2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module2Unit3(3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module2Unit3(3)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching aims: Basic aims: 1. 能用祈使句发指令。e.g. Draw the furniture.2.能用简单的过去时态谈论过去的状态。e.g.The sofa was under the window.3.能用简单的现在时态表达简单的事实。e.g. Now its near the big table.4.能用介词词组表达方位。e.g. under the windowEducation aims: 在活动中培养学生的审美情趣。Developing aims: 联系生活实际进行交际运用。Key points: 1. 能用简单的过去时态谈论过去的状态。 2. 能用简单的现在时态表达简单的事实。Difficult points: 联系生活实际进行交际运用。Teaching aids: pairs of scissors, paper, simple models of rooms for each other, etc.Preparation: Make a copy of Photocopiable pages 34 and 35 for each group. Make simple models of rooms out of cardboard for each group.Teaching procedure:.Pre-task preparation:1. Review the activity on page 32 of the Students Book. Display the Wallpicture for page 32 and invite a few pairs of students to identify the differences between the two pictures. They ask and answer about the items of furniture.e.g. S!: The sofa was beside the chairs. Where is it now?S2: Its near the window. . While-task procedure:1. 4-6 students make a group. Show some pieces of paper and pairs of scissors, and make some furniture.a. Draw some furniture.b. Colour it.c. Cut out the furniture.2. Put the furniture in the sitting room .3. Play the game in pairs.T: Look at the sitting-room. Now close your eyes. ( T moves the furniture.)T: O.K. Open your eyes. Whats different?S: The sofa was under the window. Now its near the big table. 4. Working in pairs : S1-S2, S3The students take turns to move the furniture in the room and to talk about what has changed.(S1 moves the furniture.)S1: Whats different?S2: The chair was beside the shelf . Now its near the table. The desk was Now its . .Post-task activityWorkbook page 16a. Invite students to read the words at the top of the worksheet.b. Invite different students to plete the sentences orally.c. The students fill in the missing words.d. Invite different students to read the pleted sentences.Homework:Grammar Practice Book 5B page 33.板书: Draw the furniture. Colour it. Cut out the furniture.复习上一课内容,熟练运用过去时态,为交际运用打下扎实的基础。培养学生的动手操作能力,熟练领会各种指令。装扮居室,在活动中培养学生的审美情趣。在活动中学习,其乐无穷。既培养了学生实际运用英语进行交际的能力,又充分发挥了学生的创造思维。教后随笔:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module2Unit3(4)教案 沪教牛津版Teaching aims:Basic aims: 1. 用简单的过去时态谈论过去的状态。e.g. There were five in the bed. 2. 学会唱英文歌曲 “Roll over!”。Education aims: 让学生从歌曲中受到美的熏陶。Developing aims: 能用较流利的规范的语音语调唱英文歌曲。Key points: 学会唱英文歌曲 “Roll over!”。Difficult points: 用较流利的规范的语音语调唱英文歌曲。Teaching aids: Cassette 5B and a cassette player, etc.Preparation: Bring the students furniture cut-outs.Teaching procedure:.Pre-task preparation:1. Show the students furniture cut-out sand take turns to move the furniture and to talk about what has changed. e.g. S1: The sofa was near the table. Now its beside the window.2. Talk about “Where were youyour father and mother at yesterday?”e.g. S1: Where were you at eleven?S2: I was in the park.S1: Where was your mother at eleven?S2: She was in the park, too. While-task procedure:1. Play the cassette: Listen to the song -“Roll over!”.2. Introduce: roll, using the Word and the Picture Cards.3. Introduce the sentences:a. There were five in the bed.b. There was one in the bed. 4. Play the cassette a few times. The students learn the song and sing along. They follow the words in their books.5. Sing and act.Post-task activity:Distribute a sheet of paper to each student. Working in groups, the students draw pictures to illustrate the song, following the pictures on page34 of the Students Book. Display the pictures on the classroom wall.Homework:1. Listen and to the cassette . Sing the song.2. Oxford English Shanghai Edition) Practice and Assessment 5B Part 1, Module 2, Unit 3. 板书: Song: Roll over!roll There were five in the bed. There was one in the bed. 联系学生生活实际复习过去时态,熟练运用这一时态。通过听录音让学生对所要学的歌曲有一了解,并培养其正确规范的语音语调。通过板书这两句句子,使学生了解were与was在there be 句子中的不同运用。让学生体会成功的喜悦。教后随笔:

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