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课时11 八年级(下)Units 1-2.语法与情景对话1. “One Belt One Road” (一带一路) will serve to _ markets for China as well as other countries along.A. give upB. look upC. take upD. open up2.xx宜昌The government is trying to develop winter sports for the 2022 Winter Olympics.No wonder people are showing more _ in them.A. warmthB. interestC. victoryD. standard3.xx苏州Jack, why have you decided _ Chinese folk music as a course?To learn more about Chinese culture.A. takeB. takenC. takingD. to take4.xx海南改编I _ sick. I may have a fever.Youd better go to see a doctor.A. feelB. lookC. soundD. like5.xx安徽It is necessary for schools to _ the need of all the students development.A. cutB. hideC. refuseD. satisfy6. Why is it so noisy there?The boys are talking about the football match _.A. quietlyB. bravelyC. patientlyD. excitedly7.xx河南I dont care what people think.Well, you _. Youre not alone in this world.A. can B. may C. shouldD. will8. I have _ in learning physics and Im so worried. Could you help me with it?Sure, Id love to.A. trouble B. funC. confidenceD. question9.xx西宁Every morning the old people enjoy _ in the square, singing and dancing.A. himB. themC. himselfD. themselves10. Could you please teach me how to _ “red envelopes”(红包) on WeChat?Sure. Let me show you.A. give awayB. give upC. give backD. give out.完形填空xx毕节Anny is only 13 years old. She is a girl 1 of love.At the age of four, she began to learn 2 play the violin. And she was really good at it. She wanted to 3 the poor children in her town, so she decided to raise some money by playing the violin in 4 street. At first, only a few people gave her money. Three days later, she put a sign beside her, saying why she was doing so. When people saw the sign, they were all 5 and started to help her with the work. Anny also 6 her favorite toys to collect money. When her teachers and classmates got to know this, they all began to sell their old toys, clothes and books to collect money, 7 .Anny 8 money for two years, and now shes got 9 than 2,000. She says she will continue doing like this and help more poor 10 .1. A. filledB. fullC. fillD. fulled2. A. what toB. when toC. how toD. which to3. A. help B. helped C. helpsD. helping4. A. aB. anC. theD. /5. A. moving B. moved C. movesD. move6. A. soldB. boughtC. borrowedD. lost7. A. tooB. toC. alsoD. either8. A. raisedB. has been raisedC. has raisedD. had been raised9. A. mustB. manyC. moreD. much10. A. friendsB. childrenC. classmatesD. teachers.阅读理解xx义乌改编Sydney Fredette has a lot of things to deal with. Not only is she a high school student, but she has also set up her own organization, Beary Merry Christmas. She volunteers to serve poor kids and families in Orange County(县) in California, US.To remember her best friend who died of cancer nearly 10 years ago, Fredette decided to serve those in Orange County who are less lucky than she is.She began with the simple idea of collecting donated(捐赠的) Build-A-Bears, the popular toy animal that is made by children themselves in the stores workshops. Fredette then gave them as gifts to the homeless children in California during the holiday season.With donations at more than 100 bears a year, Fredette and volunteers host activities every year, where volunteers not only give out the bears, but also clothing, meals, and other things.Not wanting to limit(限制) the giving to just the holiday months, Fredette now hosts other activities for Valentines Day, Mothers Day and Halloween, providing the chance for her volunteer team to make a difference through the year.“I love making relationships with the people I serve,”Fredette said.