2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 广州版一、教学内容Unit 4 Wash Your Face Dialogue二、教学目标1语言知识目标:1)能掌握下列语言:单词:“三会”:wash , brush , all , right, dad , clean , mum , teeth , “四会”:your, Mrs, but,短语:wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth句型:All right. OK.2)语法: 初步感知指令性语言。2语言技能目标:1)能听说并认读本课的单词、词组和句型。2)能用本课的词组发出指令并做出相应的动作。3)能念本课的小诗(改编后),并配上相应的动作。4) 能唱本课的歌曲,并配上相应的动作。5)能听说认读理解课文。3教学策略目标:通过游戏教学,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。三、教学重点1)本课“三会”和“四会”的语言知识。2)本课所学的指令性语言wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth3)本课课文。四、教学难点1)单词的准确发音,如wash , brush , clean, teeth。2)新词but的准确理解。3) 句型的准确理解及正确运用。五、教学过程Warming up1Sing a song播放迪士尼英语歌碟,让学生听Funny Faces这首歌。(目的:营造轻松的课堂氛围并让学生复习身体部位的单词。)2复习部分身体部位单词。1)复习部分身体部位单词,并学习新词teeth。利用自制课件或者拿图片复习身体部位单词。课件说明:用各种形状遮住身体部分的一部分,让学生猜是什么。也可拿图片遮住一部分让学生猜。可以顺便学习新单词teeth,教师先呈现再教授。2)Simon says游戏复习身体部位单词,并学习新词your。教师发指令玩Simon says游戏:Touch your nosemouthheadhandhair等等。(目的:这是个发指令的游戏,可为学习wash your hands等词组做了铺垫。在这里学习单词your,化解了难点,避免了新词一起教的麻烦,既可复习旧知又可学习新知。) Presentation andl practice1情景整体呈现新词组:wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth。(目的:避免直接引出的单调,让学生在不知不觉中游戏中学习知识。)1)教师向学生提问每天早上上学前在家里做了什么?然后教师告诉学生自己做了什么:Every morning, I(usually) wash my hands, then I clean my teeth, and then I wash my face and clean my ears, at last I brush my hair .教师带毛巾,牙刷,棉签和梳子,一边讲一边做动作,学生听和看。希望学生通过听和看理解句子意思。2)教师边说边做动作,学生跟着老师做动作。帮助学生把句子的音义联系起来。3)教师说句子,学生仿说句子。教师板书新词组,教师读学生指认,最后教师带读。解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难。4)学生小组内练习。2操练新词组。1) 念本课的小诗(改编后)。念小诗的目的是操练新词组,并让学生认识元音字母,有两个短语较难所以改编为学生易上口的内容,同时兼顾到了押韵。改编后小诗如下:A,A,A Wash your face.E,E,E Brush your teeth.I, I, I Clean your eyes.O,O,O Clean your nose.U,U,U Thank you, thank you. 2) 唱本课的歌曲:This is the wayA: 第一遍,学生听并做动作;B: 第二、三遍,学生跟唱,做动作。(这首歌曲旋律很容易上口,主要的歌词都是刚学习的新词组,在这里唱有两个目的:一是可以操练新词组,让学生达到熟练的程度;二是三年级学生年龄偏小,在这个时候唱歌休息一下可以缓解学习的疲劳。)3情景呈现礼貌答语All right. OK. 1) 刚才唱歌做动作学生很兴奋可能会把头发弄乱,教师向一个头发比较乱的同学发出指令:xxx, brush your hair,please. 并引导学生回答OK,教师加手势帮助理解。 教师带读句子并板书。教师再向其它几个同学发出指令,告诉学生也可以用All right.回答。教师带读句子并板书。2)小组内操练:一生发命令,一生回答并做动作。(目的:可以巩固词组与句型。但是要向学生们强调待人要礼貌。)Consolidation 1教师播放光碟,第一遍,要求学生听并能做动作。检查学生对新知识的掌握程度。2第二遍,学生听课文。3跟读课文2次。4教师帮助学生解决单词Mrs, but, dad , muma)让学生找出不明白的地方,进行讨论,比如Mrs, butb)让学生小组内讨论c)学生解释,若不全面,老师可加引导。让学生反复读But mum的上下文,引导学生透彻理解But mum的语境,帮助学生能较好地理解but的意思。5学生小组内,集体朗读课文。6教师在黑板上出示课文插图和句子,让学生连线认读。(目的:解决学生刚学习英语认读的困难,也是检测学习效果。)Conclusion 1看图说句子(课本P17第2题)检测学习效果。1)老师引导学生看图中的人物。2)让学生小组内讨论。3)个别抽检。2教师引导学生总结本节课所学内容Homework1抄写并拼读新单词。2听读课文20分钟,程度不是很好的学生边听边用手指指读,解决认读的难点。3运用词组wash your hands, wash your face, brush your hair, clean your ears, clean your teeth和父母玩指令性游戏,并教会父母用All right和OK.回答。