2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 4(1)教案 人教版PEP.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 4(1)教案 人教版PEP【教学重点】句型 Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont. What about? I likevery much. Lets have some单词: pear, peach, orange, apple, banana, grapes【教学难点】单词和句型的掌握【教具准备】1教材配套歌曲的录音带。2 Lets talk部分的教学课件。3准备pears, peaches, oranges, apples, bananas, grapes 的实物或模拟食物。4 教师和学生都准备所学的水果和一册所学实物图片。5 让学生自带一种爱吃的水果。(此项可根据实际情况来定)【教学过程】1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)(1)学生自编日常对话及口语练习。如:A: Hi, B!B: Hi, A!A: Whos that girl/boy?B: He/She is A: Lets go and say hello to her/him.B: Great!A&B: Hello, C.C: Hello. Look, I have a box. Guess, whats in my box.(2)教师播放歌曲 The More We Get Together ,师生共同演唱。2 呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)教师出示果篮,果篮里装有实物pears, peaches, oranges, apples, bananas, grapes 。注意:教师果篮中的每种水果应为2个以上,以便学生理解并运用单词的复数形式。(2)教师手举“梨”讲述单词pear ,手举“2个或2个以上梨”讲述pears 。以次类推学习peaches, oranges, apples, bananas, grapes 。(3)教师手指水果pears, peaches, oranges ,说:pears, peaches, oranges I like peaches. 并问学生Do you like peaches? 引导学生说:Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 当学生回答为肯定Yes, I do. 时,教师可以将手中的水果给学生并说:Here you are.(4)学生各自拿着自己准备好的水果(也可用图片代替)练习句型,先说自己喜爱的水果,再询问对方是否爱吃 I like Do you like ? 回答语为: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.为了使学生更好的掌握句型,教师可适当讲解Do you like? 后面的名词应为复数形式,教师要注意纠正学生的句子,但不要过多讲解语法,让学生从反复练习如手,逐渐形成习惯。(5)教师播放Lets talk部分的教学课件,在观看之前教师提问:How many fruits can you see?What are they? (有几种水果?是什么?) 训练学生观察能力和用英语表述水果名称的能力。(6)第二边观看并提问:Do they like oranges? What did they buy? (她们爱吃桔子吗?她们买了些什么水果?)(7) 学生跟读Lets talk部分的内容。特别强调Do you like peaches? Yes, I do. No, I dont. What about pears? I like them very much. Lets have some peaches and pears.3 趣味操练 (Practice)(1)教师和学生都拿出准备好的水果和一册所学实物图片,也可根据各校情况让学生自带爱吃的水果或其它所学实物。按照Lets talk部分的内容,更换所学单词,练习对话。(2)教师播放第一册 Unit 5 A 部分的歌曲 Lets have a picnic today. 学生边拍手边演唱。(3)小组活动,46 人一组,教师告诉学生要 go on a picnic 。让他们的 group leader 通过询问:Do you like? 列出他们要买的食物,并向全班汇报。教师给每组发一张表,如下:LIST HOW MANY? APPLE(图) BANANA(图) 食品以单词和图片两种形式出现(4)同桌同学为一组,用自己带的实物或食物图片做Lets Practise 部分的操练。A: Do you like apples?B: Yeah, very much.A: Here you are.B: Thanks.或:A: Do you like peaches?B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont like peaches. I like grapes.4 课堂评价 (Assessment) 做活动手册本单元 Lets talk 部分的练习,方法和步骤同以前。5 扩展性活动(Add-activities)游戏:Guessing the word利用食物和水果图片,将学生分为两大组,每组每次一名选手上讲台前,面向大家,教师在两名选手身后出示图片,其他同学做动作或用英语形容图片的形状、颜色等,由讲台前的选手猜单词,猜对的为本组赢得一分,最后以分数定输赢。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 4(1)教案 新世纪版教学目标一、能力目标:1. 能简单介绍自己有的东西。2. 能用提问的方式来了解其他人有什么。3. 听懂或读懂某个场所的 简单话语。(pair work)二、知识目标:1. 学习掌握单词8个。2. 能用8个单词造句。3. 学习掌握基本句型及相关的语法知识 Ive got.4. 听、读后能理解课文内容,完成Language Lab 中的练习。5. 了解Disneyland, kids palace 中的语法内容。三、情感目标:通过学习,教育学生能热爱自己的班级,有班级荣誉感。四、学习策略目标: 在学习过程中做pair / group work 时要积极开动脑筋,介绍自己记忆单词的方法,培养合作完成的意识。五、文化目标: 了解have got 的用法。难点分析1. 单词sentence, chalk eraser 的具体用法。2. Ive got第一课时 Wonderland: In the classroom教学目标基本目标:(1) Learn to express these things in English: a blackboard, letters, a word, a sentence, chalk, an eraser, a picture, a map.(2) Using the sentences:the students learned before.(3) Pronounce and spell the new words and sentences properly.发展目标:pictures, cards, chalk, etc.