2019届中考英语复习 第一篇 语言基础知识 第4课 七下 Units 6-9基础知识.doc

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第4课 七下 Units 69课前预热中考词汇拓展重点易错单词1. other 其他的2. young 年轻的3. still 仍然4. message 信息;消息(可数名词)5. again 再一次;又一次6. summer 夏季7. soon 不久;很快8. mountain 高山9. winter 冬季10. hotel 旅馆;酒店11. restaurant 餐馆12. behind 在的后面13. later 以后14. handsome 英俊的15. another 另一;又一词汇拓展1. drink(v. & n.) drank (过去式) drunk (过去分词)喝;饮2. man(n.) men (pl.)男人们;人们3. America(n.) American (adj. & n.)美国的;美国人的;美国人4. child(n.) children (pl.)孩子们5. rain(v. & n.) rained (过去式/过去分词)下雨 rainy (adj.)阴雨的;多雨的6. wind(n.) windy (adj.)有风的;多风的7. cloud(n.) cloudy (adj.)多云的8. sun(n.) sunny (adj.)晴朗的9. bad(adj.) worse (比较级)更坏的(地);更差的(地) worst (最高级)最坏的(地);最差的(地)10. cook(v.) cooked (过去式/过去分词)做饭 cook (n.)厨师 cooker (n.)厨具11. hot(adj.) hotter (比较级)较热的 hottest (最高级)最热的 cold (反义词)冷的12. warm(adj.) warmer (比较级)较温暖的 warmest (最高级)最温暖的 warmth (n.)温暖13. visit(v.) visited (过去式/过去分词)拜访;参观 visitor (n.)访问者;参观者;游客14. sit(v.) sat (过去式/过去分词) sitting (现在分词)坐15. pay(v. & n.) paid (过去式/过去分词)付费;支付16. north(n.) northern (adj.)北方的;在北方的17. easy(adj.) easily (adv.)容易地 easier (比较级)更容易的 easiest (最高级)最容易的18. spend(v.) spent (过去式/过去分词)度过;花(时间、钱等)19. country(n.) countries (pl.)国家 countryside (n.)乡村;农村20. high(adj.) height (n.)身高;高度21. thin(adj.) thinner (比较级)较瘦的;较薄的 thinnest (最高级)最瘦的;最薄的22. heavy(adj.) heavily (adv.)重地 light (反义词)轻的23. wake(v.) woke (过去式) woken (过去分词)弄醒;醒 awake (adj.)醒着的24. act(v.) active (adj.)积极的 actor (n.)男演员 actress (n.)女演员 action (n.)行动25. person(n.) personal (adj.)私人的;个人的26. sing(v.) sang (过去式) sung (过去分词)唱歌 singer (n.)歌手27. put(v.) put (过去式/过去分词)放28. describe(v.) description (n.)描述;记述29. real(adj.) really (adv.)事实上;真正地30. Canada(n.) Canadian (n. & adj.)加拿大人;加拿大的;加拿大人的31. Europe(n.) European (n. & adj.)欧洲人;欧洲的;欧洲人的中考词组短语词 组1. read a newspaper读报2. talk on the phone在电话上交谈3. make soup做汤4. go to the movies看电影5. eat out出去吃饭6. watch the boat races观看龙舟比赛7. study for a test为考试而学习8. take a message捎个口信9. call (sb.) back(给某人)回电话10. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(别)做某事11. study hard努力学习12. on Center Street在中心大街13. on your left在你左边14. watch sb. doing sth. 观看某人正在做某事15. put sth. in newspapers and on television某事在报纸上刊登和在电视上播出16. see things the same way以相同的方式看事情17. describe differently描述不同18. first of all首先19. in the end最后20. in front of. 在前面21. spend time on/(in) doing sth. 花时间在某事上/做某事22. a little一点;少量中考句型回顾书面表达素材1. 日常生活 Im playing basketball with some friends in the park. 我正在和一些朋友在公园里打篮球。Im so happy to see them again. 再次看见他们我很开心。I often exercise at the park because I love the clean air and sunshine. 我经常在公园里锻炼,因为我喜欢清新的空气和阳光。2. 旅行与度假My family and I are on vacation in the mountains. 我和我的家人在山里度假。Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.我正在加拿大看望我的姑妈,我玩得很开心。I like to spend time there on weekends. 我喜欢在那儿度过周末时光。It is very quiet in the library and I enjoy reading there. 图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里读书。Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.朱辉想念他的家人并且希望吃到他母亲(做)的美味的粽子。Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but theres still “no place like home”.朱辉很喜欢纽约以及他的寄宿家庭,但这里仍然没有一个地方像家一样好。3. 外貌与特征Shes of medium height and she wears glasses. 她中等个子,戴着眼镜。语法精萃 Hes studying at his friends home. 他正在他朋友家学习。(现在进行时) Theyre not using the puter. Theyre exercising now.他们没在用电脑。他们正在锻炼。(现在进行时) Im swimming in the swimming pool. 我在游泳池游泳。(现在进行时)情景交际 Wheres the library? 图书馆在哪里?Just go down North Road and turn left. It is across from the park. 就沿着北街走,然后左转,它就在公园对面。 Hows the weather/Whats the weather like in Shaoxing? 绍兴天气怎样?Its sunny/cloudy/windy/warm. 晴朗/多云/有风/暖和。 How is it going? 进展如何?Its great/not bad/terrible. 很好/不错/糟糕透了。 What does he look like? 他长什么样?He is short and he has short hair. 他个子矮,留着短发。课堂突破中考重点单词与短语一、remember的用法【例句展示】1. They can also remember places with food and water.它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。2. Please remember to show me your photos next time.