“The thanks they have, hearing their stories and seeing how happy they are, its so cool.”Future plans for Fredette include building a public food bank and providing a self-development class for students in her school who will soon attend college.Heading to college herself in the autumn, Fredette is looking to stay local and continue to help out in her county. In fact, she was regarded as a “Dreamer & Doer” not long ago for her work in improving her munity, along with 32 other high school students.1. Fredette started her own organization to _. A. keep her life busy B. thank her best friend C. look after the sick D. help poor people2. What can we learn about Beary Merry Christmas? A. It holds one activity a year. B. It gives out other things besides bears. C. It buys bears from the stores. D. It offers service around America.3. It can be inferred(推断) that Fredette _. A. likes telling people stories B. dreams of being a teacher C. is pleased with what she does D. plans to leave California for college4. Fredette will head to _ herself in the autumn. A. primaryB. junior C. seniorD. college5. What can be the best title for the passage? A. Giving back to society B. Getting on well with others C. Providing a food bank D. Improving munity colleges.任务型完形填空xx黄石改编with, think, teammate, what, instead, sadness, hard, fail, know, himselfDavid felt down as he walked home alone. He couldnt help 1. _ about his stupid mistake on the school soccer field. He missed scoring that goal. His mistake made the school team 2. _ in the game.As soon as he arrived home, his mother found his 3. _, for it was shown on his face. After she 4. _ the whole story, she told her son that it was not necessary to be too hard on 5. _ and winning or losing was only half the game. She asked David to municate with his 6. _. She added that the most important thing was to support each other in a team. 7. _ his mother said made him think a lot.The next day, David went to soccer practice with courage 8. _ of fear in his heart. He apologized to his teammates for his mistake. He said they should continue to work together as a whole team. It was a relief that his teammates all agreed 9. _ him. They promised to encourage each other and work much 10. _ the next time.任务型阅读理解xx黄石改编Smart phones with cameras that can take selfies (自拍) have bee popular. We can now take every moment of our life and share it with the world through the Internet. However, some believe that taking a selfie is causing people to take risks that sometimes cause death!for a while, Though, the problem of, taking selfies, has been known(,) it became worse and had to be dealt with on September 21st, following the death of Frank, who was trying to take a selfie with his friend when they fell off some stairs. His friend only broke his leg while Frank died from the accident. It was reported that three Indian students were run over(碾压)by a passing train while they were taking a selfie on the railway tracks.More and more selfie-connected accidents are forcing(迫使)some governments to _ with the problem. In July, the Russian Interior Ministry began a program which didnt allow using the selfie stick (自拍杆). Many museums and theme parks havent allowed visitors to use the selfie stick, ether.Although official (官方的) ways may help reduce (减少) the accidents, the only way to stop selfie-connected accidents is that everyone takes them seriously. So when you decide to take a selfie that appears dangerous, be sure to stop.1. 将文中处画线内容连词成句。(标点符号已在括号内给出)_2. 根据短文内容,在文中处填入恰当的词。_3. 将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语。_4. What happened to the three Indian students while they were taking a selfie?_5. When did the Russian Interior Ministry stop people from using the selfie stick?_.口语交际xx赤峰A: Good morning. Sit down, please.B: Morning, doctor.A: 1. _B: I was caught in the rain. Ive got a had cough and my head hurts.A: Do you have a fever?B: 2. _ I feel terrible.A: Let me see. Theres nothing serious. 