2019-2020年二年级英语下册 unit5教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 unit5教案 沪教牛津版【单元分析(UNIT ANALYSIS)】一、教材地位(UNIT POSITION)1、本单元的主题是“水”,教学中要充分利用“水”这一话题,开展讨论,使学生了解水的重要性,提高学生节约用水的环保意识。2、词汇方面是学习一些有关日常生活用品的英语表达:towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste,学习介词with在句中的用法: wash with water 等等。3、继续学习祈使句的英语表达法,学习用一般现在时描述日常进行的动作:I wash my hands with water. I brush my teeth with toothpaste.4、能认读字母Vv, Ww,掌握这两个字母在单词中的基本发音。5通过歌曲和游戏( A miming game ) 帮助学生进一步掌握祈使句和一般现在时的英语表达法。二、学习目标(LEARNING OBJECTIVES)1、围绕“水”这一主题,让学生在学习过程中感知生活中处处离不开水,体会到水的重要性,并意识到必须从小事做起,养成节约用水的好习惯。在学习过程中提高学生环保意识。2、能认读字母Vv, Ww,掌握这两个字母在单词中的基本发音。3. 能够看图认读或拼读单词towel, soap, wash, dirty,学习介词with在句中的用法: wash with water ,初步了解turn on /off 与 open/close的区别。4、 能根据听到的口令做出正确的反应,并能让学生在特定的情景中运用祈使句表达一些简单的请求与命令:Turn on the tap. Wash your towel5、 能用一般现在时描述日常进行的动作:I wash my hands with water. I brush my teeth with toothpaste. This is the way I wash my face in the morning. 6、通过 “A miming game”让学生听听、做做,在学习新知的同时,帮助学生归纳、整理以前所学的内容,将新、旧知识有机整合起来。7、在歌曲的表演和改编过程中,在拓宽语言信息量的同时,培养学生的创新思维能力,发展学生的个性特长。三、教学资源(TEACHING RESOURCES)1、现代技术支撑(I.P. support) 录音机 电脑 实物投影机2、视听材料辅助(Audio-visual aids) 图片 实物3、学习材料(Materials) 学生用书 配套练习册 补充材料 教学参考书四、课时划分(PERIOD DIVISION) 本单元建议分六课时完成。PERIODTITLECONTENTS1st periodLets playA miming game2nd periodLets actTurn on/ off Wash3rd periodLets learnLets talkwater dirty wash towel soapI wash with4th periodLets learnLets talktoothbrush toothpasteI brushwith5th periodLets enjoySong6th periodRevision附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 unit6 lesson1教案 新蕾快乐英语教学目标1. 知识目标:1) The students should be teached to review these words: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. 2) They are required to learn the week of aliens and know what they usually do.2能力目标:The students are required to be able to speak and use these words and sentences freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English.3. 情感目标:the teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themslves much while they are learning. in other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boreing job.过程与方法The teacher shoule make full use of CAI and all kinds of tools to make the English classes vivid and interesting. The main method is using pictures with words to enable students to master the new knowledge.教学重点Enable students to learn what aliens usually do everyday.教学难点Its difficult for students to master these sentences well and pronounce them crrectly.教学工具课件,单词卡片,等等。教学过程Step1 warm-up1. greeting2. sing a songStep2 new class presentation1) 播放一段外星人的视频,激起学生对外星人的好奇心,从而导入本课内容。2) 讲故事Its a sunny day. (那天阳光明媚) Tiantian is walking in the forest(天天正在森林里漫步). He meets three aliens(在那他遇见了三个外星人). They tell tiantian what they usually do in a week(他们告诉天天他们一周的日程安排).3) 讲解书本上的图片让学生们根据图片说一说外星人每天都做些什么。抽取若干学生说一说,让学生尽情地发挥自己的想象力。4) 听录音连线5) 说句子让学生模仿录音中所说的句子练习口语。Step3 homework1. review the words about week;2. practice oral English. 板书设计Unit6 happy timeMonday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.


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