2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 9(2)教学反思 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 9(2)教学反思 苏教牛津版本节课,我围绕着“学生才是学习的主体”展开教学。一、用教师旺盛的精力激发学生“主动活动”的欲望 “每堂课都是教师生命活动的构成。”教师不只是完成教育教学任务,同时也是自己生命价值的体现和自身发展的组成。教师对生命的价值意识,对知识事业的渴望、追求与信心在课堂上无时无刻不在涌动,对学生产生潜移默化的影响,激起学生主动参与的强烈欲望,学生都抑制不住活动的冲动,渴望表达,渴望表现,渴望去实践,渴望去表演,渴望去竞争,渴望去实现自我管理和渴望模仿别人。因此我把每堂课都看作是唯一,是对自己智慧与能力的挑战,以自己深入、执著的追求精神,激起学生情感上的共鸣。在本节课中,我采用了合作学习的方法,充分体现了师生间的民主合作性,课堂上师生合作、生生合作,平等讨论、相互补充的气氛极浓。给学生提供充分展示自己的机会,张扬自己的个性。学生无拘无束、轻松愉快地用英语表达自己的见解,在实践中学习语言,在想象中发展思维,在交际中提高能力。二、用爱的力量给学生“主动活动”的信心 心理学家认为:教师的期待与鼓励对儿童的心理发展是一种巨大的教育力量,会成为一种外在的行为目标的诱因,唤起学生内心潜在的自我价值意识和对高尚目标的追求。尽管学生之间有差异,但在最初学习的瞬间,都有一种“愿被老师肯定”的愿望。因此在英语课上我全力肯定学生的一切努力,保护激励学生的一切创造欲和尝试。我一贯以不同的标准评价不同层次的学生,对学生的课堂活动都给予发自内心的赞赏,肯定他们的点滴进步,真诚地称赞他们:“You are so clever. I love you. ” “Thats a good boy!” “How lovely you are .” 或者摸摸他们的头,送他们一个美美的微笑。学生从我的举手投足中感受到了我对他们的爱意和鼓励,对他们能力的肯定和进一步的期待,体会到了自己的生命价值,逐渐消除了用英语交际的胆怯心理,树立了参与课堂活动的信心。三、创设情景,把学习自主权还给学生 克鲁姆说过,成功的外语课堂教学应在课内创设更多的情景,让学生应用学到的语言材料。小学生喜动爱玩,好表演。因此在本节英语课上, 无论是呈现对话还是呈现对话中的新词和新句子,我都创设了情境,让学生置身在实际生活的场景中,积极主动的去体现语言的交际功能。 1.课前热身,激发学生学习的兴趣 教学热身是英语教学方法的重要形式之一,而采用歌曲和Free talk来热身,更能有效地缓解学生的紧张情绪,建立轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,为进一步的学习奠定良好的基础。2.课上创设情景,帮助学生理解新知识 教育家们认为,“成功的外语课堂教学应深入创造更多的情景,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料。”因此,我故意创设情境,假装撞到一只书包,发现里面有衣服和帽子,由此自然而巧妙地展开本课的话题,使课堂教学从一开始就进入真实的交际场景,形成活跃的课堂气氛。 在新授完每个单词后,我都编了一首chant,让学生在朗朗上口的chant中掌握新单词的发音,熟悉句型。Chant既可以用来帮助学生记忆,又可做巩固之用。琅琅上口的歌谣不论是课间休息中,还是放学途中,都可以随时来说一说,拓展延伸课上内容。 3.利用多种手段创设情景 利用实物、图片、手势、动作、语言及课件创设直观的情景,使枯燥的语言学习变得具体化、形象化,并使学生从开始学习英语起就开始懂得语言是为交流服务的,让他们在实践中将英语与情景建立直接的联系,逐步减少利用母语的心理过程。在整节课中,我始终运用肢体语言、图片、实物、多媒体等直观方式进行教学,尽量避免了使用母语,这对学生在未来的学习或生活中使用英语进行交流起到了潜移默化的作用附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 9(2)教案 新世纪版教学目标一、能力目标:1.能简单介绍自己喜欢吃的水果。2.能用there be 句子操练。3.听懂或读懂某个场所的 简单话语。(pair work)二、知识目标:1.学习掌握单词8个。2.能用8个单词造句。3.学习掌握基本句型及相关的语法知识 There be.4.听、读后能理解课文内容,完成Language Lab 中的练习。5.了解Disneyland, kids palace 中的语法内容。三、情感目标:通过学习,教育学生喜欢各种水果四、学习策略目标:在学习过程中做pair / group work 时要积极开动脑筋,介绍自己记忆单词的方法,培养合作完成的意识。五、文化目标:了解there be 的用法。难点分析there be 与 has got, have got的区别。第一课时 Wonderland教学目标一、基本目标: (1) Learn to express these fruits in English: apple, peach, banana, orange, pineapple, lemon, grapes. (2) Pronounce and spell the new words properly.(3) Using the sentences the students learned before.二、发展目标:Make some simple sentences with these new words.Let the students be able to ask and answer about these words.教学过程课前准备1. Say the rhyme: The beautiful world.2. Daily talk:Pre-task preparation1. an apple, an orange1)Show an apple, an orange and present the new words.T: Whats in my hand? Theres an apple.Do you like apples/oranges?2)Read and spell the new words.3)Make some sentences.4) Questions: Whats in.? Theres.2. a pear, a peach, a pineapple, a lemon1) Show a basketball. In it there are some fruits.T: Look, whats in the basketball? Theres a pear /a peach, a pineapple/ a lemon.T: Which do you like best?2) Smell and taste them.3) Read and spell the new words.4) Work in pairs using this sentence:Whats in.? Theres.5) Key point:“Apple/ orange” the first letters pronunciation is vowel, so its front add “an”“pear, peach, lemon” the first letters pronunciation is consonant. So each front add “a”3. bananas, grapes1) Show the picture.T: What are these?Whats in the picture? There are some.T: What colour? Are the bananas/the grapes?2) Smell and taste them.3) Key points.