九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Creativity Lesson 9 Creative Minds教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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Unit 3 CreativityLesson 9 Creative mindsv 教材分析本节课位于单元第三课,主题是创造性思维,是一节阅读课。本文是一篇科技性的说明文章,例举了棒冰、耳罩、蜡笔套、手腕套四个发明,所有的发明都有一个共同点孩子们在尝试用创造性的思维解决生活中遇到的困难。科技性的内容相对较枯燥,全文300词左右,介绍每个发明的文段大概66词,所以,思考如何让文本与学生自身联系,变得有意义进而让学生愿意进行阅读学习尤为重要。 教学目标【知识目标】通过快速阅读获取一些具体发明创造的时间、发明家、发明过程等信息。【能力目标】通过归纳、理解发明过程和背景信息,理解文段中的因果关系。【情感目标】建立面对生活中的问题善于思考,勇于解决问题的意识。 教学重难点【教学重点】运用文本信息与自己的生活经验,以我最喜欢的发明为题进行发明推荐会,与文本进行互动。【教学难点】通过阅读了解创新思维、建立面对生活中的问题善于思考,勇于解决问题 的意识。 课前准备1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-up1. Let students discuss the problems they face and their solutions.2. Let students brainstorm the inventions they know and introduce them to classmates.Step2. Reading1. Get students to skip the whole passage and find out the inventions mentioned in the txt.2. Read the popsicles passage and finish the table about what, where, when, and who individually.3. Ask students to make a speech on their discovery in the passage using the conjunctions and stating phrase learned previously.4. Let students choose an invention and learn it in the groups of 6.5. Let students make a special presentation on the invention learned in the passage.6. Put the sentences in the proper places in their mind maps. Let students work in groups.Step3. Post-reading1. List at least two pieces of information for students presentation from the text.2. Express students opinions on the invention or inventor.3. Let students make your speech logical probably with “because” or “so”.4. Students prepare for the speech one question for other groups.5. Students will have 5 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes for the presentation.6. Let students speak out their opinions on difference and similarity among inventions or inventors.7. Let students reflect on what have been learnt and encourage them to solve the problems in the daily life.Step4. Language points1. popsicle N-COUNT 冰棍;棒冰;雪糕earmuff N-COUNT 御寒耳罩; 耳套crayon holder 蜡笔夹wristies n.pl 露指手套2. get+adj. 变得怎么样The boys were getting bored.stay+adj. 保持怎么样How do you stay healthy?leave sth./sb.+adj./介词短语 招致;造成The documentary left me in a state of shock.Step5. Consolidation1. Ask students to fill in the Ex. 3 in accordance with the content of passage.2. Students think about the inventors from the passage. What are some examples of their creativity?Step6. Writing1. Let students think out a problem at school, at home or in daily life, then write a letter about it and ask for help from other groups. 2. Exchange letters with other groups. 3. Each group discusses how to be creative and writes how to invent an invention to solve problems.Step7. Presentation1. Elect one representative out of every groups and let them read out their groups problem and the corresponding group read out their inventions.2. Vote for the best group which is most creative in offering solutions.Step8. Homework1. Finish the exercise book.2. Polish your writing and write it down in your exercise book.略

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