2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 8(3)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 8(3)教案 新世纪版一、教育目标:1.教育学生要养成良好的卫生习惯。2.教育学生要主动帮助家长做家务。3.教育学生在生活中要节约能源、随手关灯、关水龙头。二、知识目标:基础目标:1. 掌握Wonderland中动词词组:look at the picture, take a bath, go to school, clean the tub。2. 能根据模拟或实际语境使用句型:These are。3. 理解Grand Theatre中的句子:Finished? Not yet. What are you doing? The tub needs a bath. 并要求学生分角色表演对话。 4. 能理解并区分“Turn on the light.”和“Turn off the tap.”。5. 能认读和书写字母Ss和Tt,通过朗读,体验和感知辅音音素/s/和/t/。6能用正确的语调和节奏读儿歌:On the bus。发展目标:1. 由Wonderland中的动词短语拓展出其他短语,并能用祈使句下达指令。2. 能替换Grand Theatre中的语句,根据不同场景自编对话进行表演。3能根据Ss-/s/和Tt-/t/的发音规律独立认读某些新单词。能力目标:1. 能用正确的句子描述事物。2根据创设的情景,培养学生用英语表演小短剧的能力。三、情感、策略和文化等有关目标:1. 情感态度:培养学生做生活的小主人的情感。四、教学资源:Students book 2B P61P66Cassette 2B Unit 8Students workbook 2B P65P68Word and picture cards 2B Unit 8五、教学过程(3课时)第一课时ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-up1. Greeting2. Do actions1. By asking and answering, to know some information from the students.2. Teacher says actions and students do them.1. 通过问候,了解学生情况,创设一种轻松的学习环境。2. 老师让学生根据老师的口令做出与之相适应的动作,复习学过的动词,为学习动词词组作铺垫。While-task procedure 1Lead in: 2Task:To learn the new phrase: go to school 3Task:To learn the new phrase: look at the picture, and to learn the sentence pattern: These are4Task:To learn the left phrases: Clean the tub; take a bath5Activity:Choose the correct picture.1Question from the teacher: What do you do from Monday to Friday?Student will say: I go to school.2. Show the pictures on the board: go to school3. Let the students look at a picture. And say: Please look at the picture. What are these? (By using some pictures, to make students understand look at the picture and say the sentence pattern These are .)4. Teacher asks: What do you do after school?The students could have different answers. The teacher can show the picture of clean the tub and take a bath. Make the students read them. Focus on the word tub. And let the students know have a bath can instead of take a bath.The students choose a picture according to the teachers saying.引入:自然过渡,易于学生理解。在理解含义的基础上,强化语音、认读字型。把词组学习与句型学习有机整合起来,教师为学生做了很好的示范作用,学生会说:Look at the picture. These are 。在这个环节中,教师还可用一张有几件衣服的图片,目的让学生说:These are clothes.结合学生的实际生活, 有助于对动词词组的准确理解。通过活动:选图片,巩固所学的词组。Post-task activities 1. Brainstorming: Make a new phrase.Look at ; take ; go ; clean 2Activity:Say a sentence about the pictures.1. Encourage the students say some new phrases by using look at, take, go, clean.2. The teacher puts some pictures on the board. Let the students say a sentence by using These are or This is .通过“头脑风暴”活动,让学生说出带有“look at, take, go, clean”动词的词组。如:look at the board; take a wash/walk/rest; go to the zoo; go home; clean the desk发展学生的综合能力。通过看图说话,区别“These are”与“This is ”两种句型。第二课时ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationSing a song:Sit down youre rocking the boat.Follow the tape, have the students do actions while singing.让学生在欢乐的气氛中开始学习。 While-task procedure 1Task:To learn : Im home.Im not home.2. Task:To learn:Finished? Not yet.3. Guessing game:What are you doing?Im (doing。)4Task:To learn Grand Theatre. Show some pictures about animals houses, such as mouses house, cats house, dogs house, etc. Then, ask the students what animals house it could be? If the students cannot get the answers, the teacher can put a little animal in the houses, and says, Its my house. Now, Im home. Then, put the animal out of the house, and says, Now, Im not home. Let the students practice in pairs by using Im home. and Im not home. When the students are practicing, the teacher will ask them Finished? And let them understand the question, help them response by using Not yet.Let the students close their eyes. Teacher does actions, and asks them: What am I doing? When the students guess wrong, let them ask: What are you doing? Then, play the game in groups. Listen to the tape, and answer the questions from the teacher. Then, read it after the tape. 用猜“图片上是谁的家”,引导学生理解“Its my house. Now, Im home.”的含义。又把小动物通过放在图片上的房子里,或放在房子外,让学生学说:Im home. 或Im not home.在自然交际中理解含义,使之成为能经常用到的课堂用语。在游戏中学习句型,提高学生的理解运用能力。有意识地培养学生的听力。通过回答问题理解课文。Post-task activities petition:Which group is the best one?Group work:Role-play.通过让学生表演课文,培养运用句型及表演小短剧的能力。 第三课时ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-up:Role-playRevision the text.通过活动,复习上节课所学的内容。While-task procedureTask:To learn Music Box.2Activity:To learn Sports Club.3Task:To learn Disneyland.1. Show the pictures and let the students read after the tape. Focus on the sounds of the letter s and the letter t.2. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape. Understand their meanings. Then, according to the teachers saying, point at the correct picture. 3. First, let the students understand get on the bus by doing action. Teacher can make a group act as a bus. Moreover, teacher can give the phrase get off the bus. Finally, make them read the whole rhyme.通过听录音跟读,准确掌握字母s和t的名字及发音。 让学生通过指图片,加深对短语的理解。在学儿歌时,有拓展、有提高,更大层度地发挥学生的潜力。Post-task activities Practice:Do some exercises on the workbook.To help the students sum up the learning of the whole unit.让学生通过做练习册上的练习题,进一步巩固本单元的学习内容。附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 8(4)教案 北师大版教学目标知识目标:What are these/those? Theyre/ They are . Are these? Plural nouns (regular)能力目标:Listen and talk.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,培养学生的自信心。教学重难点:Asking and answering question about plural objects教学过程:1. ReviewUse this activity to review structures introduced in Unit 7, and the vocabulary introduced in Unit 2 and Unit 5.Whats this? Its a Is it a ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2. Model the dialogBorrow three pens, pencils, and rulers from the children.Hold up one pen and ask, “Whats this?” Elicit the answer, “Its a pen.” Repeat the procedure for pencil and ruler.Hold up a pen and repeat the question, “Whats this?”Now hold up two or three pens and say, “What are these?”Repeat the procedure using the pencils and rulers.Now have the children repeat each sentence as you hold up first one object, and then more than one. Explain that we use these when we are referring to more than one object.Practice the structure “What are these/those? Theyre ” with some objects.3. Talk about the storyHave the children open their books at the story. Display your copy of the page and ask these questions about the pictures.Where are Ann, Ken, and Mocky?What is Mocky looking at?What is Mocky holding?What other vegetables does Mocky find?Who chases Mocky?4. StoryPlay the tape, pausing at each new picture. Have the children repeat the sentence before you move on to the next picture.Play the tape again, this time without stopping.Divide the class into three groups. One group will be Mocky, the second group will be Ken, and the third group will be Ann. Teacher read the vendors line.Play one sentence at a time and point to the matching story picture. Have each group repeat its characters sentence.Read after the teacher。5. Set homeworkTell your families the English names for the vegetables.Read the text。6. 教学后记:基本的蔬菜名称都能掌握,但是要注意what are these的提问和回答不能和whats this混淆。


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