八年级英语上册 Unit 5 My Future复习课后作业(新版)冀教版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 5 My Future复习课后作业(新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 5 My Future复习课后作业(新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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Unit 5 My FutureI. 单项选择1. The sun is _ bigger than the moon.A. many B. more C. most D. much2. I would like _ a new bike.A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying3. Who is good at _ in your class?A. dances B. to dance C. dancing D. danced4. No one can stop the girl _. She loves it so much.A. sing B. sings C. to sing D. singing5. I hope _ a good teacher like Mr. Lee.A. to be B. is C. am D. are6. The teacher made the students _ their homework for two hours every day.A. to do B. do C. did D. doing7. I dont like winter because there is too _ snow (雪).A. many B. much C. few D. some8. What is your younger brother going to be when he _?He is going to be a doctor.A. wakes up B. grows up C. stands up D. hurries up9. If it _ tomorrow, we wont plant trees.A. rain B. to rain C. rains D. raining10. You should be nice _ your parents when you are older.A. to B. at C. for D. withII. 完形填空A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. He told all the young people in his country, I will give 11 of you a seed (种子) . Plant it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plants that you bring, 12 Ill choose a new king from you. A boy 13 Ling got a seed, too. He planted it 14 . But the seed didnt grow at all. A year later, Ling had to take his 15 box to the palace. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Ling felt 16 .The king 17 the palace and looked around. When he found there was nothing in Lings box, the king smiled and said to the others,“0ne year ago, I gave everyone a seed 18 couldnt grow. But all of you, 19 Ling, have brought me plants and flowers. Ling was the only one with the honesty (诚实) and 20 to bring such a box. So he will be the new king! 11. A. each B. neither C. both D. none12. A. and B. but C. although D. so13. A. liked B. helped C. named D. asked14. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly15. A. full B. empty C. beautiful D. broken16. A. sad B. excited C. happy D. satisfied17. A. got B. arrived C. went D. arrived at18. A. which B. who C. what D. it19. A. besides B. with C. except D. as20. A. skill B. courage C. experience D. fear

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