2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 第四课时教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 第四课时教案 人教新起点.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 第四课时教案 人教新起点课 题 Unit2 My Body Lesson 10课 时1课时教学内容Words: scrub swish lots of munchsnore splash take a bath exercise puff jelly Sentences: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. has .教学目标1. Can pronounce the new words well and correctly and can use them freely.2. Can make the sentences by using some words they know.3. Can make sentences with “has”教学重点To grasp the new words, the sentences and chant.板书设计Unit 2 My Body Lesson 10 Wash your hands. (scrub) Brush your teeth. (swish) Gets lots of sleep. (snore) Take a bath. (splash) Eat lots of fruits. (munch) Exercise every day. (puff) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. has .教学难点To use the word of “has” correctly.教学准备pictures word-cards tape-recorder 教 学 过 程二 次 备 课I. Organization1. T and students sing a song.2. Free talk : Whats your name?My name is /How old are you?Imyears old.II.Presentation1. Describe themselves: Hello! My name is . I have hair. I have a face. I have eyes. I have a mouth. I have legs. I have feet.2. T shows the new: wash wash your hands scrub, scrub 3. Listen and chant: Wash your hands Scrub, scrub. Brush your teeth Swish, swish. Get lots of sleep! Snore, snore. Take a bath! Splash, splash. Eat lots of fruits! Munch, munch. Exercise every day! Puff, puff. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.4. T shows the new, Ss learn to chant: has Peter has short, blond hair. Happy Helen has a hat. Jolly John has jelly. Kind Kate has a kite.家庭作业1. Listen to the tape and chant.2. Do Part D in the lesson.课后回顾附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 2(1)教学反思 人教版PEP 今天,教研室来校听我上了一堂三年级英语课。我上课的内容是Unit 2, Look at me!的第二课时。本课时主要是新授生词,目标是使学生能够听、说、读、写六个表示人体头部五官的四会单词: ear, eye, nose, mouth, face, head. 本堂课中我准备了单词卡片、挂图、头饰、录音机等教具,充分利用教具让学生更快、更好地掌握新词。本堂课最大的优点在于课党气氛非常活跃,学生回答问题、参与游戏的积极性非常高,绝大部分学生对本堂课的知识掌握得比较好。 同时,这堂课在教学过程中存在着一些不足之处,需要以后更加注意并纠正。 首先,我制作的单词卡片小了些,使坐在教室后排的部分学生很难,甚至无法看见卡片上写的单词,对上课的教学有一定的不良影响。其次,在教授新词的过程中,在部分学生提前说出了未教过的单词时,教师应及时给予鼓励,这样能很好地激发学生学习英语的兴趣。第三,在让学生抽卡片朗读的过程中,学生认读正确时,要让他充当小老师,带领其他学生一起朗读,进行巩固;学生认读有误时,给他纠正后,要让他跟读几遍,加强巩固。第四,在做游戏时,应尽量让所有学生都能参与进游戏中,不能只让部分学生参与。第五,在做“Touch you”的游戏时,学生的反应不够快,应先停下游戏,加强单词后,再继续进行游戏。 以上是我对本节课做的教学反思,这对我今后的教学有很大的帮助。


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