“If there are many fruits,” The words ending add “s” “es”4)Work in Pairs: Using these sentences.Whats in (on).? Theres /There are.What colour is/are this /these?3. Practise:A: Take out your fruits and work in pairs:B: Listen to the tape.C: Listen and circle the words (students work book)第二课时 Grand Theatre Fruit Salad教学目标基本目标:(1) Review the sentence: Whats in (on).? Theres /there are. (2) Learn the sentence: Lets make a salad/Bring them here, please. (3) Mime and act out the dialogue.发展目标:Using these sentences in different situation.教学过程一、(1) Warming up: Read rhyme. (2) Daily talk: Look at the picture and talk about it. (3) Review fruits name.二、授课1)Show picture of the kitchen.T: What are they doing?They are making a salad. T: Now lets make a salad. What salad?T: Fruits salad. Whats the Chinese for “salad”?T: Do you like salad?Have you ever eaten salad?(read after the teacher)2) Continue to show the pictureT: Whats this? Its fridge.Who can see a fridge?Is there a fridge in your family?How many fridges are there in your family?T: Whats in the fridge?Lets have a look. Oh, theres one apple, one pear and one banana.3) Teacher takes out a fruit box. Let the pupils ask and answer with each other.Read after the teacher.4) Continue to show the picture.T: Let thee pupil bring them here. Whats the Chinese for this sentence?Read after the teacher.Do some action and talk about it.5) Continue to show the picture (1) T: They have made a fruit salad. They are tasting it. How do they think about?P: Very delicious.T: Whats Tom doing? Hes eating salad. (2) Read after the teacher.(3) Mime and act out.6) 练习Play a game:Make a fruit saladListen to the tape.Question and answers:Is Carol making salad?Is it a fruit or a vegetable salad?Whats the salad for?第三课时Farmland : Theres.教学目标基本目标: Learn to express the sentence “Theres.”发展目标:Let the students make some dialogues according to the picture.教学过程一、课前准备1. Daily talk2. Review WonderlandFruits nameWhats in.? Theres.Questions and answers about A Fruit Salad二、授课1. Show picture 1, 2 and aske.g.: Whats this? Its.What colour is it? Its.Whats in the basket? Theres.Do you like.?What do you like best?2. Make a dialogue Model:T: Hi! Im Robot. Whats your name?S: Im Hong Fang.T: Whats in the basket?S: Theres a melon.T: Is it big or small?S: Its big.T: What colour is it?S: Its green.T: Do you like melon?S: Yes, I do.三、课后活动1. Students in pairs to e out to say.2. The same way to learn picture2, 3四、听录音五、make your dialogue on your own.第四教时:Language Lab, Music-box教学目标1.理解并灵活运用学过的单词。2.学习理解课后的问题。3.准确朗读单词大发音。教学重点和难点课后的问题并能灵活使用教学过程1.课前准备Daily talk2.授课1)Questions and answers.(口头)2)听录音,一问一答。3)两人一组操练问题。4)学发音部分的句子5)Music box.听录音读单词,掌握字母组合的读音规则。说出含有相同发音的单词.第五教时:Rhyme教学目标1.阅读理解小诗内容。2.通过学习,能读小诗。教学过程1.课前准备Daily talk2.授课1)Review There be.2) Pair work ( 交流自编的对话 )3.课堂练习4.课后练习1)背熟对话。2)做练习册剩余的书面部分。


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