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第3部分第六节一、完形填空(xx 无锡改编)Kevin and his friend Mike loved playing soccer and they often met at the old bench after school. They couldnt _1_ a real soccer ball, but Mike had made a ball out of old socks and plastic tape. It was not beautiful, but it worked well. Mike was not a good player, yet the two friends kicked and ran _2_ until the sun turned the sky orange.One afternoon, the home-made ball was spinning (旋转) across the grass when it was stopped by someone all of a _3_. It was Steven, a strong soccer player.“Look at you two with your_4_ ball and old trainers (运动鞋),” Steven laughed and said.The next day was Kevins birthday, and his uncle bought him a pair of new trainers and a new soccer ball.That afternoon, Steven _5_ Kevin to play soccer. Kevin did not want Mike to go with them. Mikes trainers were old and he had little _6_ for soccer. When the game was over, Kevin walked past the old bench where Mike was sitting. He _7_ walking and did not look back.One afternoon _8_ Kevin walked past the old bench, he found the home-made ball lying on the beach. Kevin felt sad. As his sadness turned to_9_, he kicked his new soccer ball into the air. Kevin walked to the bench and _10_ the home-made ball.Holding it in his hands, he sat down on the old bench and waited for Mike.()1.AofferBcollectCaffordDborrow()2.AsadlyBhappilyCangrilyDeasily()3.AsuddenBslowCsurprised Deasy()4.AcuteBstupidCideal Dtiny()5.ArefusedBallowedCinvited Dordered()6.AmoneyBtimeCinterest Dtalent()7.Awent overBwent onCwent outDwent back()8.AwhenBafterCsinceDuntil()9.AhappinessBstrengthCprideDanger()10.Ahung upBcheered upCpicked upDgave up二、阅读理解A(xx珠海市香洲区一模)Sports EventsBicycle Tour and Race A bike tour and race will be held at 6:30 am. on June 26th and 27th (Sat. & Sun.)The riders will leave the Peoples Park and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training part on Saturday. On Sunday morning, the next 55-kilometer part from Yantian to Baojin, will be the petitive part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken back. Cost:¥80Telephone: 83572686Football MatchThe British Football Club will play with our national team at the Workers Stadium (体育场) on June 26th.The club has four national team players who have agreed to play for at least 45 minutes.Ticket prices: ¥60/90 Time: 7:30 p.m., June 26th, Sat.Telephone: 26267733Rock Climbing (攀岩)This is the Fifth National Rock Climbing Training Base (基地). Ten teams from five cities Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Hangzhou, will take part in the match. A Japanese team will give a climbing show at the beginning of the match.Free for you.Take a one-hour bus from the railway station to Dawei.Time: 7:30 p.m., June 27thTelephone: 33698211; 33698212()1. _will be held at 6:30 am. on June 26th and 27th (Sat.& Sun.)ABritish footballBRock climbingCA bike tour and raceDA TV show()2. The British Football Club will play with our national team at _. Athe Peoples ParkBthe Football Club Cthe Training BaseDthe Workers Stadium()3. You should at least pay _ to take part in all the three sports events on June 26th and June 27th.A¥60B¥80 C¥90 D¥140()4. If you want to see some famous football stars and watch the match on the evening of June 26th, you will call _to book your tickets.A33698211B33698212C26267733D83572686() 5. Which team will give a climbing show at the beginning of the match?AAmerican.BBritish.CJapanese. DChinese.BNowadays people have many fashionable entertainments, such as playing online games, traveling around the world, having picnics outside and so on. But have you heard of gardening? Over the years it has bee one of the most fashionable entertainments all over the world. For many people, young and old, gardening is something they love. More and more people enjoy making a perfect garden even though they may get their hands dirty while doing it. Many of us may puzzle (困惑), “Why has gardening bee millions of peoples favorite thing?”First, for many people, gardening is a good way to relax. When you have a day working nervously all the time, you may feel tired after you go home. Planting new flowers and vegetables along with a number of other gardening allows you to keep active and energetic because you are doing something you are interested in. It not only gives a pleasant garden for your home, but also gives you time to enjoy the work with your family or your friends together.Second, a well kept garden can bring joy to your life. It is a great place to spend sunny afternoons. Imagine you are in a fortable and peaceful garden, with a cup of tea in one hand, enjoying the relaxing sound of garden water nearby. How fabulous it is! As the sun slowly sets in the sky, you can enjoy the sunlight, too. How are you feeling? Its so perfect! Of course, it is true that gardening can take you much time and you need to work all year round, but putting time into it as a hobby will give you unusual results. Thats why plenty of people enjoy it.()6. From the passage above, fashionable entertainments may include the following except _.Aplaying online games Btraveling around the worldChaving picnics outside Dsinging songs in the singing club()7. The first reason for people to like gardening is that _.Ait is a good way to relaxBthey like to get their hands dirty while doing it Cit can bring joy to their lifeDthey can enjoy their work with workmates()8. The underlined word “fabulous” means “_” in Chinese.A糟糕的 B凉快的C极好的 D热烈的()9. Which of the following is true according to the passage?AGardening is the most fashionable entertainment in the world.BDoing some gardening can keep your friends energetic.CYou cant enjoy the relaxing sound of water outside the garden.DIts true that gardening can take you much time all the year round.()10. The best title for this passage might be “_”AEnjoy Your Special HobbyBGardening Many Peoples FavoriteCWhat Is Gardening About DA Good Place to Spend TimeC配对阅读左栏描述了五个学生的兴趣,右栏是七个社团的简介。请为五个人选择合适的社团。()11. Cherry wants to join a club that will keep her fit and active, but she has a part-time job every workday evening. So she is only available to join on the weekends. ()12. David is a new student at the university, whose major is English. He is a little shy, so he hopes to join a club that can help him to know new people and build his confidence.