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2019-2020年一年级英语第一学期第三单元测验一、 圈出你听到的字母或者单词。10%1. b d h 2. g j a3. h i e 4. c e k5. a. lemon b. melon 6. a. moon b. mooncake7. a. up b. down 8. a. peach b. pear9. a. eat b. wash 10. a. this b. that二、 按听到的顺序给图片或者单词编号。10%1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. smell feel taste eat draw ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 圈出你听到的句子。10%1. a. Open your eyes. b. Close your mouth.2. a. Look at your hands. b. Wash your hands.3. a. Smell the melon. b. Feel the lemon.4. a. What do you like to eat? b. Whats this?5. a. Give me a rubber, please. b. Give me a ruler, please.四、圈出你听到的句子的回答。5%1. a. Fine, thank you. b. I am five years old.2. a. I like to eat mooncakes. b. I like to draw.3. a. It is an apple. b. Yes, it is.4. a. Yes, I can sing. b. I can dance.5. a. Here you are. b. Thank you.五、按顺序填入阿拉伯数字 10%1. 4 _ 62. 6 5 _ 3 1 3 4 _3. _ 6 _ _ _ 2 3 _ _ 4 5 _六、听录音,连线。5%Sam . .May . .Tom . .Joe . .Dongdong . .笔试部分 50%一、 正确抄写下列字母。5%b c e a d二、 看图片圈出正确的单词。10% 1. peacher2.beebean3.jearhap4.jorange5.mouthrk三、 圈出图片中出现的单词。6% leaf lemon banana rubber apple moon ruler taro pear mooncake pen四、 看图片,圈出正确的句子。10%1. a. Touch your nose. b. Touch your mouth.2. a. I am old. I like to eat bananas. b. I am young. I like to eat apples.3. a. How many leaves? Three. b. How many leaves? Two.4. a. I can read a book. b. I can dance.5. a. Goodbye, May. Goodbye, Tim. b. This is Tim.五、 选择。9%( ) 1. _ are you? I am six years old.a. How b. What c. How old( ) 2. I _ read a little book.a. can b. is c. am( ) 3. This _ Tom.a. am b. is c. are( ) 4. Show me _ book.a. your b. you c. he( ) 5. Hello, May. - _a. Hello. b. This is Tim. C. I am Tim.( ) 6. What can you do? I cam _ a little tree.a. write b. draw c. read( ) 7. This is _ apple.a. a b. an c. /( ) 8. Smell _ melon.a. the b. a c. an( )9. _ the peach. Its sweet(甜).a. Feel b. Touch c. Taste六、 根据下列情景,判断句子,正确的打“”,错误的打“X”。10%1. 你想让同学递一块橡皮给你,可以说:Show me your rubber.( )2. 你的手很脏,你妈妈可以对你说:Wash your hands. ( )3. 你想让你的同学闻一下你的柠檬,你可以说:Smell the melon. ( )4. 老师想让同学们把书放下,可以说:Put your books down. ( )5. 你的肚子很饿,你的妈妈可以对你说:Eat a cake. ( )附送:2019-2020年一年级英语第一学期第三单元测验题四、 圈出你听到的字母或者单词。10%1. b d h 2. g j a3. h i e 4. c e k5. a. lemon b. melon 6. a. moon b. mooncake7. a. up b. down 8. a. peach b. pear9. a. eat b. wash 10. a. this b. that五、 按听到的顺序给图片或者单词编号。10%1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. smell feel taste eat draw ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、 圈出你听到的句子。10%1. a. Open your eyes. b. Close your mouth.2. a. Look at your hands. b. Wash your hands.3. a. Smell the melon. b. Feel the lemon.4. a. What do you like to eat? b. Whats this?5. a. Give me a rubber, please. b. Give me a ruler, please.四、圈出你听到的句子的回答。5%1. a. Fine, thank you. b. I am five years old.2. a. I like to eat mooncakes. b. I like to draw.3. a. It is an apple. b. Yes, it is.4. a. Yes, I can sing. b. I can dance.5. a. Here you are. b. Thank you.五、按顺序填入阿拉伯数字 10%1. 4 _ 62. 6 5 _ 3 1 3 4 _3. _ 6 _ _ _ 2 3 _ _ 4 5 _六、听录音,连线。5%Sam . .May . .Tom . .Joe . .Dongdong . .笔试部分 50%七、 正确抄写下列字母。5%b c e a d八、 看图片圈出正确的单词。10% 1. peacher2.beebean3.jearhap4.jorange5.mouthrk九、 圈出图片中出现的单词。6% leaf lemon banana rubber apple moon ruler taro pear mooncake pen十、 看图片,圈出正确的句子。10%1. a. Touch your nose. b. Touch your mouth.2. a. I am old. I like to eat bananas. b. I am young. I like to eat apples.3. a. How many leaves? Three. b. How many leaves? Two.4. a. I can read a book. b. I can dance.5. a. Goodbye, May. Goodbye, Tim. b. This is Tim.十一、 选择。9%( ) 1. _ are you? I am six years old.a. How b. What c. How old( ) 2. I _ read a little book.a. can b. is c. am( ) 3. This _ Tom.a. am b. is c. are( ) 4. Show me _ book.a. your b. you c. he( ) 5. Hello, May. - _a. Hello. b. This is Tim. C. I am Tim.( ) 6. What can you do? I cam _ a little tree.a. write b. draw c. read( ) 7. This is _ apple.a. a b. an c. /( ) 8. Smell _ melon.a. the b. a c. an( )9. _ the peach. Its sweet(甜).a. Feel b. Touch c. Taste十二、 根据下列情景,判断句子,正确的打“”,错误的打“X”。10%1. 你想让同学递一块橡皮给你,可以说:Show me your rubber.( )2. 你的手很脏,你妈妈可以对你说:Wash your hands. ( )3. 你想让你的同学闻一下你的柠檬,你可以说:Smell the melon. ( )4. 老师想让同学们把书放下,可以说:Put your books down. ( )5. 你的肚子很饿,你的妈妈可以对你说:Eat a cake. ( )


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