3. _ Have a good rest, and youll be fine soon.B: Thanks, I will. 4. _A: Youd better choose your clothes according to the weather report. The weather often changes in summer.B: How will the weather be tomorrow?A: 5. _ Now were in the season of rain.B: What bad weather!A: When you go out, please wear warm clothes and take an umbrella with you.B: Thank you, doctor.A. You just have a cold.B. Itll still be rainy tomorrow.C. Whats the weather like?D. Yes. My temperature is 38.E. I have a headache.F. Whats the matter with you?G. Any other suggestions?.书面表达xx丽水假设你是Li Ming, 你的笔友Lisa想了解在毕业之际, 你将为母校做些什么有意义的事。从下表所列的五项内容中, 至少选择两项, 用英语给Lisa写一封电子邮件。Do Something for My Schoolvolunteer to do (clean up the school,.)give something away(such as books,.)give suggestions(organize more activities, .)make the school more beautiful(plant trees,.)write to younger schoolmates(how to use time,.).注意:1. 文中必须包括所选内容括号内的提示,并适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;3. 词数:80词左右;4. 短文开头供选择使用,不计入总词数。Hello Lisa,How is it going? Its time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school. _Li Ming.语法与情景对话1. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:“一带一路”将会对中国和其他国家一样_服务市场。give up放弃;look up(在字典、书籍等中)查阅;take up占据;open up打开。根据句意可知此处表示“打开”市场。故选D。2. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为“政府正在努力为2022年冬奥会发展冬季运动。”“难怪人们对它们表现出更多的_。”warmth温暖;interest兴趣;victory胜利;standard标准。由语境可知此处表示“表现出更多的兴趣”。故选B。3. D【解析】考查固定结构。句意为“杰克,你为什么决定选择中国民乐作为一门课程?”“为了学习更多关于中国文化的知识。”由固定结构“decide to do sth.决定做某事”可知选D。4. A【解析】考查感官动词辨析。句意为“我_生病了。我可能发烧了。”“你最好去看一下医生。”feel感觉;look看起来;sound听起来;like像。由语境可知此处表示我感觉我生病了”。故选A。5. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于学校来说,_所有学生的发展需求是很有必要的。cut切断;hide隐藏;refuse拒绝;satisfy满足。由句意推知,这里指的是“满足所有学生的发展需求”。故选D。6. D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意为“那边为什么那么吵?”“男孩子们正在_谈论足球赛。”quietly安静地;bravely勇敢地;patiently耐心地;excitedly兴奋地。由语境可知选D。7. C【解析】考查情态动词的基本用法。句意为“我不在乎别人怎么想的。”“哦,你_。在这个世界上你不是单独的。”can能够,会;may可以;should应该;will将要。根据句意可知此处表示“你应该在乎别人所想”。故选C。8. A【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:“我在学习物理方面有_,而且我很担心。你能帮助我学它吗?”“当然可以,我很愿意。”trouble困难;fun乐趣;confience信心;question问题。故选A。9. D【解析】考查反身代词的用法。句意:每天早上老人们都在广场上玩得很开心,唱歌,跳舞。him他,宾格;them他们,宾格;himself他自己,反身代词;themselves他们自己,反身代词。enjoy oneself“玩得愉快,玩得开心”。故选D。10. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为“能请你教我怎么在微信上_红包吗?”“当然可以。让我演示给你看。”give away捐赠;give up放弃;give back还回;give out分发。故选D。.完形填空【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Anny为了帮助贫困孩子,在大街上拉小提琴,将所得的收入全部捐给了这些贫困的孩子们。Anny的义举感动了她的老师和同学们,他们纷纷加入到救助这些贫困孩子的行列中。1. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她是一个_爱的女孩。filled装满的,满的;full满的;fill装满,动词;fulled为错误形式。(be) full of/be filled with“充满的”,为固定搭配。故选B。2. C【解析】考查特殊疑问词的用法。句意:在四岁的时候,她开始学习_拉小提琴。what to什么;when to什么时候;how to怎样;which to哪个。联系下文可知,四岁的时候,Anny开始学习怎样拉小提琴。故选C。3. A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:她想去_她们镇里的贫穷孩子们。want to do sth.“想要做某事”,为固定结构。故选A。4. C【解析】考查冠词的用法。句意:所以她决定通过在街上拉小提琴筹钱。a表泛指,用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an表泛指,用在以元音音素开头的单词前;the表特指,用在乐器等名词前;零冠词有特殊的用法,一般用于固定短语中。in the street“在街上”,为固定搭配。故选C。5. B【解析】考查动词的语态。句意:当人们看到标语牌时,他们都_了,开始帮助她做这项工作。moving动名词或现在分词;moved过去分词;moves一般现在时的第三人称单数;move动词原形。分析句子结构可知,主语they和谓语move之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态,其结构为“be+动词过去分词”。本句空格前有were,空格处应用过去分词 moved。故选B。6. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:Anny也_她最心爱的玩具来筹钱。sold卖;bought买;borrowed借用;lost丢失。分析句意可知,Anny卖了玩具来筹钱。故选A。7. A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:当她的老师和同学们知道这个消息时,他们_都开始卖他们的旧玩具、衣服和书籍来集资。too太,也(一般用于肯定句句末,常用逗号隔开);to为了;also也(一般用于肯定句句中);either也(一般用于否定句句末)。根据句意可知,此处指“也”,排除B项。分析句子,本句为肯定句,且空格处在句末,与前句用逗号隔开,应用too。故选A。8. C【解析】考查时态与语态。句意:Anny已经_两年了。