()13. Bonnie is majoring in drama and wants to be a writer some day. She is interested in discovering new stories that she may be able to turn into movies in the future. As her home is far from the school, she is only free during the day to join. ()14. Betty is studying film-making and one day she hopes to bee a director. She thinks her ability to create beautiful visual images is not strong enough, so she has recently bought a camera to help her practice.()15. Jack is a first year geography student who would like to learn more about geography. He is also worried about the English test that all students must take at the end of their first year of study. He has to return to his home to help his parents every weekend so he is only free during weekdays.APhotography Club We plan to meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening after school from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Each member must have their own camera.BHiking Society Members meet every Saturday to discuss their hiking trips and twice a month, we arrange trips to different parts of the province for members to go on mountain walks. CFilm Club The club is for students who love movies. Every Tuesday and Friday evening we hold a meeting in which a great new movie or a classic film is discussed and reviewed.DDancing ClubMembers are invited to practice dancing every Monday evening from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm and we hold dance parties with students from other schools once a month. Its a perfect way to keep fit and meet new friends.E. English Society We plan to invite regular foreign guests to e to our weekly meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:30, and we show English language movies that can help you practice your English well.F. Book Club Members meet each week to discuss and share books to each other. Meetings are at lunchtime on Fridays. Membership is free. All members qualify for a 20% discount on all books purchased from the Xinhua Book Store.G. Tennis ClubMembers will be trained twice a week and there are many games for our members to join in. e and join us and enjoy your happy hours here!三、短文填空(xx河南改编)Once, there was a little girl named Meredith. Meredith enjoyed spending her 1._ time with friends, but there was also something different about Meredith. She was always 2._ in things like chemistry and history. Meredith never wanted to talk about these interests 3._ she was afraid she would be judged (评头论足). She always learned more about these topics when she was by herself, so nobody could find out 4._truth that she loves chemistry and history. One day a new girl, Josie, joined her sixth-grade class, and the new girl 5._ asked to introduce herself and say three things about her interests. Josie stood up and 6._ to talk about her interests. First, she said she was interested in reading and writing stories. Second, she said she liked history. Third, she said she enjoyed chemistry. Merediths eyes lit up with joy and she smiled 7._. Finally, she had found someone 8._ had mon interests as her. Later that day, Meredith found Josie on the playground and ran over to talk 9._ her. They immediately became good 10._. And they even start to play at each others houses on the weekend.四、读写综合A信息归纳下面是一篇关于个人爱好的文章。根据所提供的信息,完成下面的信息卡。I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, playing tennis and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time and space limitation. Through reading, I can go back to ancient Egypt. I can also go to the United States, a great land I have been expecting to visit.Secondly, reading can improve myself by showing me new horizons (眼界). In the past few years, I have got most of my knowledge from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas about science, politics, life and society.Thirdly, reading can close the gap (差距) between my dream and my goal. In order to succeed in my career (事业) in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practicing. Reading has bee a part of my life. During the daytime, I spend some time reading books, newspapers and magazines. At night, I can hardly go to sleep without a novel in my hand.Information CardThe writers other hobbies besides reading1._The first reason why the writer likes reading2._The great land the writer has been expecting to visit3._The way the writer has learned from many people 4._The thing that can close the gap between the writers dream and goals5._B书面表达根据要求完成短文写作。每个人都有自己的业余爱好,有益的业余爱好不但可以陶冶我们的情操,增强我们的体质,放松我们的身心,还能让我们在学习或工作时精力更旺盛,效率更高。作为一名中学生,你在忙碌的学习之余喜欢做些什么?请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文,谈一谈你的业余爱好。内容包括:1. 你的业余爱好是什么?2. 重点讲述你从事业余爱好的一次经历;3. 你的业余爱好对你学习、生活的影响。作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。【审题指导】文体:记叙文 人称:第一人称 时态:一般现在时和一般过去时【思维导图】【加分亮点】1. 使用一些过渡词或短语:如 whats more, of course, from then on, all in all等。2. 使用一些固定短语:如relax oneself, deal with, as well等。3. 使用一些高级句式:如because引导的原因状语从句,when引导的时间状语从句等。Id like to share my hobby with you._ _参考答案一、15 CBABC610 DBADC二、15 CDDCC610 DACDB1115 BDFAE三、1. free2. interested3. because4. the5. was6. started7. happily8. who9. to/with10. friends 四、A. 信息归纳1. skating, playing tennis and watching TV2. books introduce him/her to a new world3. the United States4. by reading about their ideas about science, politics, life and society5. readingB. 书面表达Id like to share my hobby with you. My hobby is listening to music. I like listening to music because I can relax myself after a busy day. Music can also help me to deal with my pressure. Sometimes I listen to English songs to learn English.I had an unusual but interesting experience. One day, when I was doing my homework, I wanted to listen to music as well. I liked the music so much that I forgot my homework. Whats more, I wrote the lyrics onto my homework paper. The next day, before I handed in my homework, I felt nervous but it was too late. Of course my teacher punished me. From then on, I never listen to music when I do my homework. All in all, I think music can help me a lot because it can help me relax myself and learn better.


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