重点和难点chalk是不可数名词 eraser 前面用an教学过程Pre-taskTalk about the classroom and ask some questions to present the new words: blackboard, map, picture.While-task1. blackboard, a map, a picture1) blackboard: a. Imitationb. Describe the blackboard (colour, shape)c. Try to make sentences with the words.2) map:a. Imitationb. Show the map and describe it with some adjectives.(beautiful, big, etc.)c. Point to some countries the students known.3) picture: a. Imitationb. Look for the pictures in the classroom and describe ( a beautiful picture)c. Describe the picture in groups. (Look at the picture. Theres /There are . It it. I love)2. chalk, an eraser1)chalk: a. Imitation b. Show some different colour chalk. Talk about the chalk. A:Look, this is a . Do you like.?B:Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like.A:It is.2)an eraser: a. Imitation b. Notice the words: an3. letters, a word, a sentence1) Letters:a. Imitation b. Make sentences: Ive got a letter “a”/ I can write a letter “a”2) word:a. Imitation b. Make sentences: Ive got a word/I can write a word. This is.3) sentences: a. Imitationb. Make sentences: Ive got / This is .Post-taskMake sentences with two new words in groups.Write down the sentences第二课时 Farmland :Ive got.教学目标基本目标:(1) Learn the new sentences: Ive got .(2)Talk about the pictures with the new sentences发展目标: (1) Practise the new drills.(2) Using some sentences to make a dialogue重点和难点1. Ive got. 2. 哪些人称用have got教学设备pictures, cards, masks教学过程Pre-taskReview the things in the pictures. And describe them.This is .It is.While-task1. Present the sentences:Ive got .It is2. Make a dialogue with describes.A:Ive got .B:It is beautiful. Do you like ?3. Act with the mask in the groups.4. Talk about themselves.5. Talk about themselves.6. Present the drills: Youve got Weve got Theyve gotPost-task:Find out the owner of the subjects.第三课时 Grand Theatre: On or No教学目标基本目标:(1) Learn the new sentences:Who can spell? Who has got the letter? (2) Mine and act out the dialogue.发展目标:Ask and answer others to spell the words.教学设备a tape recording , word cards教学过程Pre-task:1. Daily talk2. Review farmlandWhile _task1. Who can spell?1) Show a word “on” T: Ive got a word “on” I can spell the word .o-n2) Present the word “spell” Read the word.3) Present the sentence: Who can spell the word “on”?T: Thats easy4) Present the word “easy” Read and spell.5) Show the word cards and make sentences.2. Who has got ?1) Show a letter card: Ive got a letter Who has got the letter.2) Present the sentences.3) Practise in groups3. Learn the dialogue1) Listen to the recording2) Read after the recording3) Read the dialogue together.4) Practise and actPost-taskAct out the dialogue第四课时 Language Lab Music-box课时重点1.理解并灵活运用学过的单词2.学习理解课后的问题3.能熟练操练课后的问题。4.能准确地朗读所给单词得发音,注意规则。教学过程1. Daily talk 2. Review:The words p223. Pre-task procedureMake sentences with the words4. While-task procedure1) Listen and read answers2) Questions and answers3) On your own.5. Pair work( 操练一问一答)Listen to the recording (1. open the books at p22. 2. Read after it )五、拓展作业:1. Ive got2. What have you got?第五课时 Rhyme教学目标1. 阅读理解小诗内容。2. 通过学习,能读小诗。教学过程Pre-task preparationDaily talkWhile-task procedure1. Review Ive got. What have you got?2. Pair work ( 交流自编的对话 )课堂练习1. 练习册听力内容。2. 做练习部分。 3. 课后练习:背熟对话,做练习册剩余的书面部分。

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