安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 夯实基础 第四部分 考点强化练10 八下 Unit 1-Unit 2.doc

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考点强化练10八年级(下册)Unit 1Unit 2.单项填空。1.(xx内蒙古呼和浩特) my surprise,the twins have nothing mon. A.With;inB.To;inC.In;inD.To;of答案B解析to ones surprise令某人惊讶的是;have.in mon在方面有共同之处。故选B项。2.(xx天津)She is too busy to help us finish the work.Lets do it .A.herselfB.myselfC.itselfD.ourselves答案D解析句意:“她太忙了,不能帮助我们完成工作。”“咱们自己做吧。”第一句说明她太忙了,不能帮我们,所以第二句要说“我们自己做吧”,须用反身代词“我们自己”。故选D项。3.(xx江苏苏州改编)Little Jenny looks unhappy today.Dont worry.A box of chocolates will her .A give;upB.wake;upC.cheer;upD.pick;up答案C解析句意:“小珍妮今天看起来不高兴。”“别担心。一盒巧克力会让她高兴起来。”give up放弃;wake up叫醒;cheer up使高兴;pick up捡起。根据句意可知,珍妮不开心,应使她高兴起来。故选C项。4.(xx湖北襄阳)Mom,can I leave the chores till tomorrow?Im afraid not.You cant todays work till tomorrow.A.put offB.turn downC.give awayD.look up答案A解析句意:“妈妈,我可以把家务放到明天做吗?”“我想恐怕不行。你不能把今天的工作推迟到明天。”put off 推迟;turn down 调低,拒绝;give away 赠送;look up 抬头,查阅。故选A项。5.(xx湖南岳阳改编)Everyone knows that China is getting .A.strong and strongB.strongest and strongestC.stronger and strongerD.strong and stronger答案C解析句意为:人们都知道中国变得越来越强大。“比较级+比较级”意为“越来越”,为固定句型,故选C项。6.(2019原创)You make so many cookies.Im full.A.wouldntB.shouldntC.couldntD.mightnt答案B解析句意:你不该做这么多饼干,我吃饱了。wouldnt不愿;shouldnt不应该;couldnt不能,不可能;mightnt或许不。只有B项符合语境。7.(2019预测)I took her temperature and found she had a .A.coughB.toothacheC.coldD.fever答案D解析由句中的temperature可知,选D项。8.(2019预测)Lily,could you please pass me the?I want to cut an apple.Sure,here you are.A.penB.pencilC.bookD.knife答案D解析由cut an apple可知,需要小刀。故选D项。9.(xx江苏无锡)The king didnt take any notice of the noise in the crowd and with the parade(游行).A.carry onB.carry outC.carried onD.carried out答案C解析用动词短语辨析法解题。句意:国王没有注意到人群中的嘈杂声,继续游行。连词and连接两个并列句,根据前面句子的时态判断,and后的句子也应为一般过去时,排除A、B两项;carry on继续进行;carry out进行,执行。结合语境可知,答案为C项。导学号5671406410.(2019预测)I was beaten by Tom in the petiton.You will succeed next time.A.No wayB.Best wishesC.Cheer upD.Good job答案C解析句意:“我在比赛中被汤姆打败了。”“振作起来,你下次会成功的。”no way不行;best wishes致以最好的祝愿;cheer up振作起来;good job做得好。故只有C项符合语境。.完形填空。(xx福建改编)Ewan Drum always likes superheroes.At the age of seven,he told his parents,“I want to 11 like a superhero and help the homeless(无家可归的).” A few months later,Ewans family planned a day of 12.Wearing his red superhero clothes,Ewan 13 helped pass out 70 bag lunches to hungry people in a park in Detroit,Michigan.Thats 14 Super Ewan was born.Word spread(传播) about Ewan s story.People donated(捐赠) money and something else,and Ewan handed them out to those in need.When 15 donated some bottles of water,Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more.They 16 the water to Flint,Michigan,a city that had unsafe drinking water.Another time,a business man donated six turkeys for Thanksgiving.17 his parents help,Ewan used social media(媒体) to ask for more turkeys and other dishes.“In the end”,he said,“we handed out 64 turkey dinners to 18 around Detroit.”Ewan has a motto:Everyone can be a superhero to someone.At an event called the Hero Round Table,Ewan told the listeners,“Its not 19 to help people.You can keep some socks and snacks(零食) in your car to help people in need.Every 20 thing helps and can make someone feel happy.”【主旨大意】Ewan Drum从小就很喜欢超级英雄,因为钦佩他们总是帮助别人。从七岁开始,他就尽自己所能帮助别人,同时,受他影响,越来越多的人投入到捐赠活动当中。Ewan的座右铭是:每个人都可以是别人的超级英雄。