2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 11 Lesson 1(1)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 11 Lesson 1(1)教案 广州版一、Objectives: 1. To help the students learn basic instructions.2. To help the students confirm some prepositions.二、The important point:1. Four skills: put, by, under2. Three skills: against, corner, shelf, idea, spider, which3. Drills: Putagainst/on/in/under/byThere is a 三、The difficult point:Put against There is a 四、The course: (一)RevisionSing the song Rhyme(二)新授知识:1. Presentation (1)T: Ask a student to do:Put the table against the wallP1: Which wall?T: That oneAgainst T: There is a chair here.Put it in the corner.P1: This corner?T: Yes.2. Presentation (2)T: Put the bed by/against/near the window, OK!T: There are so many books on the floorP1: Put them on the shelfT: Good ideaMake a funny (兴趣活动)T: Listen, Whats on the ceiling?P: spiderT: How to express their surprise?P: Yeah.(课文的巩固练习)Read the dialogue. Let each individual student read the dialogue. Go around and monitor. When teacher hear good reading. Practice them on the spot in a way. Help the weaker students by providing models and encourage them by saying that they are doing well, then let the pairs acts the dialogue. (语音语调和单词发音的纠正)(三)Sum up:1. Drills: put on/in/against/by区别:by/against/near2. Three skills: against, corner, by, shelf, idea五、Homework:1. Copy the new words2. Read the dialogue附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 11 Lesson 2(1)教案 广州版一、Objectives:1. To help the students acquire expressions such as“put your books away”“keep your room clean and tidy”2. To practice pronunciation3. To help fun二、The important point:PutawayKeepclean and tidy三、The difficult point:Dont put here. Put them away.四、The course: (一)Revision:Read the dialoguePerform the dialogue(二)新授知识:1. Presentation (1)Sing the song by oneselfLet students sing alongLet students read “putting their books away”Practice: putaway keepclean and tidy分组表演the song。2. Presentation (2)Help students to act all the parts as they chantExplainL理解小诗的意思)3.短语的学习Dont put hereKeep tidyClean4.学生自由发挥读和练(三)Sum up:怎样规劝把东西放好putawaykeepclean/tidydont put here介词归类In/on/near/by/against/under/behind/in front of询问某处有什么Whats on the desk?A book. A pen五、Homework:Copy the dialogue

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