四川省眉山市中考英语 单项选择专练2.doc

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四川省眉山市xx年中考英语单项选择专练(一)Name_ Grade_第一节单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1.What a heavy rain! So it is. I prefer rather than on such a rainy day. A. staying at home; go out B.to stay at home; go out C.going out; stay at home D.to go out; stay at home( )2.I wont leave the classroom until my homework _. A. finishes B. is finished C. will finish D. are finished( )3.Eric, please turn down the music. _ Lucy _ Lily are sleeping. Sorry, Ill do it right away. A. Neither, nor B. Either, or C. Both, and D. Not only, but also( )4. Everyone_to have at least eight_sleep at night. A. needs, hours B. need, hours C. needed, hours D. needs, hours( )5.He hardly spent any time on his subjects, _? _, so he did badly in his lessons. A. didnt he; Yes B. did he; Yes C. didnt he; No D. did he; No( )6.Many old buildings_well because they are Chinas national treasures. A. have protected B. protect C. protected D. should be protected( )7. The 20th World Cup_in Brazil, right? Yes. It_this summer. A. held; took place B. was held; was taken place C. held; was taken place D. was held; took place( )8.Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard. A. learnB. to learn C. learning D. learned( )9._I swim here? Im sorry. Children swim alone here. A. Must; cant B. May; must C. Can; mustnt D. Cant; can( )10.I dont know if he tomorrow. If he ,please tell me A.will e, will e B.will e, es Ces, es Des, will e ( )11.There are_in the reading room, but many of those books arent to read. A. enough books, enough easy B. enough books, easy enough C. books enough, easy enough D. books enough, enough easy( )12.Its kind_you to help me with my Math. Now I think its easy_me to learn Math well. A. for , to B. of , for C. to , of D. for, for ( )13.Why not_your friend for help when you cant finish_it by yourself? A. ask, write B. to ask, writing C. asking, write D. ask, writing( )14.Peter drives_Amy, so it will take Peter_time to get to the hotel. A. much faster than; less B. more slowly than; less C. as fast as; more D. as slowly as; more( )15.Is the man on the playground your English teacher? It_be him. He has gone home. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. couldnt( )16. We must do everything we can_waste water from running into rivers. A. prevent B. prevented C. preventing D. to prevent( )17.I wonder _. Yes, of course. A. why we will visit this museum B. when we will get to the museum C. whether the museum is worth visiting D. what we can see in the museum( )18. Thank you very much for giving me some advice on how to deal with stress. _. A. Thats true B. Dont mention it C. OK. Ill try D. I dont think so.( )19.Mr. Trump_Miss Hillary and _xx US presidential election. A. beat, won B. won, beat C. won, won D. beat, beat( )20.Where is Marry flying? She is flying to France soon. She will arrive_Paris_the morning of July 2th. A. to;on B. at;on C. in;in D. in;on( )21.Look! Whos_girl under the tree? Oh, she is my sister, Kate. She is_honest girl. A. the;an B. a;the C. the;a D. an;the( )22.Would you like to attend the farewell party next week,MrHuang? Sure,Id love toI have no reason to _ your invitation A.turn down B.turn off C.turn up D.turn on( )23.Do you know the boy _is sitting next to Peter? Yes. He is Peters friend. They are celebrating his_birthday. A. who,ninth B. that,nineth C. /,nineth D. which,ninth( )24.Excuse me, can I sit here? _. The old man who sat here will be back soon. A. Youre wele B. Yes,please C. Youd better not D. No problem( )25. Youre supposed to your shoes before you enter the room. A. take off B. put off C. get off D. turn off( )26.How long your brother this camera? For two weeks. A. have,bought B. have,had C. has,had D. has,bought( )27. Look, the light is still on in Helens office. Maybe she _ her work yet. A. doesnt finish B. wont finish C. hasnt finished D. didnt finish( )28. Hi, madam. Can I take the story books out? No, my boy. They_be taken out of the reading-room. Its a rule.A. mustnt B.neednt C. couldnt