2019-2020年五年级英语下册 UNIT 4 What are you doing教案 人教(PEP).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 UNIT 4 What are you doing教案 人教(PEP)一.教学目标:1.能听.说.读.写动词短语的ing形式,drawing pictures,doing the dishes,cooking dinner,reading a book,answering the phone.2.能运用句子“What are you doing?” “I am .”询问别人正在做得事情并作答。3.通过说唱Lets chant部分的歌谣,巩固复习 Lets learn 部分的短语和句子。二.教学重难点:1.四会掌握ing 短语,以及它们的正确发音.2.理解What are you doing?”I am .”的意思.三.教具准备:课件,录音机,卡片,铲,锅,碟子,抹布,电话,四.教学过程:.Warming up1、Lets chant: T: First, lets chant: dog, dog, what can you do? Ready? Go! Dog, dog, what can you do?I can run after you.Panda, panda, what can you do?I can eat so much bamboo.Mouse, mouse, what can you do?I can hide in the shoe.Mike, Mike, what can you do?I can draw animals in the zoo!2. T: You see, the animals and Mike are so helpful. I think you are helpful too.what can you do ?can you do housework? Ss:I can 3.listen and do: 1.sweep the floor 2.cook the meals 3.water the flowers4.clean the board 5.play basketball 6.read a book7.do the dishes 8.answer the phone 9.draw pictures.Presentation1.cooking dinnerT:(拿出铲,锅,边做动作边说:“Look!I am cooking dinner.”反复说几遍。指着黑板上的句子“What are you doing?”引导学生问我:”Miss Zhou,what are you doing?”板书Lets ask sarah: what are you doing?课件回答跟读,小组读,抽读。Chant: cooking,cooking,cooking dinner2. doing the dishes.T: Sarah is cooking dinner. How about zhangpeng? What is he doing?lets ask ZhangPeng: ZhangPeng,ZhangPeng, what are you doing?课件回答板书, 出示认读 :示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读eight by eight chant: doing, doing, doing the dishes 游戏:pass the dish one by one, and ask: What are you doing?3.reading a book. 教师打开三字经,摇头晃脑读:人之初,性本善,性相近-what am I doing now? who can ask John :what are you doing?. 出示认读 : 示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读one by one. chant: reading, reading, reading a book 4.drawing pictures事先给一个学生a picture book,T: what are you doing ? S:I am reading a book.T: Good,You are reading a picture book. Look,many beautiful pictures.Can you draw pictures?ask a student to draw picture on the blackboard, T: what are you doing? 引导学生回答:I ampictures. drawing板书:drawing pictures. 因为draw 是新授单词,要强调“aw”的组合发音。(学生个别操练)lets ask Chen Jie:what are you doing?5answering the phoneT: look, this is my friend zip,can you guess what he is doing? 学生猜。let me call to zip: hello ,zip, what are you doing?课件回答: I am answering the phone.板书示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读two by twoanswering, answering, answering the phone:示范跟着说唱抽学生说唱practice1. open your book,turn to page 46, Listen, point and repeat.2. listen and do,teacher say: cooking dinner / answering the phone-,students act then change: teacher act,students say .3. T:hello,whats your name? What are you doing?S: I am -Would you like to play like this? Please play with your partner. 学生背靠背表演。4. lets chant lets have a rest,watch the video. Listen to the tape, then chant together. 分角色boys&girls,ask&answer5. play a game. Listen to the music and pass the box.Consolidation and extension 1. Look at the picture,write act in groups附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 4 What makes the weather (Wonderland)(2)教案 新世纪版预习:要求学生听Wonderland部分的录音,回答问题:How do you often know the weather report? Whats the weather like in different season? 回忆有关描述天气情况的词汇。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作,课堂练习的准备。课型:单词教学课时目标:能根据音标正确朗读单词:terrible, spend, bright, forecast, wait, most, piece。熟练掌握Wonderland中的单词和句子。能对所学相关内容进行问答。能选用所学的词汇和句子自编成有意义的对话或小短文。课堂活动(参见下表)活动过程教师活动学生活动教案调整Pre-task preparationSing a song: How is the weather?Daily talk: Whats the weather like in spring/ summer / autumn / winter?1. Sing together.2. Answer the questions.While-task procedure forecast, terrible, brightT: How is the weather today? T: How do you often know the weather report? T: Weather report, we can also say: weather forecast (Show a weather forecast) T: Whats the weather like today? Oh! Its terrible. T: How about tomorrow?Its going to be sunny and bright tomorrow.most, wait, spendT: Tomorrow is a fine day.Shall we go to Hangzhou?T: OK. Most of you want to go there.T: Ill wait for you at the school gate at 7:00 am.T: Well spend three days in Hangzhou.3. piece Cut the cake into six pieces. Cut the apple into two pieces.Show students the phoneticsymbols of the new wordsS: Its S: Listen to the radio. Watch TV. ()Talk in pairs:A: How do you often know the weather forecast?B:S: Its rainy and windy today.Learn: terribleS: Learn: bright bright eyes ()Put up hands.pare: one / some /most / all of youMake sentences: is waiting for .Talk in pairs:A: How long will you spend in ?B: I will spend .Cut the into pieces.Read the words.Post-task activitiesPlay the tape.Show the cards of phonetics and words.Listen and fill in the blanks.Make a dialogue:A: Do you know the weather?B: Yes, I often listen to the .A: Hows the weather today?B: Its .A: Shall we go to ?B: Great. How long will we spend?A: We will spend .B: Where shall we meet?A: Ill wait for you at .B: OK. See you later.A: See you.1. Read after the tape.2. Have a match.3. Fill and check.4. Talk in pairs and act.


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