2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 9 Whats Your Father?教案 新路径(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 9 Whats Your Father?教案 新路径(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 9 Whats Your Father?教案 新路径(一起)Teaching aims: Who is the woman / girl next to you? -She is my . What is she? -She is a doctor / Who is the man / boy in front of / behind you? -He is my . What is he ? -He is a worker /.Teaching difficulties: Who is she / he? - She / He is a doctor/. What does your mother / father do? -She / He is a . Words:charade cook dancer doctor driver farmer fishman nurse policeman pupil singer worker taxi-driver the pronunciation:UuTeaching methods:TPR Listen and do!Teaching aids:tape and recorder cardsTeaching steps:Organization: be optionalRevision: a. Revise the members of a family.Revise the prep.Ask and answer:T:Im a teacher.What are you?Ss:-Im a pupil.Presentation:Show pictures to learn the new words.T:What does she do?-Ss:She is a dancer.T:What does he do?Ss:-He is a driver.(cook policeman doctor nurse famer worker teacher singer football player )Make a survey.e.g. T:What is your father /?S1:-He is a cook /. etc.Look,listen and say. Uu u-e Iune cute use -ew new dew mewPractice:Ask and answer in pairs.(AB)A:What is she / he? (= What does she / he do?)B:-She / He is a.Play a game.Do the action and guess what she / he is.Make a servey. A:What is your ?B:She / He is a Then report the result to the class. This is . His / Her father / is a worker / . etc.Lets talk.Listen and repeat. Answer the questions in workbook.Listen and circle.Listen and chant.Practise the pronunciation.Read and understand the passage.Workbook: Do in class.Homework: Listen and read. Write a passage: My Family 板书设计:Lesson 9 Whats Your Father? What is your father / ?(=What does your father / mother do?)-He / She is a worker / 课后反思:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson1 Do you have a ruler教案 科普版教学目标:1、能够根据拼读规律拼出含or和ow字母组合的单词、能够会拼读和掌握本课词汇、能理解和掌握have的用法,并能用替换词造句教学重难点:能够理解和掌握have的用法,并能用替换词造句第一课时基本教学过程:a.复习“集中识词”(巩固上节课识词的单词,加深印象,逐渐形成永久记忆)The techer shows the cards and students read them.b.show the words of lesson 1(重点掌握第一课单词,使学生加深印象直至背熟)The students read the cards one by one .Step2 boot the new contenta.show some objects.Eg:pen,pencil,book,pencil-box,and so on.(复习文具用品,为学习新知打下伏笔)b.learn the new words of “dictionary,ballpen ,eraser”(利用实物学习新单词,既直观又形象,学生也很容易记忆)c.play a game.我说你做看谁反映快。(爱玩就是孩子们的天性,利用游戏的形式来练习单词,学生会乐意接受,且课堂气氛又好,效果不错)d.运用创设情景导入学习句型。(重点讲解一下“have”一词的用法)I have a pen .Do you have a pen?(教师利用实物反复说,让学生猜意思,引导 学生说出正确意思)yes,I do .e.listen to the tape(模仿是小学生最容易做到的,听录音既可以提高听力水平,又可以去模仿句子)step3 Drilla.practise in pairs(运用实物,同桌两人相互练习)b.check out.(教师抽查学生练习情况)step4 lets practicea.Learn the sentences(运用图片加配音的方法)Can I use it ,please?Certainly,Here you are.b.帮助并引导学生理解句子意思。c.check out (小学生爱表现自己,让他们利用实物进行表演,学生回记忆深刻,学的扎实)step5 Homework第二课时教学目标、进一步巩固have 句型的用法,使学生能够灵活地运用而且会用来进行简单的会话。2、能够根据拼读规律拼出含“or”和“ow”字母组合的单词。教学重难点掌握have句型,而且会灵活的运用进行简单的会话。基本教学过程Step1 RevisionA 复习集中识词段所学的本课中的单词,(反复记忆加深印象)B复习上节课的两个句型(回忆所学句型,为学习对话打下伏笔)两人一组,利用实物进行表演,(教师检查以便督促学生积极地表演)C学习单词拼读规则(掌握此规律,学生以后学习单词会很顺利,这样可以锻练他们独立拼读单词的能力)OR/c:/for shat horse morningOW/au/show know snow lowStep 2.New contenta:利用实物进行真实情景导入法(利用此方法学生很容易集中精力全神贯注地听讲.)教师提前找一个学生充当Eve,教师充当Dong Dong 导入第一部分对话b:Listen to the radio (听录音机,可以锻炼学生听力又可以去模仿读音)C: Follow the tape read it(跟录音机大声朗读,帮助学生记忆)D:read by themselves(给学生自由的空间,体现学生独立自主的能力)Step 3 boot next parta.教师利用自问自答的方式导入(方式新颖,学生乐意接受,从而记忆深刻)b.The students listen to teacher and transtate one sentence by one sentence(检查学生学习效率)c.Listen to the tape .(锻炼听力,模仿读音)d.Follow the tape (大声说出来,加深印象)Step 4 Practicea.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue(看图复述对话,直观形象)b.Look at the book and read by themselves (给学生自由发展的空间)c.show the key words and try to retell it .d.read in role (满足学生爱表现自己的愿望,给他们机会表现自己)Step 5 HomeworkRecite the dialogue板书设计Lesson 1 Do you have a ruler?Or/:/for short horse morningOw/au/show know snow low第三课时教学目标通过趣味阅读,继续巩固所学句型,并且学生能够理解课文大意,能回答与课文内容、相关的问题教学重难点理解课文大意,掌握句型并会进行简单的对话,锻炼学生的口语表达能力基本教学过程Step 1 Revisiona: Words (考查学生记忆单词情况)The teacher shows the cards and the students read them one by one B:dialogue(检查学生对对话的掌握情况,以便查漏补缺)Call some students recite the dialogue.Step 2 New contenta.Learn the phrases.(提前把重难点列出来,让学生先来学习,这样可以减轻整个课文的难度,让学生轻松学习)one from two ,two of them ,one of them,how many教师引导学生学习以上词组,并且教师做适当讲解。b.boot the dialogue教师利用挂图,录音和关键词导入此课文(声图并茂,即直观又形象)首先出示挂图,然后下边写上关键词,最后教师根据图片逐句放录音,然后再放一遍。c.The students repeat the text (模仿录音,力求读音准确) d.Call some students translate the text(检查学生理解情况)e.read by themselves(让学生自由读,体现自由发展的要求)step 3 Drilla.look at the picture and retell the text.(锻炼学生记忆和复述的能力)b.Acording to the key words try to retell the text by themselvesc.call some students retell the text.d.show some questions (检查学生是否已经理解课文)call some students answer it.Step 4 learn a song (活跃气氛,调动学生学习英语的积极性)a.Learn the words of the song.b.Listen to the tape and follow it.c.try to sing it.Step 5 sing the song together.Step 6 Homework.板书设计Lesson 1 Do you have a ruler?One form two two of themOne of them how many


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