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2019-2020年六年级英语七册第一单元测试题 School_Class_Name_ Score_ 黄岩实验小学 俞洁第一部分 听力部分 (30%)一Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出你听到的字母组合。) 5%1. A. cnn B. snn 2A. kr B. ki 3. A. wpt B. ubk 4. A. ztg B. ctj 5. A. ysfq B. icxk二Listen and tick. (听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片) 8%. ( ) 1. ( ) 2. A. B. A. B.( ) 3. ( ) 4. A.B. A. B. 三Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。) 5%( )1. A. bike B. subway C. ship ( )2 .A. yellow B. red C. green ( )3. A. fast B. foot C. bus ( )4. A. stop B. wait C. go ( )5. A. No.13 B. No.17 C. N0.16 四. Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,正确的打“”。)12%waynamebikefootsubwaybusmotorbikeMr. BlackLiu YunWu YifanBai Ling第二部分 笔试部分 (70%)五. Read and colour. (读一读,并给相应的交通灯涂色。)6%1. look! Its the light, so we must wait.2. look! Its the light, so we must stop. 3. look! Its the light, so we can go.六.Think and arrange. (想一想,按单词的首字母在字母表中的先后顺序用数字重新排序。如果首字母相同则按照它们的第二个字母。)10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七.Read and match.(读一读,配一配。) 10% 1. car 2. ship 3. bus 4. train 5. plane ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. B. C. D. E. 八.Read and choose. ( 读一读,选一选。)10% ( ) 1.Usually I go to school on_. A. bike B. foot C. plane ( )2. _ do you go to school? A. How B. Who C. Where ( )3.In England and Australia, drivers drive on the _side of the road. A. left B. right C. straight( )4._ at a yellow light.A. Stop B. Wait C. Go( )5.If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the _ . A. traffic lights B. traffic C. traffic light ( )6.Can I go on foot? A. Yes, you can. B. I go there on foot. ( )7. Look at the traffic lights. A. We must stop. B. Its not far.( )8.How can I get to the supermarket? A. You can get there by bike. B. Yes , you can.( )9.当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候,你应该说:A. Lets go to the zoo. B. How do you go to the zoo?( )10.当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:A. Do you go to Australia by plane? B. How do you go to Australia? 九.Read and write.(按要求完成下面的句子。)16% 本题比分太高 难度偏大1.A yellow light means2.The three colours of the traffic lights are red3.Can you go to Canada by plane?(作肯定回答。) 4.I go to school by subway.(对划线部分提问。)划线呢? 十.Read and choose.(读一读,选一选。)8%( )1.You can go by train. ( )2.You can go straight.( )3. Go at a green light. ( )4.I go to schoolby bus.A. B. C. D. 十一.Read and tick or cross.( 阅读理解, 正确的打“”,错误的打“”。)10%Mr.Green: Good morning, Mr Wu! How do you usually go to work?Mr.Wu: I usually go to work by bike. But sometimes I go on foot. I like walking.Mr.Green: Walking is good. Look at the sun. Its a fine day for walking today.Mr.Wu: Thats right. And the air today is nice and clean. What about you? Do you often go to work by bike?Mr.Green: Yes, but not today.Mr.Wu: Why not?Mr.Green: My bike is broken. ( )1.Sometimes Mr. Wu goes to work on foot.( )2.Mr. Wu likes riding.( )3.Mr. Green often go to work by bike.( )4.The weather is nice and clean today.( )5.Mr .Wus bike is broken。六年级英语七册第一单元测试题听力材料一1snn 2.kr 3.vbk 4.ctj 5. icxk二1bike 2.plane 3.train 4.ship三1subway 2.red 3.foot 4.go 5.NO.13 缺少短语四 Hi! My name is Bai Ling. I go to school by bike everyday.This is my English teacher, Mr.Black. He goes to school by bike everyday. This is my friend ,Liu Yun. She usually goes to school on foot . This is Wu Yifan. Sometimes he goes to school by bus. 参考答案一B A B B A 二A B A B 三B B B C A四.waynamebikefootsubwaybusmotorbikeMr. BlackLiu YunWu YifanBai Ling五黄色, 红色, 绿色 六4,3,1,2,5七B D C E A 八1-5B A A B A 6-10A A A A B九1.wait 2. yellow green 3.Yes, I can. 4. How do you go to school?