江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc

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江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes Task学案(新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit 6 Task一、 教学目标1. 掌握本课的重点单词、短语以及有用的表达方式。2. 学会写简单的电视剧本。教学重点、难点学会在正式写作前先列出提纲,学会写简单的电视剧本。二、词汇、短语1burglar n. 入室盗贼2 receive a message from Sb. 收到来自某人的信息3ask for help 请求帮助4call the police 报警5at once = immediately = right now 立刻6Three men in police uniforms 三个穿警服的男人7use Sth. to do 用某物去做某事8catch / draw ones attention 引起某人的注意pay attention to Sth/ doing Sth. 注意某事/做某事三、句型(语法) 1. They received a message from Sarah, who was asking for help. (在这里,who was asking for help做非限制性定语从句,修饰Sarah.)3. The twins were pushed into a minibus. (push into 推进)4. They tried to use a knife to open the back door of the minibus. ( try to do Sth.) 5. use Sth, to do 用某物去做某事 be used to do Sth. = be used for doing Sth. 被用来做某事 be used to doing Sth, 习惯于做某事 / be used as 作为被用 be used in 在某方面被用 / be of some use to = be useful to 对.有用6.When they arrived there, they saw three men in police uniforms ing out of the building with guns in their hands. see/watch/hear/find/notice sb doing(点时间;when)see/watch/hear/find/watch sb do(often;全过程)with guns in their hands是“+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构,表示一种伴随状况。e.g.The teacher came into the classroom with a book under her arm.7.They ran towards the three men and tried to stop them from leaving.stop sb from doing sth 表示“阻止某人做某事”,同意短语有:prevent sb doing sth和keep sb doing sth。e.g.The government should stop/prevent/keep people from cutting trees. stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事8. Justin and Luke tried to open the back door of the minibus with a knife.open the back door of the minibus with a knife=use a knife to open the back door of the minibus with意为“用”,引导方式状语。 e.g. My brother mended the car with a special tool九年级上册Unit 6 Task学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】1. 词组翻译.请试着在课文中找出这些词组.1. 收到一个信息_ 2. 寻求帮助_3. 三名穿警服的男子_ 4. 手里拿着枪 _5. 被推进一辆小中巴 _6. 打开的后门_1What type of TV programmer do you like?2Can you create a TV drama script?3Try to think about the background and story.2. 准备以下问题的答案,课堂与同学交流探讨.【课堂学习】Step 1. Pre-writing 1. Guessing game 2. Free talk Step 2.While-writingMillie is writing a TV drama script for a petition. Lets read through the first half of her outline. Read about Millies background and story, then answer some questions.1) Who was the story about?2) Who lived in Hill Building?3) Why did Sarah send a message to the twins?4) What did the twins do at once?5) What did the twins see?6) What happened to the twins?2. Clear structureOrganize our ideas clearly.3. Discussion:If you were the twins, what would you do? What do you think will happen to the twins?Remind students to think about them with who, what, where, when和how and pay attention to the tips in Part C.4. Useful expressions:Underline beautiful words, phrases or sentence patterns in the article. 5. Understanding what to write and how to write 6. Writing (Teachers offer some help if necessary)A TV drama script 4. Editing (1) Self-editing32字写作评价标准: 段落分明(1) 要点齐全(5) 时态恰当(2) 结构正确(2) 句式多样(1) 过渡自然(1) 观点合理(2) 书写规范(1)(2) Peer-editing (Pair work/ Group work)Help your deskmate to correct in red and give him/ her some advice.给你同学的建议: 互评分_自评分 _ Post-writing Evaluating 1. Give some suggestions on how to improve writing skills.2. Pay attention to using some more beautiful sentence structures and proper transitions.需改进的词、句: 【课后拓展】一、词汇1. The audience can enjoy young _(direct) films from different countries.2. The _(decide) he has made attract me after the talk between us.3. The police are trying to find out whether he was killed or he killed_(he)4. In that film a nurse was found _(die) in her house.5.The_(对话)in the play are very funny.6. A large number of _(亚洲)can speak Chinese.7. The music_(视频) is just like a short movie.8. He had two _(音乐会) tickets. So we went together.9. The match will be_(报道) live tonight.10. My cousin has bought an _(最新的)puter.二、括号内所给动词的正确形式填空1. What is he busy doing? Hes doing the experiment _(plete) the science project.2. The project they had devoted up to two years to _(choose) as the best one at the conference.3. She said she _(call) me after getting out of the shower, but she didnt.4. In fact, the tigers in India _(disappear) much faster than pandas now.5. -Did you watch the film last year ?