请记住下次把你的照片给我看。3. I remember telling you the story.我记得告诉过你这个故事。【精讲辨析】1. remember作动词,意为“记住;记得”。2. remember to do sth.记得去做某事(未做)。3. remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已做)。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Remember(buy) some eggs, there are few in the fridge.2. I remember(read) the book. I know something about the characters in the book.二、kind的用法【例句展示】1. What kind of clothes do you want to wear?你想要穿哪种衣服?2. She is kind of shy.她有点害羞。3. Mr. Black is a kind man.布莱克先生是一个和蔼的人。【精讲辨析】1. kind作名词,意为“种类”。2. kind作形容词,意为“好心的;善良的”。3. kind在口语中意为“体贴的;令人感激的”。相关短语:kind of有点儿;kinds of许多种的;different kinds of 各种各样的。【活学活用】用kind of或kinds of填空。Do you know that there are many different animals in the zoo?Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are scary.三、enjoy的用法【例句展示】1. Turn left on Fifth Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks.在第五大道左转并享受这个城市安静的街道和小公园。2. I enjoy listening to light music.我喜欢听轻音乐。【精讲辨析】enjoy作动词,意为“喜欢;享受”。后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,相当于like(喜欢),但enjoy后不能加to do。enjoy oneself意为“过得愉快;玩得高兴”,相当于have a good time。注:enjoy后只能接表示褒义的词组。【活学活用】根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 他们正躺在沙滩上享受着阳光。They are lying on the beach and the sunshine.2. 许多学生喜欢用英语交谈。Many students enjoy in English.3. 我在聚会时玩得很开心。I really at the party.四、turn的用法【例句展示】1. Turn left at the hotel.在旅馆处左转弯。2. The earth turns around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。3. Its your turn to do the dishes.轮到你洗餐具了。【精讲辨析】turn作动词,意为“转弯;旋转;翻转”;作名词,意为“轮流;顺序”。【活学活用】根据汉语意思翻译句子。1. 在第二个十字路口右转弯。 at the second crossing.2. 打开书翻到第10页。Open your books and Page 10.3. 请依次上车。Please take to get on the bus.五、have fun doing的用法【例句展示】1. We will have fun learning English.我们学习英语将会很有趣。2. She had trouble making plete sentences.她在造完整的句子方面有困难。3. The little boy had a problem getting to the top of the mountain.这小男孩到达山顶有困难。4. Its a good idea to have fun with English.趣味性地学习英语是一个好主意。5. I had a really hard time with science this semester.这学期我在科学方面有困难。【精讲辨析】1. 表示“做某事很高兴”的句式:have fun doing sth.=have fun with sth.;have a good/great time doing sth.=have a good/great time with sth.。2. 表示“做某事有困难”的句式:have a hard/difficult time doing sth.=have a hard/difficult time with sth.;have a problem (in) doing sth.=have a problemwith sth.;have trouble/difficulty(in) doing sth.=have trouble/difficulty with sth.。注:fun/trouble为不可数名词,其前不可用不定冠词a,但可用修饰词some, much, little, no, any等。【活学活用】A)根据汉语提示完成句子。1. I have great (问题) in learning math and Im so worried. Could you help me?Sure, Id be glad to. 2. If you join us, you will have fun(学习) how to swim. 3. There isnt any problem (到达) there on time. B)根据汉语意思翻译句子。4. 在你出现前,我正找不到学校。I was having a time the school until you came along.中考重点句型一、Is there a.near here? 附近有吗?Wheres the.? 在哪里?【例句展示】1. Is there a bank near here?这附近有银行吗?Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.有。在中心大街上。2. Wheres the library?图书馆在哪里?Its across from No. 1 Middle School.在一中对面。【归纳提高】这是问路的两个疑问句。例1用there be的一般疑问句形式,例2是where引导的特殊疑问句,回答可以是方位词组,如:across from, next to, in front of, behind等表达,也可以用具体的指路方式,如:go straight, go down the street, turn left at the park, go across the bridge, you can see it on your left等句式。除了这两种方式问路,也可用Which is the way to the.?或Can you tell me the way to the., please?或How can I get to the.?等句式。【活学活用】用适当的词填空。1. a supermarket in your neighborhood?2. Excuse me. the Peoples Hospital?3. Could you me the the old peoples home?4. can I to the Childrens Park, please?5. Excuse me. is the way to the restaurant?二、What are you doing? 你正在做什么?【例句展示】What are they doing?他们正在做什么?Theyre studying.他们正在学习。【归纳提高】现在进行时的特殊疑问句的结构为:特殊疑问词+be+主语+动词-ing+其他?,其答语用现在进行时回答。现在进行时结构:be(is/am/are)+动词-ing。一般疑问句则把be动词提前,否定句则在be动词后加not。注:表位移的动词(e/go/arrive/leave等)可以用现在进行时表将来。【活学活用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The clothing store (have) a sale. The clothes there are very cheap.2. Can you answer the door, Jim? I (do) the dishes.Im ing, Dad.3. Sam, e downstairs, please. I need your help.Sorry, Mom. I (talk) on the phone.