2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit3(2)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit3(2)教案 苏教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit3(2)教案 苏教牛津版TEACHING CONTENTS:1. Look and say “Good morning /afternoon This is ,Hi, Nice to meet you ,Nice to meet you ,too .2.Workbook :A Listen and respond . B Listen and number .TEACHING AIMS:1.The Ss can introduce their family members to others .2.The Ss can talk in English .They like to speak in English.TEACHING AIDS:recorder ,masks , wall pictures .TEACHING STEPS:Step1: Warm-up:1.Greetings .Listen and sing a song family song。 2.Free talk。围绕两人初次见面的所需问候语。3.Guess: Whats in my basket?(猜水果篮里有什么?) 利用感官。4.Listen and imitate .听音模仿练习。(复习巩固A部分会话)Step2. Presentation 1.Show the masks .(Mr Black, Mrs Black, Mr Green ,Miss Li) .Please say :“Good morning/afternoon to them.” 生来分别扮演这四个角色,分成四个小组,进行互动式练习。2.The Ss practice by using “Good morning /afternoon Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too .”3.Show the wall pictures .(c Look and say)Look at the pictures.Questions :a. How many people are there in the picture ? b. Who are they?c. What are they talking about?4.Discuss.5.Practice e.g (1) Mr Green :Good morning ,Mr Black.Mr Black: Good morning,Mr Green . (2) Mrs Black: Good afternoon /Nice to meet you , Mrs Li : Good afternoon /Nice to meet you ,too . (3) Helen: Hi ,Li Tao ,This is my brother ,Mike . Li Tai: Nice to meet you , Mike. Mike: Nice to meet you ,too . (4) Mike : Hello,Gao Shan ,This is my sister ,Helen . Helen : Nice to meet you ,Gao Shan . Gao Shan : Nice to meet you ,too .B: Can you make a dialogue like these .Try to act .Step3 Do the workbook .1.Page 7: Unit 3 This is my father .A Listen and respond .Listen to the tape and look at the pictures .e.g (1) Miss xu: Hi ,Im Miss xu S1 : Hi, I m KEY:(1) Hi,I m (2) Good afternoon . (3) Nice to meet you ,too .(4) Nice to meet you, Mrs Black . 纠正好答案之后,学生可以自由进行练习,以巩固所学,扩充知识面。3. Turn to the next page : B Listen and number .先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。KEY: a 4 b 3 c 1 d 2Step 4 Consolidation Listen to the tape and repeat (PartA, PartB)Step 5 ENDING.Homework :Listen to the tape and read after it three times about A Learn to say and B Look and Learn . The fourth period : D Fun house .TEACHING CONTENTS:1.Listen and judge .2.Play a game .3.Say a rhyme.TEACHING AIMS:1.Go on learning the new words and the new sentences .2.To understand and say a rhyme :“They are all very good.”3.To encourage the Ss to learn English and use it .TEACHING STEPS:Step 1. Warm-up 1.Greetings.2.Sing songs :Hello ,Nancy,Family songs3.Free talk :围绕将别人介绍出去之类的交际进行交流。Step 2 Presentation .1.Show the masks .T:What are their names ? Do you know ? Please introduce themselves to me .S1: Hi,Miss Yao ,This is S2: Good morning/afternoon ,This is T: Who want to make a dialogue?(By using masks )给予鼓励。Sa: Hi, Im Sb: Hi, Im Sc : Nice to meet you ,Sd:Nict to meet you ,too .2.Show the pictures (fruits ) 采用小组竞赛。 Game1: 说单词,师在黑板上一边贴水果图,生一边抢说。师随意快速贴出水果图,生必须迅速做出反应,既正确又快速者为赢,积累得分,高分为胜。)Game2: 指单词,教师一边说单词,几名学生在板前指认水果图。3.Listen and judge .Listen to the tape and look at the pictures.If it is right ,you must write :“ ”,but not “”.最好先利用实例来说明!KEY:a b c d e f g h 4.Play a game .Show the pictures .e.g S1: What can you see? S2: I can see a banana /some bananas.Practice in pairs .Check .5.Say a rhyme.a.Listen to the tape ,just listen b.Read after the T.c.Practice in pairs .Step 3 Works: According to the text then match . A Mr Green is Nancys 1 father B Mrs Black is Nancys 2 brother. C Mr Black is Nancys 3 friend (朋友) D David is Nancys 4 teacher(老师) E Nancy is Davids 5 sister F Helen is Nancys 6 mother .播放歌曲GoodbyeStep 4 ENDING. Homework:Listen to the tape and learn the songGoodbye .Phonetic symbol:bananas/b5nB:nz/ watermelons /5wR:t7 melnz/peaches/5pi:tFiz/ pears/pZz/ apples/5Aplz/oranges/5RrindViz/ mangoes/5mANgUz/ pineapples/5pain7Aplz/附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit3教案 苏教牛津版教材简析:本单元的教学内容仍然围绕“介绍”这一功能项目展开,只是将第二单元对他人的介绍扩展到对家庭成员的介绍,Learn to say 中,在复现前面所学问候语Hi/Hello /Nice to meet you .的基础上增加了新的称呼语:my father /my mother /my brother./my sister.由于中西方文化的差异,学生可能对教材中出现的Mr Black 和Mrs Black 之间的关系产生疑问,教师可借此机会对学生进行一些欧美礼仪方面的介绍,在问候语方面,整个单元仅在Look and learn 中有一处新授内容。即对Good morning 的正确应答方式。教学要求:1.能用This is my 句型介绍家庭成员。2.能听懂、会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语:father ,mother ,brother ,sister .3.认识三个人物Mr Black ,Mrs Black ,Gao Shan.并能正确理解和运用Mrs .4.能听懂、会说以下八个水果类单词 an apple an orange a pear a banana , a peach,a mang , a pineapple, a watermelon.5.能听懂并有韵律地诵读歌谣 They are all very good .6.能初步了解名词复数的读音。