(贵阳专版)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 Units 7-12(精讲)检测.doc

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(贵阳专版)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 Units 7-12(精讲)检测.doc_第1页
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(贵阳专版)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 Units 7-12(精讲)检测.doc_第3页
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七年级(下)Units 712中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.rain(v.& n)_rainy_(adj.)阴雨的;多雨的2.sun(n.)_sunny_(adj.)晴朗的3.bad(adj.)_worse_(比较级)更糟糕的_worst_(最高级)最糟糕的4.dry(adj.)_wet_(反义词)湿的5.cold(adj.)_hot_(反义词)热的6.snow(v.& n)_snowy_(adj.)下雪的7.high(adj.)_height_(n.)高度8.farm(n.)_farmer_(n.)农民;农场主9.slow(adj.)_fast/quick_(反义词)快的10.mouse(n.)_mice_(pl.)老鼠;耗子11.act(v.)_action_(n.)动作_actor_(n.)演员_actress_(n.)女演员12.wake(v.)_woke_(过去式)_waken_(过去分词)弄醒;醒_awake_(adj.)醒着的13.person(n.)_personal_(adj.)个人的14.sheep(n.)_sheep_(pl.)羊;绵羊15.cheap(adj.)_expensive/dear_(反义词)昂贵的16.thin(adj.)_fat/heavy_(反义词)胖的;重的_thick_(反义词)浓密的;厚的_thinner_(比较级)更瘦的;更薄的_thinnest_(最高级)最瘦的;最薄的17.potato(n.)_potatoes_(pl.)土豆;马铃薯18.love(v.& n)_lovely_(adj.)可爱的19.nature(n.)_natural_(adj.)自然的20.surprise(n.)_surprising_(adj.)令人吃惊的_surprised_(adj.)感到惊讶的21.different(adj.)_difference_(n.)不同;区别_differently_(adv.)不同地_same_(adj.的反义词)相同的22.hear(v.)_heard_(过去式/过去分词)听到;听见短语归纳1.给某人捎个口信;传话_take_a_message_for_sb._2.度假 _on_(a)_vacation_3.警察局 _police_station_4.付费电话 _pay_phone_5.在对面 _across_from_6.在前面 _in_front_of_7.沿着(这条街)走 _go_along_(the_street)_8.向右/左转 _turn_right/left_9.花时间 _spend_time_10.喜欢阅读 _enjoy_reading_11.一点;少量 _a_little/bit_12.最后 _in_the_end_ 13.点菜_take_ones_order_14.许愿 _make_a_wish_15.给带来好运_bring_good_luck_to_16.受欢迎;流行 _get_popular_17.给奶牛挤奶 _milk_a_cow_18.骑马 _ride_a_horse_19.喂鸡 _feed_chickens_20.在乡下;在农村_in_the_countryside_21.总的说来 _all_in_all_22.对感兴趣 _be_interested_in_23.深夜不睡;熬夜_stay_up_late_24.跑开 _run_away_25.放风筝 _fly_a_kite_26.搭起;举起 _put_up_27.吃惊 _get_a_surprise_28.上上下下;起伏 _up_and_down_句型再现(含情景交际)1.(谈论天气)“北京的天气怎么样?”“天气晴朗。”_Whats_the_weather_like/Hows_the_weather_ in Beijing?Its sunny.2.“近来可好?”“还不错。”_Hows_it_going_?Not bad.3.你能否告诉他给我回个电话?Could you just _tell_him_to_call_me_back_?4.我正开心地拜访我在加拿大的姑姑。_Im_having_a_great_time_visiting_ my aunt in Canada.5.你们国家现在很热,对吗?Its hot in your country now,_isnt_it_?6.要去那儿的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右拐。_To_get_there_,I usually walk out and _turn_right_ on Bridge Road.7.图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。The library is very quiet and I _enjoy_reading_ there.8.(描述人物外貌)“她长什么样?”“她留着长直发。”_What_does_she_look_like_?She _has_long_straight_hair_.9.(点餐)“你需要什么?”“我还没想好。”_What_would_ you like?_Im_not_sure_ yet.10.(点餐)你想吃哪种面条?_What_kind_of_noodles_ would you like?11.蜡烛的数量就是这个人的年龄。_The_number_of_candles_is_ the persons age.12.如果他(她)一口气把蜡烛全部吹灭的话,许的愿望便会成真。If he or she blows out all the candles_in_one_go_,the wish _will_e_true_.13.卡萝尔拍了些照片吗?_Did_Carol _take_any_photos_?14.(谈论活动及感受)“你上周的旅行怎么样?”“棒极了。”_How_was_ your trip last week?It was _excellent_.15.