D. wouldnt( )29. This weekend our class will go to a mountain near our city _ trees. A. plantB. planted C. to plant D. planting( )30. Jenny didnt go to bed her mother came home last night. A. as soon as B. if C. while D. until( )31.How do you like Treasure Island,Lucy? Its so exciting that I_it twice A.am reading B.have read C.was reading D.had read( )32. My parents dont allow me late. A. stay up B. to stay up C. stays up D. staying up( )33.Is that Miss.Liu over there? No. It be her. She has gone to the USA. A. mustnt B. cant C. wont D. neednt( )34.Do you know ? Sure. On August 5th,xx. A. when will the 31st Olympic Games open B. where will the 31st Olympic Games open C. when the 31st Olympic Games will open D. where the 31st Olympic Games will open( )35.Im sorry,Mr.Hu. I_my English exercise book at home. It doesnt matter.Please remember_it here this afternoon. A.forgot; to bring B.left; to take C.forgot; to take D.left; to bring( )36. How happy the grandparents are! Yes, they for fifty years. A. have been married B. have married C. How got married D. married( )37.Can you believe that in a rich country there should be many poor people? A.such;such B.so;so C.so;such D.such;so( )38.There are _ visitors to the wetland park, and the number is being _ now. A. thousand of; larger and larger B. thousands of; more and more C. thousands of; larger and larger D. thousand of; more and more( )39.Tom, what do you think of the school? Oh, no other school is in the city. Its one. A. better; a better B. the best; the best C. better; the best D. the best; a better( )40.After the_working, we have finished_of the whole work.A.four-hour; three-fourthes) B7 R5 a b$ J* O6 R& i B.four-hour; three-fourths2 c S9 ( e% a+ i, C.four-hours; three fourths, A2 ( c8 M, O/ b: R3 d D.four-hours; three-four/ d1 h$ Z; L- f& 4 g$ S ( )41._of the apple_bad and he has to throw it away. A.two third; went L/ B0 f2 f* L( V0 , S2 S B.an half; went, R4 A3 2 W a C.two thirds; go8 3 E1 C$ a3 W6 I) N1 B D.two thirds; goes四川省眉山市xx年中考英语单项选择专练(二)Name_ Grade_第一节单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21.Mary, whos_ woman over there? Shes my mother, _university teacherA. the, the B. the, a C. a, the D. the, an ( )22.The life we were used to _greatly since 1980. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed( )23.I heard that Johnson missed the early bus yesterday morningYes. The traffic was very heavy,_, he didnt arrive on timeA. so far B. as a result C. by the way D. instead of( )24.When did Hong Kong return to our motherland? _ July 1st, 1997A. On B. At C. In D./( )25.Could you tell me our new library will be pleted? In two yearsA. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how far( )26.My sister is a person. She feels sure about her own abilityA. confident B. selfish C. patient D. humorous( )27.Millie, could you help me _ the map on the wall? A. put on B. put out C. put upD. put off( )28._weather it is! We cant go boating on the Shuanghu Park this afternoon Dont worry. Lets go to the Science Museum instead. A. What good B. How good C. How bad D. What bad( )29.The thin woman was seen _ down Huiwen Road at 10 p. m last nightA. ranB. runsC. running D. to run( )30.Would you like some milk or water? . I only like some teaA. Neither B. None C. All D. Both( )31.Have you seen the movie Through Stunning Storms?Yes, it is_one that Ive ever seen.A. more exciting B. the most excited C. the most exciting D. more excited( )32.Hes never been to Canada before, _? Sorry, I dont know. A. is heB. has heC. isnt heD. hasnt he( )33.How delicious the bread is! Thats right. It will taste_with butter. A. bad B. well C. worse D. better( )34.Is there anything _to you?A. that is belong B. that belong C. that belongs D. which belongs( )35.My diamond necklace has gone missing.Its my favorite present from my mother._.A. Never mind B. No problem C. Thats OK D. Im sorry to hear that( )36. I have to get up earlycatch the early bus. A. in order toB. so that C. because D. because of( )37. