2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B unit2(1)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B unit2(1)教案 苏教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B unit2(1)教案 苏教牛津版 教学目标:1. 能正确理解、掌握课文内容,并能朗读、初步表演课文。2能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:lunch, speak, headache, bad, cough, get, feel3. 能正确地听、说、读、写日常句型:How do you feel now? I feel Whats wrong with you? Ive got4 能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:May I speak to? This is speaking. Im sorry to hear that. See you soon.教学重点难点:能够使用表示疾病类介词和句型来询问他人的情况或表述自己的症状,并能正确理解、掌握和初步朗读对话内容。教学过程第一步:重难点突破1. Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Unit 2, Part A.同学们,大家好。今天我们一起来学习第二单元的A部分。2 T: First, please answer my question, how many days are there in a week? What are they? 同学们,一周有几天?他们分别用英语怎么说呢? T: Yes, you are right . Lets look at the screen. There are seven days in a week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. From Monday to Friday , we must go to school. Saturday and Sunday are called weekend. We can have a rest at home. It is not the weekend today, but Helen is not at school, why? 大家都知道,一周有七天,周一到周五我们要上学,周六和周日称为周末,我们可以在家休息。今天不是周末,但是Helen没有来上学,怎么回事呢?我们一起来看屏幕。3T: Now look at the screen, we have a new word here. Listen to me carefully. 屏幕上有个新单词,请大家认真听我读。 T: Now, please read after me. 请大家跟我读。 (领读三遍,中间稍停)T: Great, here is another new word, Please follow me.出示 lunch (领读三遍,中间稍停)T: Good. Now here is a phrase. Can you read?现在这个词组你能试着读一读吗?(停顿几秒)T: Good.:call her after lunch大家读得很好,这个词组的意思是在午饭后打电话给他。 4 T: Just now we knew that Helen is ill at home and Su Yang calls her. What are they talking ? Lets listen .Helen 和苏阳在电话里说些什么呢?我们一起来听一听。4.T: OK. Have you got it?都听明白了吗?下面我们来仔细学一学吧。T: When you want to call somebody, what should you say? Listen! 当我们要打电话给别人的时候,怎么说呢?我们一起来听一听。T: 当我们在听见电话铃响时,拿起电话说“hello”,意思就是“喂?” 这个时候拨电话的人可以说May I speak to?这句话的意思是“我可以跟某某人通话吗?” 如果你就是对方要找的人,你可以说“This is speaking.”如果你不是对方要找的人,你可以对他说“Please hold on.” 然后去帮他找到他要找的人,如果对方要找的人恰好不在,你可以说“I can take a message for you.”意思是我可以为你留一条口讯给他。如果对方打错了,你可以说“Sorry, wrong number.”意思是,很抱歉,你打错了。你们学会了吗?下面就请大家跟我读一读吧。T: OK. Now please make a phone call to you friend. 下面就请同学们两人一组,互相拨一个电话吧。(要现场学生)先来看看他们是怎么打的吧。5T: Good. Just now, we listened to the text and we knew that Helen was ill. But Whats wrong with her? Lets listen again. T: Heres a new word. Please read after me. 领读 why absent - why are you absent today?T:Now, please read this new word after me.(领读三遍,中间稍停)stay Can you read this phrase?(停顿) stay in bedT: 当苏阳得知Helen病了的时候,她问 Whats wrong with you?意思是“你怎么了?哪里不舒服?现在请同学们跟我读。 (领读)T: 大家读得都很好,当有人询问我们哪里不舒服的时候我们可以用Ive got来表达自己怎么了。比如,出示headache, cough. 请同学们跟我读。 你能用Ive got 的句型来完整地说一说吗?T: Good, 有时侯,为了表达疾病的程度,我们还会用到这个词bad.表示严重的。大家能不能把这个词加到句型里去呢?T: 非常好。Ive got a bad headache. Ive got a bad cough. 6T: 当我们听说别人病了,我们要说Im sorry to hear that.意思是听到这个消息我很抱歉。这个句子可以用在很多不同的场合,只要是对方发生了什么不愉快或不幸的状况,你都可以用。现在就请大家跟我读一读吧。T: 当然我们听说别人病了之后,还要预祝他早日康复,这又该怎么说呢?大家看一看屏幕。 We can say I hope you get better soon. 在这里get表示变得.Now read after me please.Get这个词我们已经学过了,这个词还有很多其他意思。比如课文里还有另一个意思,大家请看这一句话I can get some fruit for you.在这个句子里get的意思就是带来。大家一起来读一读。T: 大家读得都不错。下面就请同学们用所学的句子和单词跟你的同桌编一个小对话吧。你可以参照屏幕上的句型。7T:大家演得不错。 Look at the screen, boys and girls. Here is a new word. Please read after me.领读 feelHow do you feel now? I still feel.8 T:当我们病了,我们要go to the hospital to see a doctor. 