7.能听懂、会说以下对话,并能运用所学句型进行询问调查。What do you like ?I like 教学重点:见教学要求:1、2、4。教学难点:见教学要求:2、4、6。教具准备:录音机、磁带、人物图片、头饰、八种水果。课时安排:第一课时: A Learn to say 第二课时: B Look and learn 第三课时: C Look and say 第四课时: D Fun houseUnit 3 This is my fatherThe first period: A Learn to sayTEACHING CONTENTS:1.Vocabulary:Mr Black,Mrs Black ,Gao Shan.2.Pattern:This is myTEACHING AIMS:1.The Ss can understand and say the munion parlance: Hi/Hello,this is my father/mother/brother /sister .Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you,2.To know three persons:Mr Black,Mrs Black,Gao Shan.3.To encourage the Ss to learn English.TEACHING AIDS:photo ,recorder ,masks .TEACHING STEPS :Step1. Warm-up.1.Sing songs and act :Hello 、Hi,Nancy2.Greetings: Hi/Hello,ImGood morning/Good afternoon .Nice to meet you, Nice to meet you ,too3.Free talk : Hello!Good morning !This is Yang Ling /my father .引入本课新授部分。Step2 Presentation and practice.1.Learn to say :This is my father .Show the family photo.T:Today were going to learn a new dialogue. Look at this photo of my family.Let me introduce something about it .a.T: This is my father ,(师反复重复:father , This is my father )What does“father” mean? Do you know?“Father”means “爸爸”,“my father ”means “我的爸爸”.b.Read after the T,then play a game:J T: father .J Ss: Dad . JT: Dad .J Ss: father .c.T: Show me your family photo ,please introduce your father to me ,You should say : Miss Yao,this is my father.d.Practice and check.2.Learn to say : This is my mother/brother/sister. The same method and then play a game .the T say the word aloud ,but the Ss say it low.If the T say it low ,the Ss say it aloud .3.Sing a song “Family song .”把四个单词father ,mother ,brother ,sister 编成歌曲,让学生在歌中熟悉四种称呼。4.Check.Look at your photo and introduce your family to your deskmates Step3. Consolidation.1.The T shows the wall picture.T: How many people are there in the picture?Ss:Three.T: Who are they?Ss:Nancy,Mr Green ,Mr Black.T: Mr Black is Nancys father ,Nancy wants to introduce her father to Mr Green ,What are they talking about?2.生组成三人学习小组,先讨论交流,表演一番后评论。Listen to the tape and repeat .3.Show the masks(Nancy,Mr Green,Mr Black)T: Whod like to act out the dialogue?By using the masks.Three students a group,talk about this picture.4.The T introduce Gao Shan to the Ss. (This is Gao Shan)5.Show the wall picture and masks (Gao Shan.,Nancy,David)/T (wearing the mask): Im David ,who wants to be Nancy, who wants to be Gan Shan?Listen to me ,please.T say:“Hello, GaoShan ,this is my sister ,Nancy.”Gao Shan says:“Hi, Nancy.”Nancy says:“Hi, Gaoshan.”6.Three students a group make the dialogue.7.Check.8.Listen to the tape, just listen and next time ,repeat it .9.Open the books ,turn to page 18 , A Learn to say .Listen to the tape and repeat .Step 4 .Homework for today.Listen to the tape and read after the tape .BLACKBOARD DESIGN: motherUnit 3 This is my fatherbrother sister The second period : B Look and learnTEACHING CONTENTS:Vocabulary: bananas .watermelons ,peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .TEACHING AIMS:1.To understand and say the words :bananas ,watermelons ,peachs ,pears ,apples ,oranges ,mangoes ,pineapples.2.To understand whats the difference between singular form or plural form.3.To encourage the Ss to learn English.TEACHING STEPS:Step1. Warm-up.1.Sing “Good morning And how are you ?”2.Greetings .(同位之间练习,自由锁链反应)。Hello /Hi, Good morning/ Good afternoon.Nice to meet you , Nice to meet you ,too.3.Introduce .Please introduce your family members to your deskmate .Practice in pairs .Step2 Presentation and practice .1.Learn to say the new word: bananas.a.Show the fruit .(bananas)T: Look,I have some bananas ,please show me your bananas and say bananas .Ss: bananas.T:I have a banana . Show me your banana and say “a banana”.Ss: a banana.b.Practice .Pass the bananas and say “bananas” one by one.Show a banana and say :“this is a banana”.2.Look and say the other words .The same method.3.“碰地雷”。游戏方法:教师在这八个单词之一下面贴一枚“地雷”图,师领读八个单词,生跟读,利用学生的触觉、嗅觉让学生来巩固,但碰到“地雷”时就不能跟读了,否则将遭受“地雷轰炸”。Step3 .Consolidation .1.Play a game.T: Lets play a game ,ok? There are some fruits in my bag ,Iwant one student to e to the blackboard ,touch and guess,If youre right ,Ill give you some fruit.e.g S1: apples ? Ss: Yes .(or no)2. Listen to the tape and repeat . Once: Only listen . Twice :Listen and repeat .3.Do the workbook : B Listen and draw .Step 3 Homework :1.Read the learnt words three times and read these after tape.BLACKBOARD DESIGN:Unit 3This is my fatherbananas watermelons peaches apples pineapples pears oranges mangoes


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