分析句子结构,主语Anny和谓语raise之间为主动关系,应为主动语态,所以排除B、D两项;根据句中的时间标志词“for two years”可知应用现在完成时。故选C。9. C【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:现在她已经得到了_2,000英镑。must必须;many许多,修饰可数名词复数;more更多,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;much许多,修饰不可数名词。more than“多于”,为固定搭配。故选C。10. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说她会继续这样做,帮助更多的贫穷_。friends朋友们;children孩子们;classmates同学们;teachers老师们。联系上文可知,Anny这样做是为了帮助贫穷的孩子们。故选B。.阅读理解【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲的是Fredette的志愿组织及其组织进行的一系列志愿活动。1. D【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:Fredette开展她自己的组织是为了_。A项:使生活忙碌;B项:感谢她最好的朋友;C项:照顾病人;D项:帮助穷人。根据第二段“.Fredette decided to serve those in Orange County who are less lucky than she is.”可知她是为了要服务那些没有她幸运的人,与D项相对应。故选D。2. B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:我们能了解到关于“Beary Merry Christmas”的什么?A项:它每年举办一次;B项:它除了捐赠熊还捐赠其他东西;C项:它从商店购买熊;D项:它在全美提供服务。根据原文第四段中“.where volunteers not only give out the bears, but also clothing, meals, and other things.”,可知活动除了捐赠熊还捐赠衣服、食物等其他东西。故选B。3. C【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:我们能从文中推断得出Fredette_。A项:喜欢给人讲故事;B项:梦想成为一名老师;C项:为自己所做的事感到开心;D项:计划离开加利福尼亚上大学。根据倒数第三段“I love.”和“The thanks they have, hearing their stories and seeing how happy they are, its so cool.”,可以看出她很高兴能为他们服务。故选C。4. D【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:Fredette将在秋天自己前往_。由最后一段第一句“Heading to college herself in the autumn.”可知此处表达:Fredette将在秋天自己前往大学,故选D。5. A【解析】标题归纳题。题干意为:这篇文章的最佳标题是什么?A项:回报社会;B项:和别人处理好关系;C项:提供一个食物银行;D项:提高社区大学。全文主要是讲述关于志愿活动的事情,那么标题“回报社会”最符合文义。故选A。.任务型完形填空【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了David因为错失了一个得分球,而使团队输了比赛。 回家后在妈妈的开导下,第二天鼓起勇气向队友们道歉,并提议跟大家一起努力,得到了大家的认可。这件事使我们明白了一个道理,团队中每个人都要互相支持,共同努力。1. thinking【解析】考查动词。根据句意可知,这里应该是David在思考这件事情,cant help doing sth.“忍不住去做某事”,故填thinking。2. fail【解析】考查动词。根据语境可推断出这里是指他的错误使校队输了比赛。fail意为“失败”,make sb. do sth.,用动词原形,故填fail。3. sadness【解析】考查名词。根据句意可知此处是他把难过表现在了脸上,his后面应接名词,故填sadness。4. knew【解析】考查动词。根据句意可知,这里是指妈妈知道了整件事情,事情发生在过去,用一般过去时,故填knew。5. himself【解析】考查反身代词。根据上文句意她告诉她的儿子不需要对自己要求太严格,“他自己”应用反身代词,故填himself。6. teammates【解析】考查名词。根据上文句意她让David去和他的_交流,可知,妈妈是希望他和队友谈谈,故填teammates。7. What【解析】考查疑问词。根据句意可知他妈妈说的话让他思考了很多。这里是用What 引导的主语从句,故填What。8. instead【解析】考查介词短语。由上文可知妈妈鼓励了David,以及空格前后词性相同,instead of“取代,代替”,为固定搭配,故填instead。9. with【解析】考查介词。根据句意他说他们应该作为一个团体继续共同努力。由此可知队友都同意他的看法,agree with“同意”,为固定搭配,故填with。10. harder【解析】考查形容词的比较级。根据句意他们保证要互相鼓励并更加努力地工作,空格前much为提示词,这里应该是更加努力的意思,用形容词的比较级,故填harder。.任务型阅读理解【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。讲述了智能手机的自拍功能一度的流行,但是也引发了一些问题。从而告诉我们,在自拍的时候我们需要注意安全。1. Though the problem of taking selfies has been known for a while.2. deal【解析】根据句意可知此处表达:越来越多的自拍相关的事故迫使政府处理这些问题。deal with“处理”,故填deal。3. 当你决定进行看似危险的自拍时,务必停止。4. They were run over by a passing train.【解析】根据文章第二段“It was reported that three Indian students were run over(碾压)by a passing train while they were taking a selfie on the railway tracks.”可知,当他们在自拍时,被经过的火车碾压。5. In July.【解析】根据文章倒数第二段“In July, the Russian Interior Ministry began a program which didnt allow using the selfie stick(自拍杆),在七月份,俄罗斯内政部开始了不允许使用自拍杆的项目。”可知,时间是在七月。.口语交际1-5 FDAGB.书面表达Hello Lisa,How is it going? Its time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school. Here are my plans that I would like to share with you. First of all, I will volunteer to do some cleaning with my classmates, such as cleaning the windows and sweeping the floors. To keep our school clean, we will ask our schoolmates not to litter at school. Also, I will give away my favorite books to the school library so that our younger schoolmates can read more good books. And I will call on more schoolmates to do so. Its really hard for me to say goodbye. I wish my school to have a better future.Li Ming


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