然后导游教我们如何制作机器人模型。Then the guide taught us _how_to_make_a_model_robot_.16.礼品店里的东西这么贵。我一点都不喜欢这次旅行。The things in the gift shop were so expensive.I _didnt_like_the_trip_at_all_.17.这就是为什么学习第二语言很重要。Thats why _its_important_to_learn_ a second language.18.作为一份特殊的礼物,我们的父母带我们去了印度。As a special gift,our parents _took_us_to_India_.19.在那里我们架起帐篷,生火取暖并做饭。There we put up our tents and made a fire _to_keep_us_warm_ and cook food on.20.但是我太累了,所以早早就睡觉了。But I was _so_tired_that_ I went to sleep early.21.我们看见一条大蛇正在篝火附近睡觉。We saw a big snake _sleeping_near_the_fire_.语法1.一般过去时(详见第二编P128)2.there be句型(详见第二编P139)3.地点介词(详见第二编P107)4.选择疑问句(详见第二编P135)5.would like的用法6.some与any的用法(详见第一编P99)话题Unit 7 The weather(天气)Unit 8 The neighborhood(邻里之间)Unit 9 Physical appearance(外貌特征)Unit 10 Food(食物)Unit 11 School trips(校园旅行)Unit 12 Weekend activities(周末活动)素材包校园旅行(一)旅游注意事项:1.We should obey rules while travelling.2.We arent allowed to pick flowers or grass.3.After the picnic,please take all your things away.4.Dont take photos in the museum.5.Stay together,or you may get lost.(二)旅行的见闻:1.We took lots of beautiful photos/pictures on the beach.2.I enjoy seeing beautiful flowers when walking around the village.3.I felt like a fish when I swam in the sea.(三)旅行后的心情、感受:1.We enjoyed ourselves during the trip.2.How I wish I could go there next time!3.We felt happy though/although we felt a little tired.4.Well never forget this trip.贵阳中考重难点突破辨析news,information与message (教材七下P38)【满分点拨】词汇含义词性用法短语news新闻不可数名词指广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体发布的社会各方面的最新消息a piece of news一条消息information信息;消息不可数名词阅读、观察、谈话或者书信中特别关注的消息、资料等,这里侧重内容get some information获取信息message信息;消息可数名词指音讯,一般指口头传递的或者书写的“消息”take a message捎个口信message,news,information1I have a piece of good _news_ to tell you.I passed the exam.2(贵州红色文化题)Students can learn some _information_ about Zunyi Meeting from history books.3Mr.Brown is having a meeting now.May I take your _message_?( B )4.(xx河北中考改编)Did you hear the _?A scientist will visit our school.AadviceBnewsCpraise辨析few,a few,little与a little(教材七下P50)【满分点拨】单词及短语用法例句few表否定,意为“几乎没有”,修饰可数名词He has few friends here.这儿他几乎没有朋友。a few表肯定,意为“有一点儿”,修饰可数名词There are a few apples in the basket.篮子里有几个苹果。little表否定,意为“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词There is little water in the bottle.瓶子里几乎没水了。a little表肯定,意为“有一点儿”,修饰不可数名词Dont worry.There is a little time left.别担心,还有一点时间。few,a few,little,a little1There are _few_books left.We cant lend you any one.2Li Ping has learned Russian for four years,and he can speak _a_little_ Russian now.3I have _little_ pocket money,so I cant buy my favorite toy.4Tom has quite _a_few_hobbies such as collecting stamps and flying kites.辨析cost,spend,pay与take (教材七下P47)【满分点拨】词汇用法例句cost“花费”,主语必须是物或某种活动。常见句型sth.cost“某物花费”The dictionary cost me 20 dollars.这本字典花费了我20美元。spend“花费”,主语是人。常用于sb.spend(s) some time/some money on sth./(in) doing sth.“某人花费时间/金钱做某事”He spent three days on the work.He spent three days doing the work.他做这项工作用了三天的时间。