点:1. 能认读单词cloud, cold, snow;2. sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy与sun, rain, snow, cloud的比较;3.听懂会读课文并能自如运用How is the weather in? Its a sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy day.提问回答。教具准备:教学卡片、多媒体课件教学步骤:一、 热身1.师生问好后齐读rhyme“Rain on the Sunflower”2.齐唱歌曲“Rain, Rain, Go away”二、导入及复习1.用图片导入课题。2.复习四个关于天气的单词:rainy, sunny, snowy, cloudy及句型:How is the weather? /Its a day.3.小组竞赛:听音猜天气。4.游戏:学生根据指定的座位号码回答问题。三、 教授新词汇 1.用PPT及图片教授单词:snow, cold。(用各种方式操练)2.用对比法引导学生读出cloud的读音并教授单词。(用各种方式操练)3.引导学生找出sunny, sun; rainy, rain; snowy, snow; cloudy, cloud这八个单词的拼写规律和不同意义。4.“口手不一”游戏巩固八个单词。四、 教授课文1.播放VCD 让学生听一遍。2.讲解课文重难点,学生模仿VCD中人物的语音语调跟读课文。3.根据课文故事内容判断句子的对错。五、 活动“Read and match”1.猜图游戏:PPT展示图片,根据提示猜出是哪一幅图。2.完成图文配对练习。六、 教授新语音1.学习sh / / 及单词sheep, fish, English, T-shirt, shoes2.学习ea / i: / 及单词 peach, read, ice cream七、总结及评价八、作业1. 听磁带,能够熟练朗读Lesson 12。2. 看天气预报,完成中国城市天气预报调查表,至少5个。(见示例)City(城市)WeatherBeijing (天气图标)sunny Fuzhou(天气图标) rainy板书设计Unit 6 WeatherLesson 12sunny rainy snowy cloudysun rain snow cloud 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Meet my family教案 人教PEPTeaching Objectives:1. Get the students to master the following words: family, parent ,brother, sister , uncle, aunt. baby.2. Get the students to use the sentence patterns to . introduce family members “this is my ” “she/he is .”。3. Through activities, the teacher should cultivate the students love of family . Form a bility of showing repect to every family members.Teaching focus:.Understand the meaning of those new words such as :parent ,uncle ,sister ,brother etcTeaching difficulties:The students use the sentence patterns to describe family members.Teaching aids:Pictures cards blackboard flash ppt .Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming up:1. T: Boys and girls, I suppose you like to sing songs yes? Ok, today Sing the song: , sing and perform together!2. Show cards to students and paint a family tree on the blackboard ,asking students put the cards of mother and father on the family tree. T :well,l I have a big family ,how many people in your family ? Teacher encourage students answer the question.Purpose of warming up: create a active atmosphere and make students interested in class at beginning . catching students attention and go年个 into lesson naturely.Step 2: Presentation1. T: Showing a photo of my family to studentsT:“Do you know this is my family? ” T : “ Well, I have a big family ,how many people in your family ? “ Teacher encourage students answer the question.T: You did a very good job. T:“this is my mother ,this is my father ,they are my partents ,this is my uncle ,this is my aunt ”and put those Two words on the family tree.“ My uncle is my fathers or mothers brother.my aunt is my fathers or mothers siste”then teacher put the word “ family ” on the top of family tree . introduce family members to students,showing new words and sentence on the blackboard .Purpose :make the boring lesson of learning new words be more interesting ,make student learn it more effectively T: Teacher teaches students read the new words.S: Read the new wordsPurpose: students read new words influently2 Do some execise 1) Students put the new words on to family tree . 2) Showing a picture of Amys family .T: “This is Amys family ,How mang people in Amys family ? who are they ? “S: Students regonize the people in the picture and speak out it in English , then students act as Amy use the “this is my .” Introduce the picture. 3 Group work. One student put him/her photo of his family on the blackboard then introduce his or her photo .use the new words and new sentence “this is my .she/he is .”.than work group , talk with your partnerPurpose : strengthen the knownledge just learned and develop students ability of expression of language and coopration by practice.Step 3 funny practice 1) Listenthe song 2) Listening and drawing Two Students , one describes the members of own family and another student draws a picture according what he/she just heard.Step 4 add- activitiesLearn the song with flash of Step 5 homework1) Remember the new words and practice the new sentence.2) Try to draw a beautiful family tree.


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