2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 广州版一、 教材分析: 本课是关于“能力”的表达,是本module 的第一课时。Can 和can 学生在四年级已初步接触过,这节课将更加深入地学习与运用。教学处理上,着重让学生通过口头运用去体验本课的语言点,重点在于拓展学生的语言交际能力,把所学的语言知识运用到实际交际中。 学情分析: 这个班的学生由于刚接任,师生教学处于磨合期。 虽说已经学了两年英语,但由于频繁更换老师,学生的英语基础比较差,连贯说话能力还有待培养,学生的良好英语学习习惯还有待培养,尤其课堂上注意力不集中,不持久,需要老师时时提醒。二、教学目标:一)语言知识目标:1. 学会三个动物的单词:kangaroo, frog, turtle,和far, fly, own, gift. 整体理解Everyone has his own gift.的意思。 2. 会运用Can you ? 询问别人的能力及其答语: Yes, I can. / No, I cant 3. 会用所学的英语表达自己的能力和描述他人的能力。二)语言技能目标:1. 能听说新单词。2. 能流利朗读课文,理解课文意思,能根据意思表演课文。3. 能模仿课文,并表演课文4. 能运用句型描述能力。三) 学习策略目标:1. 能结合实际,积极运用所学的英语和别人交流,大胆展示自己的技能,并学习他人的长处。四)情感态度目标:1. 懂得“三人行必有我师”的道理。2. 以手势等身体语言、图片、课件形象直观地吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习兴趣,积极参与课堂教学活动。三、重点、难点: 1. 熟练朗读课文并能仿照课文对话,2. 能正确运用can 和cant来描述自己和他人的能力。教学媒体: 动物图片,电脑课件四、教学过程:一) 热身和复习1. Guessing game1: 猜动词词组( 12个):把学过的动词词组图片贴在黑板上,用纸遮盖画面,让学生猜是什么短语,例如:P1:Picture 1 is “skip”. 揭开覆盖的纸,集体判断对否,然后齐说短语。(play football, play badminton, play basketball, play tennis, cook, draw, swim, jump, run,) 二) 先解难,后呈现课文1. 老师口述目标: Today we are going to Unit 4. In this lesson we are going to learn how to describe our abilities.2. 分步解难:解难1: 师生自由对话:引出本课单词far, 及句子:I can jump very high and very far. 用两个游戏操练巩固单词“far” T:(做跳绳的动作 ):I can skip very fast and very well. And you?P: I can skip very fast and very well.T: 继续用其他动词提问学生2-3个,引导其说:I can 。 very and very T: Now look at the pictures and you say together. jump .high and far / swim fast far) / run . Wash clothes / sweep the floor/ clean the house / do gardening /T;再问2个学生:I can cook meal very fast and very well. And you?T: Good. Children, please tell your partner what you can do. 小组活动: 学生在小组里说: I can very and veryT: Who can show your abilities? 几个学生展示后,Check: 抽个别学生说自己的能力。P: I can very and very .T: Look at the Video. What can they do? ( 观看一段学生的跳远的自述片段)学生跳远后说:P1: I can jump very high and very far. P2: I can jump but not very far.T: 重复并强调(far): P1 can jump very high and very far. P2 can jump but not very far. 引导学生模仿说出far. 板书单词:far, 学生按音素拼读单词。用游戏操练巩固单词及近音词辨别: fast-farGame 1. loud low voice. When I say far loudly, you must say fast lowly. Game 2. 辩音: T: far is first, fast is second. When I say “far”, you say “first”. When I say “second” you say “fast”.解难2: I can run but not very far. Can you run? 引出答语: Yes, I can, but not very far.T: 与学生交谈:I can swim very fast. Can you swim? P: Yes, I can, but not very fast.T: Children, I can run but not very far. Can you run? P1: Yes, I can, but not very far / fast. T: I can swim very fast and very far. Can you swim?P2: Yes, I can, but not very fast / far.T: look at my actions and ask and answer the questions. ( 分行问答)Skip, swim, walk, run, T: Now, can you show your abilities to your classmate behind you and ask him or her?T: OK. Who can ask your friend?Check 几个学生的问答。解难3:I cant , but I can T: 做飞的动作与学生交谈:Boys and girls, I cant fly , but I can walk. Can you fly? P: No, I cant.T: Which animal can fly?P: Birds can fly.T: 出示bird fly 的图: Birds can fly. Fly-fly-fly板书: fly 拼读单词 - 开火车读(10人)- 手势一起说fly high / farT: I cant play badminton, but I can play tennis. What about you? P1 P2. P 3. T: Tell your group mates what you can and cant do. T: Boys and girls, can you tell us what you can and cant do? En Everyone has his own gift. (每个人都有他自己的天赋) “ 常言道:三人行必有我师。 We should learn from each other.跟老师说Everyone has his own gift. - 整体认读单词,own , gift Game: spread words silently 3. 呈现课文。1.带着问题看vcd一次,看后,回答问题1. What animal is it? 2. What can they do?T: Boys and girls. Now there are some animals showing their own gifts by the lake.Look and listen carefully, then answer my questions: 1. What animals are they? 2. What can they do?