广西2019中考英语一轮新优化 Grade8 Book1 7-8习题.doc

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广西2019中考英语一轮新优化 Grade8 Book1 7-8习题.doc_第1页
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广西2019中考英语一轮新优化 Grade8 Book1 7-8习题.doc_第2页
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Grade 8Book 1 Units781(xx百色) Dont worry, Lucy! I will ring_ you up before we set out. 2(xx贵港) Bob hasnt seen Kim since_ they graduated from high school.单词拼写1I had a high _fever_(发烧) and coughed a lot.2It was an _awful_(糟糕的,很坏的) day.3The _wind_(风) will be stronger and the temperature will drop below zero. 4. _Sunshine_(阳光) and blue skies will stay with us for the rest of the week.5There was a heavy _storm_(风暴,暴风雨) with thunder and lightning. 6At first, I felt a slight _shake_(摇动,震动)7I started to pull myself slowly through the _dark_(黑暗)8I felt _nervous_(紧张不安的) and my heart was beating fast.9Oh, youve got a bad _cough_(咳嗽)Shall I get some medicine for you?10Some students always feel _sleepy_(困倦的) in class because of staying up.11His car _crashed_(猛撞,碰撞) into a tree, so he called 120 for help.12Its not correct to _fight_(打架) with others.13People shouldnt _throw_(扔) rubbish into the river. 14Everything seemed to be _silent_(寂静的) at that time.词形转换1It will be _mainly_(main) dry and sunny today, but it will turn more cloudy in the evening.2Then I heard shouts from _excited_(excite) people. 3I _was_sleeping_(sleep) at 10 pm. last night.4Millie _was_watching_(watch) TV when Andy came into the room. 5When we arrived at the bus stop, we saw many people _waiting_(wait) there. 6He felt so _sleepy_(sleep) in class because he watched TV late into the night.7The Whites _were_having_(have) dinner at the restaurant at seven yesterday evening.8It _was_raining_(rain) when Sandy went to school.9It is _really_(real) cold here.Youd better put on your coat.


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