11.A.get upB.dress upC.look upD.fix up答案B解析Ewan七岁的时候告诉父母他想打扮得像超级英雄那样,帮助无家可归的人。dress up打扮。12.A.givingB.playingC.showingD.travelling答案A解析根据“pass out 70 bag lunches to hungry people”可知,这一天是给别人食物的一天,故所缺的词是giving。13.A.safelyB.seriouslyC.happilyD.quickly答案C解析Ewan一直想帮助别人,现在帮助别人了应该高兴,故所缺的词是happily。14.A.whatB.whyC.howD.when答案C解析根据上下文可知,此处是说Super Ewan如何诞生的,故所缺的词是how。15.A.someoneB.everyoneC.no oneD.anyone答案A解析根据设空后的“Ewan and his family held a drive to get even more”可知此处表示“当有人捐了几瓶水时”,故用 someone。16.A.soldB.tookC.boughtD.refused答案B解析根据后文可知,他们把水带到了密歇根州的弗林特,那个城市的饮用水不安全,故选B项。17.A.FromB.WithC.InD.like答案B解析with ones help在某人的帮助下,为固定搭配。18.A.heroesB.listenersC.familiesD.workers答案C解析句意:我们把64份火鸡晚餐分发给了底特律周围的家庭。families家庭;listeners听众;workers工人;heroes英雄。感恩节当天家里人都在一起庆祝,故选C项。19.A.difficultB.possibleC.necessaryD.new答案A解析根据后文“You can keep some socks.in need”判断所缺的词是difficult。20.A.newB.littleC.interestingD.big答案B解析句意:每件小事都能帮助别人,也能使别人感到快乐。根据上文“你可捐些袜子”判断,这都是小事。故选B项。导学号56714065.补全对话。(2019预测)W:Good morning,young man.21M:I feel bad and Ive got a bad headache.W:22M:No,I dont have a fever.I have taken my temperature.Its all right.W:How about your sleep?M:Terrible!I dream a lot and I always feel tired the next morning.W:23M:I am playing puter games these days.And I play all night.W:I see.You play games too much.M:24W:You should not do that any more.Then relax a little,have a warm bath and take these medicines for a week.They will help you.M:Thanks,doctor.25W:Three times a day.M:OK.Thank you.Bye!A.What should I do?B.You should have a good rest.C.How often should I take them?D.Whats the matter with you?E.When did this start?F.Do you have a fever?G.What are you doing these days?答案2125 DFGAC.阅读理解。A(2019原创)Daniel was addicted(上瘾) to coffee.He drank two cups in the morning and three in the afternoon.He couldnt think or do anything without coffee.His mom wanted him to stop drinking coffee.She decided to throw out all the coffee and give him milk.Daniel was so mad.“Mom,I cant go to school without coffee,” Daniel said.“This is for your own good,” his mom said.Daniel went to school.He was distressed and tired without coffee.He didnt want to talk to his friends or pay attention in class.His teachers kept waking him up.They told him to go to the doctors office.Daniel went to the doctor and asked for coffee.She laughed at him.She said that he needed to drink less coffee,but not stop pletely.She told him to drink 4 cups a day,then 3,and eventually he wouldnt need coffee.Daniel told his mom what the doctor said.“But that means I have to buy coffee again!” Daniel laughed at his mom.Daniel and his mom went to the market to buy some good coffee.Daniel did what the doctor told him to do.It was much easier to drink less coffee than none at all.【主旨大意】Daniel对咖啡上瘾,他的妈妈想让他戒掉咖啡,所以Daniel开始不喝咖啡。但是他不喝咖啡什么都不想做。Daniel去看了医生,医生告诉他不要一下子戒掉咖啡,应该慢慢戒掉它。26.How many cups of coffee did Daniel use to drink every day?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.答案D解析推理判断题。由第一段的“He drank two cups in the morning and three in the afternoon.”可知,Daniel过去早晨喝两杯咖啡,下午三杯。因此判断他过去一天喝五杯咖啡。27.In order to make Daniel give up coffee,his mother .A.hid all the coffeeB.threw away all the coffeeC.gave him some juiceD.got angry with him答案B解析细节理解题。由第一段的“She decided to throw out all the coffee and give him milk.”可知,Daniel的妈妈为了让他戒掉咖啡而扔掉咖啡,给他牛奶。故选B项。28.The underlined word“distressed” means .A.upsetB.quietC.rudeD.loud答案A解析词义猜测题。