pay“付款;支付”,主语是人,常见搭配pay for“付费”He has paid 50 dollars for the medicine.他已经付了50美元买药。take“花费”,常用句型It takes sb.some time to do sth.“花费某人多长时间去做某事”It took me three months to draw the beautiful flowers.画这些漂亮的花用了我三个月的时间。pay,spend,cost,take1My sister _paid_ 30 dollars for a pair of jeans.2(贵阳特色题)It _took_ us less than an hour to drive from Wengan to Guiyang on the highway.3The dictionary _cost_ her five dollars.4Tom used to _spend_ much time playing puter games.( C )5.(热点题)It takes me one and a half hours _ the TV program Happy Camp(快乐大本营) every Saturday evening.Awatch Bwatching Cto watch辨析across,cross,through,over与past(教材七下P44)【满分点拨】(1)across 介词,“横越;穿过”,指从表面走,从一边到另一边。如:go across the street穿过街道(2)cross 动词,“横越;穿过”,指从表面走,从一边到另一边。如:cross the street穿过街道(3)through 介词,“穿越”,指从空间内部穿过。如:go through the forest 穿过森林(4)over 介词,“越过”,指从上方越过,或超过一段距离或一段时间。如:fly over the city飞过城市(5)past 介词,“经过”,指从旁边经过。如:walk past the desk 从桌子旁走过across,cross,through,past,over1Theres a bank right _across_ the street.2If we cant go _over_ the mountain,we must go around it.3We looked _through_ the window and saw some children playing on the playground.4She went _past_ the classroom of Class 4.5His father _crossed_ the street from the post office.enjoy的用法 (教材七下P47)【满分点拨】(1)enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事;享受做某事的乐趣”。(2)enjoy oneself 意为“玩得开心”,相当于have fun/have a good time,常用于表达祝福,后面可以接doing结构。(3)enjoy的形容词是enjoyable,意为“愉快的;快乐的”。( C )1.(热点题)Nowadays many people enjoy _the program Waiting for me(等着我) on CCTV1. Awatch Bto watch Cwatching( B )2.(xx黔南中考改编)Wele you all to China and enjoy_ here.Ayourself Byourselves Cthemselveswould like的用法 (教材七下P55)【满分点拨】d like是would like的缩写形式,would like相当于want。其常见用法有:(1)would like to do sth.want to do sth.想要做某事(2)would like sb.to do sth.want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事(3)Would you like sth.?你想要某物吗?(客气请求)肯定答语:Yes,please.否定答语:No,thanks.(4)Would you like to do sth.?你愿意做某事吗?(表示请求、建议)肯定答语:Yes,Id like/love to.否定答语:Id love to,but( C )1.(贵州背景特色题)Id like _ Huangguoshu Waterfall this vacation.Can you go with me?Sorry,I cant.Avisit Bvisited Cto visit( C )2.(毕节文化信息题)Would you like to celebrate the Torch Festival(火把节) with us?_.ASorry,Id love toBYes,I doCSure,Id love toHows the weather?天气如何? (教材七下P39)【满分点拨】Hows the weather(in地点in月份/季节)?Whats the weather like(in地点in月份/季节)?意为“天气怎么样?”how为疑问副词,weather为不可数名词。它的回答为“Its表示天气的形容词”或“Itsv.ing形式”。如:Its sunny(阳光明媚的)/cloudy(多云的)/snowy(下雪的)/rainy(多雨的)/windy(有风的)/foggy(有雾的)Its raining/snowing.正在下雨/下雪。【温馨提示】以上句型中be动词的形式根据不同的时态(现在、过去或将来)而变化。如:How was the weather in Guiyang yesterday?What was the weather like in Guiyang yesterday?贵阳昨天的天气怎么样?How will the weather be tomorrow?What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?1How was the weather last Sunday?(改为同义句)_What_was_the_weather_like_ last Sunday?2Its cloudy today.(对画线部分提问)_Hows_the_weather_today/Whats_the_weather_like_today_?What does he look like?他长什么样? (教材七下P49)【满分点拨】What does/do主语look like?用来询问某人的外貌特征,意思是“长什么样?”,常用“主语be描述人物外貌特征的形容词”或“主语have/has名词(名词前可以有多个形容词修饰)”两种方式回答。