2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8 period1教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8 period1教案 广东版开心教学目标1.句型:Whats the weather like? Its rainy in spring. Is it rainy in fall? No, its not. Its windy. Whats the weather like today? Its sunny and hot. Whens winter holiday? Its in January and February. Is January after February? No, January is before February. Whens your birthday? Its on 20th October. Whats the date today? Its October 20th. Today is my birthday.2.单词:spring summer fall winter sunny rainy windy cloudy January February March April May June July August September October November December.3.日期的缩写形式:1st 2nd 31st4.语音和单词:snail smell pencil tail bell hole yell year yacht yawn yogurt yesterday station cone train queen button bone.教学重点、难点:1.特殊疑问句的构成及回答。2.能正确辨认单词的读音及意义。教具:图画卡片、彩色粉笔、纸等。展现新课:一、Revision.1.朗读书本上的单词。2.听录音猜正确的答案。二、教授新课。1 、Play the tape.T: In Summer, whats the weather like?Ss: Its hot and sunny.T: Now, circle the correct answers.用同样的方法完成其他问题。2.任意指图,问:Whats the date today? Whats the weather like today? 学生回答后播放录音,完成其他的问题。3.先让学生看着图画和短文。T: What are they doing? Theyre having a birthday party.教师慢慢朗读课文,然后提问:Whens the girls birthday? How old is she?学生朗读课文后完成下列问题。教师巡查,然后叫六位学生把答案写在黑板上,核对答案。齐读。4.Play the tape, students listen first. Then teach j yawn. Lets find the sound j. Play the tape again.找出发j的其他单词。再找出发n l的单词,然后分类。Read after the tape.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8(3)教案 广东版开心Teaching objectives:1. Review the words and sentences in Unit 5 to Unit 7.2. Finish the exercises from Practice 14.Teaching key points:Review the words and sentences in Unit 5-7.Teaching difficult points;Finish exercisesTeaching aids:Picture cards, tape Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review 1. Review the words with the picture cards. 2. Free talk with students with the sentences in Unit 5 7.Step 2 Presentation(Activities)一、Getting ready:1Ask individual Ss read the words on the page aloud for the class.2With a more able class, ask Ss to guess the correct answers before listening.Using the book: T: Now listen to the tape. Play the tape for A, and then pause. T: In summer, its(Gesture for Ss to answer.) Ss: hot and sunny. T: Great1! You guessed right!(For classes with guessing work done before listening.) T: Now, circle the correct answers. Continue with the rest of the questions.Answer key A-hot and sunny, B-before April, C-February 7th, D-the date today, E-rainy today.2Getting ready: Point to the pictures at random. Ask a question that corresponds with the picture. T:(Point to the calendar page of April 23rd.) Whats the date today? Ss: its April 23rd. T:(Point to the symbols of hot and rainy.) Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its hot and rainy.Using the book: Have Ss look at the pictures. T: Lets listen to the tape. Play the tape for A, and then pause. T: Whats the date today? Ss: its April 23rd. T: Put a checkmark in the box for the correct picture. Repeat the procedures with the other five questions.Answer key A-April 23rd, B-hot and rainy, C-March/April/May/June, D-August 20th, E-July, F-windy.3. Getting ready: T:(SI s name),whats your favorite season?S1: I like(winter) the best./(Winter) is my favorite season. T:(S2s name), whats the weather like in winter?S2: Its cold in winter.Using the book: Have Ss look at the picture and the paragraph on the page. T:(Point to the picture.) What are they doing? Ss: Theyre having a birthday party. Read the paragraph aloud slowly. T:(S1s name), whens the girls birthday?S1: Its (on) November 19th. T:(S2s name), how old is the girl?S2: shes 12 years old. Ask Ss to read the paragraph again and the questions blew. Give Ss time to write the answers on the page. Walk around the classroom to check how Ss are doing. Find some Ss who are writing the right answers. Have six Ss write the answers on the board so that other Ss can check their work.Answer key A-Fall is her favorite season. B-Its windy but its sunny and cool. C-Her birthday is in November/on November 19th. D-Today is November 19th. E-Shes 12 years old, F-Im (ten) years old. (Answers may vary.)4. Getting ready: Ask individual Ss to read the words out loud.Using the book: Point to the word yawn. T:/j/, /j/. Yawn. Ill play the tape. Lets find the sound/j/. Play the tape. T: Can you find the other words with the sound/j/? If you do, circle them. T: Now listen and circle words for B and C. Play the tape for B and C.Answer key A-yo-yo, yellow, yogurt B-bone, sun, open C-baseball, whale, pullStep 3 PracticesWriting Book Page 27 and Step 4 Summary Sum up what we have learned today.Step 5 Homework Read and recite from Unit 5 to Unit 7 . Finish Page45 part on your Book.Blackboard Writing: Whats the girls favorite season? Whats the weather like in fall? Whens the girls birthday? How old is the girl?


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