2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8(5)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8(5)教案 新世纪版预习:听Unit 8 Music Box 和Disneyland的录音;查好不认识的单词的音标,试着自己拼读单词。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作。课时目标:1能正确朗读元音音标 /:/ /:/ ,。并能看音标读出、写出相应的单词。2能根据字母组合的发音给单词归类并读出单词。3能朗读Rhyme, 语音、语调、节奏基本正确。学习能力强的学生能仿照Rhyme自编一首。4完成练习册上的练习课型:语音教学与儿歌教学课堂活动活动过程教师活动学生活动Pre-task preparation1. Daily talk(谈谈日常生活)would you like?What would you like?Where would you like?What do you often eat for breakfast?2.教师用PPT出示前面所学过的音标1. work in pairs2.学生齐声朗读。While-task procedure活动一学习元音音标 /:/ /:/1.出示音标,,教师朗读音标2.出示Music Box上的单词(顺序打乱)。3教师板书4辨音练习出示PPT活动二、学习儿歌1.Recite the rhyme: The Twelve Months(1)2. Ask: How many months are there in a year?Which month is hot/ cold / warm / cool?When is Christmas Day / National Day / Children Day / Teachers day/ New Years Day?1. 学生跟读音标并抽读2.小组活动:学生根据发音,拼读单词。学生根据发音进行归类。3学生归纳学过的含有/:/ /:/ 发音的单词4学生练习。1.Recite the rhyme together2. Students answer.Post-task activities1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2. 教师做一些辅导3. 播放录音1. Read after the tape.2. 小组活动Make a rhyme.3. Act out the rhyme.4.完成练习册听力教学反思与重构:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8(5)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:牛津小学英语5B Unit8 B&E教学目的和要求:1.掌握本课时的三会单词和词组ant, butterfly, dragonfly, firefly, bee, grasshopper, school, glow, other, insect, carry2.掌握四会单词catch3.能够简单用英语描绘所学的六种昆虫。4.热爱大自然,保护昆虫的情感。教学重点:primary, butterfly, dragonfly, firefly , grasshopper,的读音。教学难点:六种昆虫的语言叙述。教学准备:CAI教学过程:Step1. Free talkWhat day is it today?I like swimming. What do you like? I usually do housework on Saturdays and Sundays. What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays?Saturdays and Sundays, we call them “weekend”. I usually wash clothes at the weekends. What do you usually at the weekends? Sometimes I like going to the park. Do you like?Lets go to the park.There are many trees and flowers, some interesting insects. Look, how lovely! Insects are my good friends. Do you like them? So insects are out good friends. (writing: Insects are out good friends.)But can you spell insects?设计意图:从谈论喜好入手,谈谈双休日经常做些什么,引到新学的内容。以聊天的方式开始上课内容,缓解学生刚上课的不适应情绪。Step2. Presentation1. Today, we have a new friend. Do you want to know something about him? Heres some information.2. Teach: Primary SchoolDo you study at Yu Cai Primary School? (writing: study at Zha Qiao Primary School)More information is on P65. Please read it by yourselves. There are many new words. Right? Never mind,lets look at some interesting things.通过自学课文,发现新学知识,从而产生学习新知的需求,充分调动学生的学习积极性。单词与课文教学同步进行,加深对课文的理解和单词的词义的记忆。3.Teach: wordsa. beeBoys and girls, do you know it? Yes, its a bee. What color is it?Do you like bees? But who can spell bee? You can guess.What do you know about bees? (Writing: fly yellow and black, )Say something about bees with your desk mates.Every day Im very busy, just like a bee.Now lets look at other insect.b.ButterflyOh, look, how beautiful! Do you like it?What can it do? Yes, it can fly. It flies in the flowers.We call them butterfly. What do you know about butterflies?(writing: colorful, like dancing in the flowers)Oh, look, the butterfly is dangerous. He wants to catch it.(catch, catch it, catch him, catch her, catch them, catch us)c. Riddle:It can fly high and fast. It has two big eyes. What is it? Yes, its a dragonfly. (Writing: dragonfly, fly high and fast, has big eyes)d. FireflyIs it a dragonfly, too? (firefly)Can the firefly fly? What color is it?Look, is it beautiful? I like it very much. When Im a child, I like to catch them and put them in bottles. At night, they can glow, its very beautiful. Do you like them? Because they can glow?(glow, glow at night)Oh, the fireflies can glow at night. How special! (special)e. Review the words. (Chant)f. antOh, an ant is ing. (ant)What do you know about ant?(black, small, carry big things, work in groups)g. grasshopperLook, can it fly? But it can jump. Yes, it can jump. It can hop. (hop) Where are they live in? Live in water? Live in grass. (grass) So we call them grasshopper.What do you know about grasshopper?(green, live in grass, can hop)h. Game: Whats missing? 教学单词后,让学生结合对这种昆虫的了解,用所学的现有英语知识,说说它们的特点。提高学生学习的积极性,加深对各种昆虫的影响,培养运用英语的口语交际能力。最后,通过一个游戏巩固新单词。Step3: Consolidationa. Lets read the passage and answer the question.Q1: What does the boy often do at the weekends?Q2: What insect does the boy like? Why?Q3: What insects are very beautiful? Q4: What insects are very special? Why?在解决单词的教学后,再次读课文就又有了新的理解。带着问题去读课文,就更有利于掌握课文的主要内容。b. Read the passagec. Read and think.d. Fill in the blanks_ are our good friendsHis name is Pingping. He _ at No.1 _ School. He _ insects very much. _ the weekends, he often _ to the park. There _ a lot of insects in the park. He likes ants. They are small, but they can _ big things. He likes butterflies and dragonflies, too. He likes watching _ dance _ the flowers. Fireflies are very special. They _ at night. Sometimes, he _ them and put them _ bottles._ them and put them _ bottles.通过这一“写”的练习,更好地掌握E部分的内容,最大限度地当堂巩固新学内容。Step4. HomeworkWrite a passage according to Part E “Insects are our good friends.”板书设计:Unit8 At the weekendsbee: fly yellow and blackbutterfly: colorful, like dancing in the flowersdragonfly: fly high and fast, has big eyes)firefly: glow, glow at nightant: black, small, carry big things, work in groupsgrasshopper: green, live in grass, can hop 教学后记:本课在一个较为完整的情境中进行教学,谈论了大家的双休日活动后,谈到了书本上男孩的活动情况,在了解该男孩的活动过程中,遇到了新词的困难,并逐一解决,在解决的同时,又发散到这些昆虫类单词的特性,在教学dragonfly的时候,一生说:It has two big eyes.马上另一学生说:Youre wrong. It has many many eyes.,教学在研讨中进行,最后再回到课文内容的理解就驾轻就熟了。这样一来,既分散了重点,难点也逐一突破了,更激发了学生对大自然昆虫的研究兴趣与热爱,活跃了课堂气氛。


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