2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit9(3)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit9(3)教案 广东版开心Target:1、Learn the sentences.1)What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? It will be cold.There will be snowy.2) What will the weather be like in the afternoon? It will be and sunny.2、Sounds and words.词首位置bake buy box break baseball balloonVocabulary: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow morning, afternoon, evening, snow, wind, rain.Key points and difficult points:1、本单元新单词。2、询问天气情况的句子及答句。Materials:pictures、 calendar、 little blackboard.教学过程:一、Revise1 A what will the weather be like on Monday / B I t will be sunny.2 Sing the song; what will the weather be like/3 Read conversation by groups .4 Read p51 activity text.5 Make the weather report by pairs.二、Presentation1 Show the sound /b/Teach the new words bake buy box break baseball balloon.Find out the same place about the new words b /b/.听录音读,同学指书跟读。2. 抽读部分同学,有错误的纠正。3. 教师任意指着不同的图画,让学生说出单词。4. 举例说出发/ b/的单词三、 Teach chant1. 让同学看图;T: What did he do ?S: He baked some bread.T: What did you borrow/S: I borrow a bed/2. 教师带读歌词。3.学生大声朗读歌词。4.Find the words sound /b/ and circle 5.Listen to the tape and sing.四、Exercises1 Copy the new words.教学后记:在学生掌握问一般现在时与过去时的天气的同时,来一个天气预报,然后就将来时态上来做补充,让学生上台发言,使学生对天气大感兴趣,最后把三者综合起来,学生就成为真正的一个天气预报员了。把单词与句型都结合起来,还加上了很多日常用语。但对于中下生来说,将来时态还是掌握的不够好。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit9教案 湘少版一、Teaching aimsLearn to say: Benny took my ball.二、Teaching emphasis and difficulties:Make a dialogue with the new sentence parterns.三、Teaching aids:Teaching cards.四、Teaching procedure:Step 1 Warm-up activities 1.Greeting:Good morning, boys and girls. 1. T:Lets sing an English song.(课件出示一首英文歌:Can you throw high in the sky? 学生边唱边拍手)2. T:Would you like to play a game? OK,listen. Miss Wang say: swim, you say : I can swim. Miss Wang say: Run. You say : I can run. OK?(老师一边说一边做动作,板书:I can)now, stand up.T: Run. Swim. Jump. Play basketball. Play football. Play pingpong. Read a book. Listen to music.T: Good job. Boys and girls. Look at the pictures on the screen. Say together: I can(老师出示课件。) I can swim. I can play pingpong. I can run. I can sing. I can dance. I can play basketball. I can play football. I can ride. I can jump.Step 2 Lead -in and presentation T: Great. (老师边做跑的动作,边说) I can run. But I cant run fast.T: Can you run?(边问学生边在黑板上板书)T: (师问多个学生)Can you run fast?Ss: Yes, I can. (No, I cant.)(板书)T: Yes, you can run fast. Please e here. T: Youll have a game. Run from here to there. Well see who can run faster? Are you ready? Go. Who is the winner?(叫两个学生回答yes的学生上台比赛,看谁跑得快。Who is the winner?)(老师做跳的动作)T: Your ball is beautiful.T: (师问学生)Can I borrow it?.Ss: Im sorry. Benny took my ball.(老师请另一个学生回答)T: Did you take his ball? T:(做打球的动作)Yes, I did Ss: yes, I did./No, I didnt.T: (师带领学生)Benny took my ball.took takeStep 3: PracticeT: Boys and girls. Look at the screen. Work in pairs. One ask: take, The other answer: took.(老师请学生两人一组根据课件上的单词一问一答练习:take, took; get, got.S1: Did you take his ball?S2: Yes , I did.T:(老师作评价)Yes , Benny took my ball.Step 4 presentation T: You did a good job. Now look at the four pictures. Who are they?Ss: They are Amy, Sam and Lingling.T: Yes. What are they talking about? Listen carefully first.(听完磁带后)T: What are they talking about?(引导学生说)T and S:They are talking about playing basketball.T: Can you find out the new word?(用卡片教basketball)T: listen again and answer my questions.T: Well done. Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 5 ExtensionBoy and girls, we are going to have a sports meeting. We want to choose some sports students. What sports can you do? Ill choose some group leaders. The group leaders ask your members like this. For example.(老师演示) Step 6 Homework1.listen and act the dialogue.2.Ask your friend with the sentence “Did you?”


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