( 看课文VCD一次)T: What animals are by the lake?P: 袋鼠,青蛙,龟,鸟 和一个男孩。T: 出示动物图片学习单词 kangaroo, frog, turtle, 1)示图kangaroo,听老师说- 学生模仿说-老师板书单词kangaroo,按读音规则读单词。例如: T:How do you pronounce “a” (第1个字母a)? P: kan-/k&o09; ng/ T: How do you pronounce “a” (第2个字母a)?单行开火车说:kangaroo同样方法学习:frog, 操练:单词kangaroo 和 frog: 学turtle. 横行开火车说,且正音后问3.巩固练习. Play games: 快速认读, 看哪一组说得最快最准。 game: Guessing game:Guess the animal. 比一比,看哪组猜得对。遮盖图片猜动物。T: What animal is it? / What about this? / How about this? / And the last one? T: Each animal has its own gift. Who can tell us the animals gifts?P1: The frog cant jump very far but it can jump very high.P2: .T: Good. Now please open your books at page 16. read after the tape.集体跟读-集体分角色读书-小组分角色读书- 小组组内表演课文-在班上展示。4.小结Guessing game2:猜动物并回答:What can it do?三)拓展1. T: Boys and girls, do you want to know your classmates abilities? Please ask them. And fill in the form.调查:NameWhat can he/she do?What cant he/she do?Jim Jump very high swim 2. 学生展示调查结果,并口头描述。四、作业:(1 分钟)Homework: 1. listen and read Unit 4 after the tape. 2. Copy the new words and sentences and try to remember the new words.板书: UNIT 4 What Can They Do?I can very high and very far. Can you jump?Yes, I can, but not very high.I cant jump, but I can swim. Everyone has his own gift.farkangaroofrogturtleflyown gift教学反思:1. 就本节课来看,我所采取的教学方式是可行的,我希望以朋友的姿态,闲谈的方式,在谈话式的教学中自然引出新知识,新旧知识的衔接过度比较自然,学生学得轻松,效果是明显的,达到了教学目标。2. 由于该班学生是新接任的,学生的学习方式与老师的教学模式处于磨合期,我有点担心学生是否能够很好的理解并接受新知识,在句型练习中,还不够大胆放手给学生,今后我将在这方面努力改进与探索。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(3)教案 广州版 一、 教学内容分析:本节课是Module 2 Unit 4的第一课时,学生在三年级对动物单词和四年级对动词can有了一定的认识,本节课重点让学生学习can的陈述句、否定句、一般问句及肯否定回答、二、 教学对象分析 本班学生从一年级开始学习了这套教材,具有一定的词汇量,尤其是有些动作的动词,学习英语的兴趣较浓,接受能力较强,英语基础较好,但学生的语法知识不扎实。因此,本节课通过对重点知识点进行感知操练再操练巩固等形式进行教学,力求达到让学生运用新学知识进行语言交流。三、 教学目标1 语言知识:1) 会听、说、读课文单词:kangaroo, far, frog ,turtle, fly, own, climb write, monkey ,hill 2) 初步感知can各类句型。3) 学生能流利朗读课文。2 语言技能:1) 学生能掌握本课词语并理解其意义,能运用在句子中。2) 能运用can的句型进行语言交流。3 情感态度:Everyone has his own gift在学习过程中,能增强学生学习英语的积极性和自信心,扩大学生的知识面,让学生感受到大自然的奇妙,通过学习,学生能热爱野生动物,并能自觉保护野生动物。4.学习 策略 本节课设计了学生喜闻见乐的动物本领的活动进行教学,让学生主动获取知识,并培养学生擅于发现规律进行语言知识归类的能力。四、 教学重点: Can的各种句型初步运用。五、 教学难点: kangaroo climb 单词记忆 can的运用六、 教学媒体 头饰、录音带 多媒体、图片。七、 教学过程: ProcedureTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposeLeading-in1 Sing a song“I can do it”2 Chant (P18 rhythm)1. Sing the song and do the actions together2. ChantWarm up to create a happy atmosphere of Learning EnglishPre-task1.Show some pictures about animals2.Show the picture 3.Practice the words and sentences4.Present the dialogue in this unit5.Practice the sentences about “can “on the screenLook at the animals and answer the questions1. Look at the screen carefully 2. Learn and read the new words and the sentences3. Listen Learn and read the dialogue4. Say the sentences about canTo learn sentence can and new wordsWhile-task1. Give an example to make a dialogue 2. Game5. Make a dialogue in pairs6. Play a gameTo learn more words about animals and reinforce sentence structecanPost-task1. teach the new words, and help pupils to learn the dialogue2. Sum up1. listen and read answer questions2. Oral practice3. Sum up the new knowledgeTo reinforce the listening and grasp the dialogue, how to use “can”Homework1. Read the dialogue and listen to the recorder.2. Copy the new words and dialogue or make a similar dialogue (choose one)

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