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(3)教案 广州版Team备课小组Author执笔 Date Module/Topic 模块及话题Module 2Unit 单元4Title 题目New wordsPeriod课时1Type of lesson 课型New LessonObjectives:教学目标1.Language knowledge语言知识:Vocabulary: hand hair face ear but head nose mouth arm leg foot eye 2.Language skill语言技能:1)The students could read and understand the words about body, such as head, face, hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth, arm, hand, leg and foot.2) The students could read this dialogue and act this dialogue out by themselves.3.Learning Strategies学习策略:1) Direct teaching method: Help students to prehend the new words about body through English song, cards, and games.2) Quick- response teaching method: arrange some amazing games to stimulate students to participate in class actively.Difficulties Analysis教学难点分析:The new words about body in this dialogue.The students could distinguish these words and could match them correctly.The students could distinguish the pronunciation of “hair” “head” and “handTeachingAids/Media主要教学媒体 电脑多媒体,图片,投影, Flash, English songs. CAITeaching Resource教学资源课外相关的资源,如阅读材料,教学课件,网络资源及其网址等等。Teaching Procedures 教学过程Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤(明确教学的每一个活动的设计,写清楚活动的具体造作步骤。)Learning strategies 学生学习策略(每一个教学活动,所有学生或部分学生的主要学习行为/任务的具体描述。)Purpose设计意图(从为达成目标、解决难点或形成技能等方面做具体的描述。)Warming-upPerformance III. presentationIV. Post-task1. Greetings2. English song3. Presentation4. Presentationand performance5. game1. ask the students to appreciate and follow the English song “my body”2. T: now today well learn unit4. In this unit, well learn some words about our body.3. Present several pictures to the students, (pictures about eye, nose, face and hand.) students could 4. Stick the picture of a person on the blackboard. The teacher points any part of the body, and the students tell its corresponding English words.5. Since the students are already a bit familiar with the words, its better to develop a game to consolidate these words and meanwhile create a relatively active class atmosphere. The teacher speaks out a word about the body, and then the students to point its corresponding part. See which group did best. 6. Ask the students to take out a piece of paper, and draw a person on it. They should match the correct English words to its body. For this part, the teacher could give an example on the blackboard.7. This time, the students draw the person according to the teachers mand. For example, the teacher orders:Draw the head_ the eyes- the nose-the mouth-the ears-the hair-the arms-the hands-the legs-the feet.And the students follow the teachers order to draw the order, and see who did best.8. Ask a student to e to the front of the class, the student point any part of his body, and then the other students tell the according English words.To help students get familiar with the words about body.To draw students interest.To make preparations for the following learning of the new words.To draw students attentionTo consolidate their acquirement of the new words through interesting activity.To practice the words in the way they are interested.Excuse/Worksheet练习(任务)设计Go over the new words about body in this unitAsk the students to make a card about a person, and give the correct English words.Evaluation 教学评估这一单元主要是介绍和身体部位相关的词, 可以通过图片, 动画, 甚至身体的各个部位本身去呈现这些单词, 使学生在游戏和玩乐中操练这些单词, 了解他们的意思, 并掌握正确的发音, 鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各个环节。Designing on the board:板书


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