十. B C D A 十一. 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上Unit 1- 3测试题I.从下列各组字母中选出所含元音因素与其他三项不同的选项(10)( )1. A. Jj B. Gg C. Kk D. Hh( )2. A. Cc B. Hh C. Gg D. Dd( )3. A. Ll B. Ii C. Nn D. Mm( )4. A.Ff B. Dd C. Ee D. Bb( )5. A. Jj B. Aa C. Kk D. FfII.英汉互译(10) 1.in English _ 2.你好吗?_ 3.NBA _ 4. UN _ 5. an orange _ 6.一把钥匙 _7. 一张中国地图_ 8.晚上好! _9. 请拼一下它_ 10.什么颜色_III按要求写出相应的形式(10) 1.hi (近义词) _ 2. this (对应词) _ 3.are (同音字母) _ 4.Its (完全形式) _ 5. what is (缩写形式) _ 6. U (同音词) _ 7. I am (缩写形式) _ 8. 用英语(汉译英) _ 9. 一支钢笔(汉译英) _ 10.黑白相间(汉译英) _IV.单项选择(30) ( )1.- Is it _ orange? - No, it is_ ball. A. an, an B. an, a C. a, an D. a, a ( )2.- _you Wei Hua? - Yes, I_. A. are, am B. Are, is C. Are, am D. Is, am ( )3. ._ 是“英国广播公司”的英文缩写。 A.CBA B. BBC C. ABC D.UN( )4. _ is Mary. A. My name B. Im C. You D. He( )5. _ is my English teacher. A. Zhang teacher B. Teacher Zhang C. Zhang Miss D. Miss Zhang( ) 6.下面与A发音有相同之处的是_.A. Ee B. Ii C. Hh D Bb( )7下列哪一组字母代表“中国中央电视台”? A. PLA B. CCTV C. PRC D. VOA( )8. kg代表_. A. 克 B. 厘米 C.千克或公斤 D. 斤 ( )9.- e here, please.-_-A. No, Im not B. All right C. Im OK D. Thank you ( )10. 找出都是三笔完成的一组字母是_.A. AEHIF B.AHIME C. NKHIE D.ABKMN ( )11. 按英语字母表的顺序,下列字母中所缺少的字母是_. a b c e f h I j k l n o p r sA. d , f, n, q B. c, g , m , s C. e, g , o , t D. d, g, m, q ( )12. Look! _ a car.A. Thiss B. Thats C. It D That ( )13. Theres _“u ”, _“s ”and _“e” in the word “use”.A. an; an; an B. a; an ; a C. a ; an ; an D. an; a; an ( )14. -Nice to meet you, Miss Yang. - _. Mr. Chen.A. Me too B. Nice to meet you C. Im, too D. Im very happy ( )15. - Im a Chinese. And you? - _. A. An Chinese, too B. English C. Im English D. EnglandV根据汉语意思完成句子(10)1 请拼写单词“jacket”。_ the word “jacket” , _.2 这个用英语说是一把钥匙。 This is a _ in _.3 晚上好,艾丽丝!_ _ , Alice.4 这个用英语说是什么?_ _ in English.5. What _ is it ? (颜色)Its _. (红色的)VI. 完形填空(10)I _1_ a picture. Its a picture _2_ a school. _3_ the picture you can see a school and some trees, You can see some boys and girls, too. The trees are _4_ . The school is a middle school. Look _5_these two boys. _6_ they good friends _7_brothers? _8_ is their teacher? Oh, sorry, I _9_ _10_.( )1. A. am B. is C. have D. are( )2. A. to B. of C. at D. and( )3. A. On B. To C. In D. or( )4. A. red B. black C. green D. white( )5. A. at B. to C. like D. of( )6. A. Be B. Am C. Is D. Are( )7. A. and B. but C. or D. of( )8. A. Who B. What C. How D. Where( )9. A. am not B. dont C. cant D. arent( )10. A. know B. look C. do D. meetVII.阅读理解(20)A根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的用(T), 错误的用(F)At school I have a good friend. He is an English boy. His name is Tom. He is twelve. We are in No.10 Middle School. Were not in the same class. He is in Class 4, Grade 1. Im in Class2, Grade 1. Toms sister is not a student. Her name is Jane. She is five. Shes a nice girl.Miss Liu is our English teacher. She is thirty. Mr. Liu is Toms English teacher .He is thirty, too. Theyre good friends and good teachers. ( )1. Tom is American. ( )2. We arent in the same school ( )3. Tom is in Class Four, Grade One. ( )4. Jane is Toms sister.( )5. Miss Liu is Toms English teacher.B根据对话内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的用(T), 错误的用(F) Teacher: Good morning, class! Students: Good morning, teacher! Teacher: My name is Yang Lei. You can call me Miss Yang. Tom: Im Tom. This is Eric. Eric : Nice to meet you, Miss Yang. Well like you. ( )1. Miss Yang is a new teacher. ( )2. Eric和杨老师是第一次见面。 ( )3.Eric和Tom也是第一次见面。 ( )4. 杨老师是位男老师。( )5. Tom 和杨老师以前曾见过面。


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