九年级英语全册 Unit 9 Save the Planet Lesson 26 Our River教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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Unit 9 Save the PlanetLesson 26 Our Riverv 教材分析第26课是第九单元的第二课。是一节以听力输入为主的听说课。本节课是第26课的第一课时。是听说课型。听力材料是一篇240词的采访材料。这篇采访主要从三个方面阐述了Jeremy家附近的一条河流的污染问题:好多死鱼,狗入水得病,Jeremy 手臂接触污水起红疹。这些危害能紧扣单元话题,提高学生环保意识。为下面课程的进行提供铺垫。结合这篇Ellie对Jeremy的采访材料,在教学中训练孩子通过已有的interview notes信息对听力内容进行合理预测,并通过听写的训练提高孩子在预测之后进行筛选信息的能力,通过听回答问题解决听力材料中的难点信息。在听后的训练中主要是针对:社会交往这一功能。训练孩子如何进行自然,顺畅,礼貌的采访。练习并内化采访中的提问方式。本课结束时,学生能就本课采访进行角色扮演。也能转述完善一篇采访报道,达到一个采访对话到一个语篇的转化。 教学目标【知识目标】通过对图片,采访笔记的分析,预测听力内容。并且通过对关键词的获取完成表格填写,完成听选择,听回答问题的任务。【能力目标】通过回顾所获取的信息,完成采访报告的转化。【情感目标】通过听力材料的理解学生能认识到污染的危害,并提高自身的环保意识。 教学重难点【教学重点】获取采访材料中的准确信息。正确运用采访功能句进行角色扮演。【教学难点】 课前准备模仿听力材料进行角色扮演,听力材料转化成报道。1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-upTalk about what problems pollution has caused.Examples:Pollution is bad for our health. It can cause diseases.People can get sick easily. Step2. Listening1. Look at the photos and guess what has happened and the man in the photos feelings.2. Read the interview notes and then answer the questions. 3. Listen and choose the correct choice.4. Listen to the interview. Finish Ellies notes.5. Listen again and answer the questions about the details in the material.6. Write a report for newspaper according to the interview.There is . in the local river.I .an interview with Jeremy about . that happened in the river yesterday. when Jeremy . with his friend in the river at around . yesterday, a lady .with her dog .It . the water and couldnt.Jeremy tried to . him and then. .The dog obviously wasnt.The lady .the vet.The vet gave him . and said the dog . because the water.Jeremy has got . on his arms because his arm got into the . water.I hope they all . soon. All of us must .to save the river, try our best to make it .7. Read the material aloud.Step3. Language points1. munity n. 社区; 社会团体; 共同体; 生态 群落 He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the munity. 2. get hold of sth. 找到某物以供使用; 找到某人The only electrician we could get hold of was miles away.3. incident n.事件,事变; 小插曲; 敌对行动; 骚乱A member of the security forces was killed in a sniping incident.4. spot n.地点,场所; 斑点,污点The swimsuit es in navy with white spots or blue with green spots.Step4. Skills1. Read and learn the key expressions used in the interview.2. Scan the dialogue and emphasize the underlined sentences.3. Fill in the blanks to consolidate the learned skills.4. Make a real interview in pairs.5. Role play the interview on air pollution and environmental protection.Step5. Homework1. Role-play an interview about a study of pollution in the nearby river with your partner.2. Write a short report about the interview for your school newspaper.


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