八年级英语上册 Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 3 Language in use导学案2(新版)外研版.doc

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Module 6 Animals in dangerUnit 3 Language in use.(P47A3, A4, A5, A6, P45 A5,A6 )Period 4 自主学习 课前诊断一温故知新Task 1 Finish A4 and A5.Task 2 Translate the following phrases:1. 想干某事_ 2.今晚_3.would like to do sth._4.be about_5.on earth_6.在野外_ 7.考虑_8.阻止某人干某事_ 9.需要干某事_ 10.Its hard to do sth._ 11.让某人干某事_12.尽力干某事_ 二设问导读Task 1 Read the dialogue in pairs.(A4)Task 2 Look at pictures and ask and answer. (P45-A5)Task 3 plete the sentences(A3)Task 4Lets listen.Before listening .Look at the poster and talk about them.What is this ?While listening1.How many people are talking?2.What are they talking about? Finish A6.After listening (Ss listen and fill in the blanks)Boy1: Hello everyone, and _ _ our first meeting of the Wildlife Club! First, let me _ you why we want _ start this club.We want to help animals _ _. We decided to _ a club in _ to get more ideas. Wed like more students to e to our meetings.Girl1:Why _ we send and email to everyone to tell them about the club, and about what we hope _ _here?Boy2: Good idea !Boy1: And maybe we should decide which kind of animal to help.Lets ask the zoo for information.Girl: We need to tell people about animals in danger. Lots of us buy _ when we go on _,and some of the presents are made from animals, but many people dont know that.Boy1: Yes, its very bad! People use _ skins to make bags.Boy2: We need to send that email _ _.3 自学检测 Task ! Make a poster about your wildlife club.Task 2 Around the word.!.What animal is the largest animal in the world?2. What food does the blue whale feed on ?3. How many blue whales left in the world ?4. Where does the wild Bactrian camel live ?互动学习 问题解决P127-P128 动词不定式(2)学用结合 提高能力1.如今大约只有1600只熊猫生长在野外。 _ _ only about 1600 pandas _ in the _ today. 2科学家们正在做大量的研究,帮助大熊猫繁殖更多的幼崽,帮助幼崽生存。 Scientists are doing a lot of reasearch _ _ pandas produce_ _ and help baby _.3. 竹林的面积正在缩小,所以熊猫正在失去它们的家园。The bamboo forests are getting smaller, _ pandas _ _ their forest.4. 出生在动物园里的大熊猫可能会回到自然公园里。Pandas _ _ zoos may go back _ _ in the nature park.5. 我们不想失去老虎、大象或一些其他动物,所以世界自然基金会正在努力工作去拯救它们。 We don t want to lose tigers , elephants or _ _ animals ,so the WWF is working hard _ _ them all.课堂小节,形成网络 Writing.1根据课本p45第五部分的问题写一篇你所熟悉的一种动物的文章。(60词左右)_Module 6 Animals in dangerUnit 3 Language in use.(A7,A8,A9 )Period 5自主学习、课前诊断一温故知新 Task 1 Useful phrases.1Task1. Translate the phrases. 1. 在野外 2. 研究中心 3. 形势变得 非常严峻 4. 做大量研究 5. 帮助熊猫产更多的宝宝 6. 中国西南部的森林和深山里 7. each panda 8. need to eat lots of bamboo . 9. 允许某人做某事 _10. 尽力做某事 _ 11. 的象征 _12.在.的南部_-Task 3 Check answers in (A7)二设问导读 读前导入(A9)1.Where did you go on summer holiday?2.Where did Sally go ?Email (A9)读中理解Task 1 Finish A9 Task 2 Read the email and answer following questions.Where is the writer now ?Which zoo did she visit ?What animals did she see ?三自学检测 Retell the passage. 四互动学习、解决问题1.worry about / be worried aboutDont _ your son.He was _ her poor health.2.try to do sth./ try doing sth1.)- I usually watch TV on weekends.- Why not try _ ( go ) to the movies for a change?3.)He is lazy. He didnt try _ ( do ) it.3.develop/developmentOur country_so fast.With the_of the new technology, the world will be smaller. 4. around the world /all over the worldMany animals around the world are in danger.=Many animals _ are in danger.学以致用、能力提升1.Id like you _ ( go ) to the cinema with me.2.We need _ ( protect ) the animals.3.Its sad _ ( think ) about all those animals in danger.4.Do you want _ ( see ) a film tonight?5.Lets _ ( meet ) at half past six.6.The boy decided _ ( help ) his mother with the homework.7.-Where _ ( be ) Tom? -He _ ( go ) to the library.8.Look! Who _ ( clean ) the room? How clean it is now!9.My mother enjoys _ ( listen ) to the music.10. Miss Wang practices _ ( sing ) a song in English every day.根据汉语意思完成句子1.政府在做什么来保护动物?What _ the _ doing _ _ animals?2.了解卧龙大熊猫自然保护区的知识是很有趣的。It is interesting _ _ _ the Wolong Panda _.3.昨天我去邮局买了枚邮票。I _ to the post office _ _ a stamp yesterday.4. 你愿意我们带你去看电影吗? Would you _ us _ _ you to see a film?5你认为他为什么决定要逗留三个小时? Why do you think he _ _ _ _ three hours?课堂小结 形成网络It was a cold morning. It snowed heavily and everything turned white.A father wolf got up early. His wife and babies are hungry. Then the small animals were in their dens (兽穴) and the birds were all in the trees. He walked and walked, but found nothing in the forest.“Id better go in the village,” the wolf thought, “ Maybe I can catch a duck or a sheep there.”So he went there and listened carefully. When he passed the door of a house, he heard a mother say to her child, “Be quiet, or will throw you out of the window, and the wolf will eat you.” The wolf sat all afternoon waiting at the door. In the evening he heard the same mother fondling (安抚) her child and saying , “ Youre a good boy now, and if the wolf es, we will kill him.” The wolf heard these words, of course, ran home quickly, cold and hungry. His wife saw him and asked why he returned so tired and supperless. He answered, “Why, I was a fool because I believed in the words of a woman.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. The father wolf went out to _. A. do morning exercises B. play with other animals C. look for food for his family D. see the woman and her baby( ) 2. The father wolf found nothing in the forest because _. A. he frightened (吓唬) the animals away B. the animals had all hidden (藏) themselves C. everything was covered with sick snow D. he was too cold to see the animals there( ) 3. The story tells us _. A. the woman was so angry that she would throw her son out of the roomB. the woman saw the wolf, so she hoped to look after her son carefully C. the woman saw the wolf and wanted to have a joke on him D. the woman didnt see the wolf and only frightened her son( ) 4. _ , he waited out of the house. A. The wolf believed the woman B. The wolf was too angry to go on C. The wolf wanted to listen to the woman D. The wolf wanted to have a rest( ) 5. At last, _. A. the woman killed the wolf B. the wolf got nothing C. the wolf carried the boy away D. the wolf had no time to waitV、Summary and homework(小结和作业)

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