中考词语辨析一、look, see, watch与read【例句展示】1. Lets look at your photo.让我们看看你的照片。2. What can you see in the picture?你在图画上能看到什么?3. The teacher often watches us play games.老师经常观看我们玩游戏。4. Dont read in the sun.不要在阳光下看书。【辨异突破】1. look为不及物动词,后接宾语时必须加介词at,指看的过程,强调有意识的动作。2. see既可作及物动词后接宾语,又可作不及物动词,着重于看的结果。3. watch作及物动词,用来指非常仔细、有目的和特意的动作,意为“注视;观看;监视”。也常用于“看电视;看比赛”等短语中。4. read多指“看书、报”,这里的“看”实为“读”,可作及物动词或不及物动词。【活学活用】用look, see, watch或read的适当形式填空。1. Please at the pictures carefully.2. They lots of sea animals there.3. We a dolphin show yesterday afternoon.4. He a newspaper and drank a cup of tea.二、learn与study【例句展示】1. She thinks she can learn about Chinese history.她认为她能学习有关中国的历史。2. Study hard, or you wont pass the exam.努力学习,否则你将通不过考试。【辨异突破】两者都表示“学习”,但侧重点不同。1. learn学习;学会。侧重学习的成果,或带有模仿性的学习。2. study学习;研究。强调学习的过程,带有努力、勤奋的意味。相关短语:learn.from sb. 向某人学习;learn to do sth. 学习做某事;learn by oneself=teach oneself自学;study hard努力学习。【活学活用】用learn, study及其相关短语填空。1. If you hard, youll the language well.2. He traditional Chinese medicine a famous Chinese doctor two years ago.三、in front of与in/at the front of【例句展示】1. I sit in/at the front of the classroom.我坐在教室前部。2. There is a tree in front of our classroom.我们教室前面有棵树。【辨异突破】1. in front of意为“在前面”,指的是在某物外部的前面,两者是分开的,反义词是behind。2. in/at the front of意为“在前部”,指的是在某物内部的前面,两者是包容的,反义词是at the back of。【活学活用】用in front of或in/at the front of填空。1. I feel nervous when I talk many people.2. He is short and has poor eyesight. So he has to sit the classroom.当堂检测一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Alice enjoys very much. Look!She is listening to music and . (跳舞)2. It is usually (有风的) in Beijing.3. It often in South China. This summer its also very . There is much . Look!Its hard. (下雨)4. There are some students (学习) in the classroom.5. He is 175 cm in (身高) and of medium(身材).6. Whos that (人) with long hair?7. He (花费) two hours doing his homework yesterday.8. The park is just (穿过) from the hospital, you cant miss it.9. People enjoy swimming in (夏天).10. China is one of the oldest (国家) in the world.二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。sing rain easy art he1. I dont like the weather, because days makes me upset.2. Can you tell Peter to call back this evening?No problem.3. I like the , Eason. His Chinese name is Chen Yixun.4. I think the math homework is very easy. The students must finish it .5. That man is a great. He draws pictures very well.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The garbage(message) on the Internet are polluting the teens.2. Like it or not, you will be judged by your(person) appearance.3. School (activity) start being reduced about two weeks before the end of the term.4. My parents are (save) money to buy a new house.5. Uncle Toms Cabin is one of my favorite novels and I have (read) it three times.6. In order to make her friends have a good time in her house, Brenda spent all day (prepare) the meal yesterday.7. Alice enjoys very much. Look!She is lis-tening to music and. (dance)8. July is the (hot) month of the year.参考答案课堂突破【中考重点单词与短语】 一、1. to buy 2. reading二、kinds of, kind of三、1. enjoying 2. talking 3. enjoyed myself四、1. Turn right 2. turn to 3. turns五、1. problems 2. learning 3. getting4. hard/difficult, finding【中考重点句型】 一、1. Is there 2. Wheres 3. tell, way to 4. How, get 5. Which二、1. is having 2. am doing 3. am talking【中考词语辨析】 一、1. look 2. saw 3. watched 4. read二、1. study, learn 2. learned, from三、1. in front of 2. in/at the front of当堂检测一、1. dancing, dancing 2. windy 3. rains, rainy, rain, raining 4. studying 5. height, build 6. person 7. spent 8. across 9. summer10. countries二、1. rainy 2. him 3. singer 4. easily 5. artist三、1. messages 2. personal 3. activities 4. saving5. read 6. preparing 7. dancing, dancing 8. hottest


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