-No. I _ (not watch) films for a long time.6. -Would you please help my son with his English?- Yes, I _ (promise).三、单项选择( )1. -Look! That man looks like Mr. Brown.-It _be him, for he _to America.A. cant; has gone B. may not; has goneC. mustnt; has been D. cant; has been( )2.The National Sports Meeting will be covered_tomorrow evening.A.life B. alive C. living D.live( )3. His speech is weled by our middle school students because it_ many problems that the teenagers care about.A. covers B. has C. fills D. makes( )4. When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?Not until the work_ tomorrow.A. will be finished B. is finished C. will finish D. has finished( )5. There _a number of books in our school library. The number of books_getting larger than last year.A.is, is B.is, are C.are, are D.are, is( ) 6.In the film Murder in a Country House, a doctor is found_in the house,so the filmis _horror and mysteries.A.dying, fill of B.dead;full of C.dead; full with D.die; filled with( )7. which the following sentence is right?A. Im not sure that he has been arrested so far.B. Do you think he was guilty in the past?C. Its reported the thief had been wanted on the Internet.D. Do you know what the trouble with him is?( )8. He has few friends to share his joy and sadness, _ he ?_. Its really bad for him to keep quiet all the time.A. hasnt, Yes B. has , No C. does, Yes D. does, No ( ) 9. The foreigner didnt know_ this word in Chinese. A. how to say B. what to say C. what to speak D. how to speak ( )10. Millie is_ a clever girl that she has worked out_ difficult math problems. A. so; so B. such; such C. so; such D. such; so四, 完型填空Youve been away from us for one year; you told us a lie which I came to know not long ago.On this special day for teachers across the country, I can _1_keep myself from telling your white lie to those who would lend me an ear.Do you still remember the happy _2_about six years ago? We fixed our eyes upon you at your _3_.You, a beautiful young lady, promised us that you would live in our village.Soon after, we began to find you were part of your students and their simple honest parents. The villagers found their children spent more time on their books _4_ after doing their homework and housework. Yet they still _5_ that one day you might leave. You wore a smile all the time, which reduced to some degree their fear of your leaving. You went all out in the _6_ of your students, helping them not only in their studies but also in their tuition(学费).You often emphasized to us the _7_ of ones life, so that must have been what you were after in those five years!One cold morning when class began, you entered the room _8_ you had been crying bitterly.In your class, we _9_ but looked away from your eyes. You _10_for some time as if you were trying to find this right wordyou said you would go away and would never beback to teach because your boyfriend wanted you moreOn the following morning, we _11_ you the very best and the villagers gave you their thanks. The train took you away and your broken _12_The other day I happened to hear my parents chatting that you had lung cancer and left the world soon after you waved goodbye.( ) 1. A. forever B. seldom C. hardly D. soon( ) 2. A. scene B. condition C. sign D. sight( ) 3. A. report B. arrival C. explanation D. speech( ) 4. A. even B. ever C. soon D. still( ) 5. A. considered B. feared C. supposed D. doubted( ) 6. A. teaching B. middle C. course D. field( ) 7. A. way B. wealth C. value D. cost( ) 8. A. as if B. because C. even though D. before( ) 9. A .listened B .talked C. discussed D. studied( ) 10. A. explained B. stopped C. talked D .spoke( ) 11. A. hoped B expected C. wished D. brought( ) 12. A. boy B. class C. heart D. memory五、书面表达题看电视是我们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分,但是看太多电视也有不良的影响。根据以下表格中的信息,以“Watching TV”为题,写一篇90词左右的短文。好处坏处有声音、图像带来视觉享受节目多,可以选择自己喜欢的节目更好地了解世界给我们带来快乐,帮助我们放松影响视力运动减少使人困倦,影响工作和学习人与人的交流减少_九年级上册Unit 6 Task 参考答案一、词汇1 .directors 2.decisions 3 .himself 4.dead 5.dialogues6 .Asians 7.video 8. concert 9.covered 10.up-to-date二、动词1 .To plete 2 . was chosen 3. would call4. are disappearing 5. havent watched 6. promise三、单选 1-5ADABD 6-10BBDAB四、完型填空 CABAB ACAAB CC五作文(参考)


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