如:What does your friend look like?你的朋友长什么样?He is short and thin.他又矮又瘦。【归纳拓展】(1)“What is sb.like?”意为“某人是怎样的人?”,主要用来询问人的性格、品质等内在特征。如:What is your father like?你爸爸是怎样的一个人?He is tall and handsome,and hes very kind.他又高又帅,而且还很善良。(2)“What does sb.like?”意为“某人喜欢什么?”,主要用来询问爱好。如:What does your father like?你爸爸喜欢什么?He likes reading books.他喜欢看书。( A )1.Whats Tony like?_AHe is clever and confidentBHe likes playing the guitarCHe likes sports( B )2.What does your friend like?_AShe wears glassesBShe likes singing and dancingCShe is outgoingThere be句型 (教材七下P45)【满分点拨】(1)There be句型表示的是“某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其肯定句式结构为:There be(is,are)名词地点状语;否定句式结构为There isnt/arent名词地点状语。如: There are two erasers in my pencil box.我的铅笔盒里有两块橡皮。There is a tall tree in front of the house.房子前有一棵大树。 There isnt a bank on Bridge Street.大桥街上没有银行。 There arent any basketballs in the classroom.教室里没有篮球。(2)There be句型的一般疑问句及回答是:Is/Are there?Yes,there is/are./No,there isnt/arent.如:Is there a restaurant near here?这附近有餐馆吗? Yes,there is.是的,有。Are there any students in the classroom?教室里有学生吗?No,there arent.不, 没有。(3)There be 句型中的主谓一致原则There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词,或是不可数名词,be动词用“is”;如果句子的主语是复数名词,be动词就用“are”;如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的“就近原则”。如: There is an orange and some bananas on the table.桌子上有一个橙子和一些香蕉。 There are some books and a ruler on the desk.书桌上有一些书和一把尺子。(4)句型“There be主语v.ing地点”表示“在地方有(人/事)正在”。如:There is someone singing in the next room.隔壁有人正在唱歌。1Look!There is a cat_sleeping_(sleep) under the table.2There_is_(be) a lot of rain in this area in June every year.3There_are_(be) some boys and a girl in the classroom.( C )4.(xx湘西中考)Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?_.Its just between my house and a post office.AYes,it isBNo,there isntCYes,there is随堂知识巩固一、单项选择。( C )1.(xx襄阳中考改编)Is your brother at home?I want to tell him about our picnic.【考点】Oh,he is out at the moment.Can I _ a message for him?Afind Bgive Ctake ( C )2. (xx凉山州中考改编)Can you help me meet my friend Steve at the airport,Joe?With pleasure.What does he look like?He_ of medium height and he _ small eyes.Ahas;has Bis;is Cis;has( B )3.(新信息题)Chinese people were_ when they knew Wu Dajing won the first place in 500 m short track speed skating(500米短道速滑)Aexcite Bexcited Cexciting( C )4. (xx乌鲁木齐中考改编)_ people prefer HUAWEI phones,and about _ of them are adults.AThe number of;fourfifthsBA number of;fourfifth CA number of;fourfifths( A )5.(xx南京中考改编)Do you have this Tshirt in a small _?Im afraid not.It only es in medium.Asize Bcolour Cmaterial( A )6.(新信息题)These days many people_ to see the Jakarta Asian Games(雅加达亚运会)Astay up Btake up Cpick up二、(初高衔接题)下列句子均有一项错误,请找出并改正。1How is the weather like in Guiyang?【考点】_HowWhat或like_2Tony and Tom enjoy read in the library.【考点】_readreading_3They went to a park yesterday and have a picnic._havehad_4Id like play badminton.【考点】_like与play之间加to_5Mr.Li prefers coffee has sugar._haswith_


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