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is worth. A. watchB. seeing C. to watchD. to see( )38.of the students are going to visit the factory next week. A. Three fifthB. Third fifths C. Three fives D. Three fifths( )39. There_a “helping hands ” meeting_the afternoon_May 1. A. will be, in, of B. has, on, of C. is going to have, on, of D. is going to be, on, of ( )40. She shares her room_a friend of_. A. to; her B. with; hers C. with; she D. from; hers( )41.My grandfather looks_at me. He looks_at the moment. A. happily; happy B. happy; happy C. happy; happily D. happily; happily( )42.Why not_an English Club to practice_? A. to join; speaking B. join; speakingC. join; to speak D. to join; to speak( )43. The woman asked her son run the building. A. not to; around B. dont; to C. not; to D. dont; around( )44. Look! The young girl is dressing up_an old woman_a black coat. A. as, in B. as, of C. in, as D. in, of( )45. Li Na started playing_tennis at the age of six. She is one of_best women tennis players in the world.A. the; the B. a; / C. /; the D. the; /( )46.Im sorry to have kept you waiting long.Never mind. I_here for only a few minutes. A. have been B. have e C. have arrived D. waited ( )47. You arent a stranger, are you ? _,dont you remember_me at the school gate ten minutes ago? A. Yes, to see B. No, seeing C. No, saw D. Yes, seeing( )48.My sister was writing an e-mail _ I was watching TV at this time yesterday. A. until B. after C. while D. as soon as( )49.How long have you _ the bike over there? For two days. A. bought B. had C. borrowed D. lent( )50.Difficult work _ easy if you do it very carefully. A. bee B. became C. will bee D. has bee( )51. Gao Ying is often seen _ with her friends in the dancing room. A. dance B. dances C. to dance D. to dancing( )52. There are so many MP4 players in the shop that I cant decide _. A. what to choose B. which to choose C. where to choose D. when to choose( )53. She used _on the right in China, so she is not used_on the left in England at first.A. to driving; to driving B. to drive; to driving C. to drive; to drive D. to drive; drive( )54. Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese people in China?I dont think so. Now_the young_the old _learning to speak English.A. not only; but also; is B. either; or; are C. only; except; are D. not only; but also; are( )55.Xishuang-banna which_ its beautiful scenery makes me really excited.A. is known as B. regards as C. is famous for D. considers as( )56.The shoes were worn out, whats more, they arent worth_. A. to mend B. mending C. mended D. for mending( )57.Dear students, please read every sentence carefully._you are,_mistakes youll make. A. The more carefully, the fewer B. The more careful, the less C. The more carefully, the less D. The more careful, the fewer( )58.All the student are working hard now._. Because all of them want to go to good senior high school.A. So are they. B. Neither they are. C. So they are D. So they. ( )59.Think of others more than yourself. A person_cares for others is popular everywhere.A. who B. which C. whom D. whose( )60. We advise parents_their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger.A. not leave B. not to leave C. leave D. to leave( )61.What about going skating this afternoon, Sam? I prefer_ at home rather than _skating on such a cold day. A. stay; going B. to stay; go C. to stay; to go D. to stay; going( )62.Have you heard of the song Little Apple? Yes. It_every morning when aged people do square dancing downstairs.A. is played B. plays C. was played D. Played( )63.Tomorrow my parents will take me to Hongkong Disneyland. _A. Best wishes to you! B. Its a good idea. C. Have a good day! D. Good luck to you!四川省眉山市xx年中考英语单项选择专练(一)参 考 答 案第一节单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1-5BBCDD 6-10DDBCB 11-15BBDAB 16-20DCBAD 21-25AAACA 26-30CCACD 31-35BBBVD 36-41ADCCBD四川省眉山市xx年中考英语单项选择专练(二)参 考 答 案第一节单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21-25BBBAB 26-30ACDDA 31-35CBDCD 36-40ABDDB 41-45ABAAC 46-50ABCBC 51-55CBBAC 56-60BDCAB61-63BAC

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