我们还需要 take some medicine(服药)。 请大家跟我读第二步:课文学习T: Now, look at the pictures and listen to the text carefully. 请同学们看图仔细听课文。T: I have four questions for you, can you answer me?同学们,你能根据课文回答我的四个问题吗? 1.What day is it today? Whats wrong with Helen.Is Helen taking any medicine? What will Su Yang get for Helen? T: Now, lets check our answer. 看看你都答对了吗?T: Good. Now, please open your books and lets read the text sentence by sentence.下面请大家打开书,我们逐句读一读课文。第三步:巩固操练T:Now, look at the picture of the text. Can you try to act the dialogue? 请大家根据课文的图片试着跟你的同桌表演一下对话吧。(总结:Today, we learned Unit 2 , Part A. We learned how to make a telephone call and how to answer the phone. And we also learned how to ask someone else whats wrong with him or her. After class please listen to the tape and read the text by yourselves. Then please make a short dialogue with your friend.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B unit2(2)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写had, a cough, a headache, a fever, bad, feel, a cold. 2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型How do you feel now? I still feel Whats wrong with you? Ive got3 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Im sorry to hear that.教学重点难点:能够使用表示疾病类介词和句型来询问他人的情况或表述自己的症状.教学过程:第一步:复习Greeting: T:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. First of all , lets sing a song Wish you happy everyday.同学们大家好。首先我们来唱一首歌, Wish you happy everyday第二步:词汇学习1. Play a game: 下面请同学们和老师一起来玩个游戏。 Listen and do。听一听做一做。我们先来看一看这些同学是怎么做的吧。2T:Last lesson we learned Part A. Do you still remember whats wrong with Helen?在上节课学的课文A部分中,我们了解到Helen怎么了?T: Good, shes got a headache and a bad cough. Now, lets look at the screen, whats wrong with this old lady? Yes, she s got a headache. Now here you can see four words can you try to read them? Great, tooth, ear, back and stomach. Now, the new words. Pay attention to ache, it means 痛. Please try to read them. OK. This time please read after the tape.T: You did a good job. Now look at the screen we have other two new words Please read after me. 领读a fever , a cold Can you make a sentence with the new word? Yes, youre right. Ive got aT: Now, boys and girls, please look at the screen and answer my questions. 请大家看图回答我的问题。 Look at picture one. Whats wrong with him? (停顿)T: Yes, hes got a toothache. Please look at picture 2. Whats wrong with her? (停顿) Great, shes got an earache. (师生操练八幅图)T:Ok, stop. Now, lets play a game. Can you look at the screen and guess the word? Lets try. No.1 What is the word? (停顿) Yes, its toothache. No.2 第三步:句型操练1T: Now, boys and girls, lets act.同学们,下面我们来演一演。 Please make a short dialogue with your partner。You can use the drills on the screen. You can find the pictures in page 18, Part D. 现在就请大家开始对话吧。 T: Now lets check our answe同学们,你们都做对了吗?让我们来看一看。2 T: Good, you did a good job. Now I feel a little tired, lets take a rest and enjoy a rhyme. 我感觉有点累了,我们一起休息以下,欣赏一首儿歌吧。3.T: Boys and girls, how do you feel now? I feel better. Lets continue. Now, look, I have some pictures for you, can you try to make a dialogue? You can find the pictures in page 17. part C. 请大家根据这几幅图片跟你的同桌对话,你也可以在书上的C部分找到这几幅图片。T: Now, lets check our answer. Lets see, whether you are right or wrong.同学们,我们来核对一下答案吧,你做对了吗?


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