由第二段第二句可知,Daniel没有咖啡会疲倦。故判断他是沮丧的。29.Who told Daniel to go to the doctors office?A.His mother.B.His friends.C.His teachers.D.His father.答案C解析细节理解题。由第二段的“His teachers kept waking him up.They told him to go to the doctors office.”可知,Daniel的老师们告诉他去医生办公室。30.From the last paragraph we know Daniel .A.disagreed with the doctorB.followed the doctors adviceC.laughed at the doctorD.went to the market with the doctor答案B解析推理判断题。最后一段叙述Daniel接受医生的建议,逐渐减少咖啡的摄入。故选B项。导学号56714066B(xx广西贵港中考)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。After spending 40 hours playing the online game “King of Glory”,a middle school student had a stroke(中风) and nearly died.This happened in Guangdong Province in April last year.It shows how bad things one can get if he bees addicted to(沉迷) the Internet.To stop more teenagers from being addicted to the Internet,the Ministry of Education(MOE教育部) sent a letter to all parents in China on April 20,xx.It calls on them to pay more attention to their childrens online activities.The MOE also sent an urgent(紧急) notice to primary and middle schools,asking them to monitor(监督) students Internet use.From then on,schools would pay more attention to their students Internet use and their use of mobile phones.Schools have been told to teach students how to avoid violent(暴力的) online events.If students show signs of being addicted to the Internet,they can get help from their teachers to give up their addiction.Among Chinas 772 million Internet users,about 151 million of them are between the ages of 10 and 19,according to the China Internet Network Information Center.Its important to pay attention to how much time you spend online.To make better use of the Internet,experts advise that students should limit(限制) their screen time to less than 1.5 hours a day.To make better use of their free time,they can develop good hobbies,like reading or playing sports.【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文,由广东省一名学生玩“王者荣耀”长达40个小时中风差点死亡的事件,引出教育部号召父母特别注意孩子上网活动和手机使用问题,并指出如何更好地使用网络。31.Whom did the MOE send an urgent notice to?(不超过10个词)答案The MOE sent an urgent notice to primary and middle schools.32.How long do experts advise students to spend online?(不超过10个词)答案Less than 1.5 hours a day.33.What does the passage mainly talk about?(不超过15个词)答案The problem of using the Internet and how to help teenagers make better use of the Internet.单词拼写。34.My arm was h(受伤) last week.答案hurt35.The boy is s(病的) and his teacher is looking after him now.答案sick36.Mikes brother is d(聋的) and he cant hear anything.答案deaf37.Theres too much pollution.Did you read the n(通知) online?答案notice38.There is a s(标志) on the gate saying “NO PARKING”.答案sign.书面表达。假如你是王伟,你在“学雷锋纪念日”参加了去敬老院慰问老人的志愿活动。请你根据以下提示,给你的美国笔友Lisa写一封电子邮件,向她介绍此次活动。提示:1.活动包括送鲜花、水果,打扫卫生、读报 2.你参加活动后的感想。要求:要点齐全,80100词,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Lisa,Yours,Wang Wei参考范文Dear Lisa,I went to an old peoples home with some volunteers today.We did many things for the old people.For example we brought them some flowers and fresh fruit.And we helped clean their rooms.After that,some of us sang songs and danced for them.Others read newspapers to them.How happy they were!I think this activity is very meaningful because I learned that we should care for the old around us every day.Yours,Wang Wei


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