安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 九全 第16课时 Units 11-12习题.doc

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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 九全 第16课时 Units 11-12习题.doc_第1页
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第16课时.单项选择。(C)1.(xx蒙城模拟)Alan_his homework when we got to his home,so we had fun watching TV.AfinishedBwas finishingChad finishedDwould finish(A)2.(预测题)Paul_his parents very much when he is ill and stay far from them.AmissesBdescribesCimaginesDrealizes(B)3.(原创题)We_ our dinner before my uncle came to my home last night.Awere havingBhad hadChave hadDhad(B)4.(预测题)All the tickets had been _ by the time I got to the cinema.Asell outBsold outCput outDtaken out(D)5.(预测题)Every day,he gets up early_he can catch the first bus.AbecauseBsinceCwhenDso that(D)6.(预测题)Linda is so _that many students like to have a good talk with her at the party.AlivingBaliveCliveDlively(A)7.(原创题)_ is the weight of this pig?About eighty kilos.AWhatBHow manyCHow muchDWhich(B)8.(原创题)_ the girl_her cousin wants to have a rest.They cant wait to visit their aunt right now.ANot only; but alsoBNeither; norCEither; orDBoth; and(A)9.(改编题)They will meet each other at the_before the plane takes off.AairportBstationCstoreDbeach(C)10.(原创题)I dont hope to put off the sports meet._.I like watching it very much.ASo do IBSo I doCNeither do IDNeither I do(D)11.(xx蒙城三模)Do you know the_of the pet dog?Of course.Its about 9 kilos heavy.AheightBsizeCshapeDweight(A)12.(预测题)They_more than two thousand homeless children over the two years.Ahave helpedBhelpedChelpDwill help(C)13.(原创题)There is a piece of cloth_the glasses,so you cant find them.AaboveBonCoverDacross(C)14.(改编题)The movie_when we arrived at the cinema last night.AbeganBwas beginningChad begunDwould begin(D)15.(预测题)These teenagers would rather_some trees than_some flowers.Aplant; to enjoyBto plant; enjoyCto plant; to enjoyDplant; enjoy.(xx广州)完形填空。Before graduating college,Jackie began to look for a job.She aimed at a famous pany,but the_1_for such jobs was very strong.The pany Jackie chose planned to employ only one person,but more than twenty people applied for the job._2_,Jackie was one of the three people invited for the final interview.The interview was very_3_.The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes.Then the interviewer said to them,“All of you are very good.Please go home and_4_our response.”Three days later,Jackie received a message saying she would not be_5_the job.She felt deeply disappointed.That evening,however,she received another_6_.This time it said that she got the job.Jackie later found out that the first message sent to her phone was part of the interviewa_7_to see if she was suitable for the job.All the three people received the_8_text,but only Jackies reply_9_the pany.Of the three,one did not reply.The other said “goodbye” and Jackie said “thank you”This reply showed that Jackie was a/an_10_person,so the pany offered her the job.(C)1.AexamBworkCpetitionDplan(A)2.AThankfullyBUnluckilyCHopefullyDImmediately(D)3.AlongBstrictCinterestingDsimple(B)4.Apick upBwait forCdeal withDthink of(A)5.AofferedBreturnedCrefusedDshown(D)6.AletterBemailCcallDmessage(C)7.AguideBconversationCtestDlesson(A)8.AsameBotherCsecondDwhole(B)9.AreachedBsatisfiedChelpedDsurprised(C)10.AbraveBcleverCpoliteDhonest.(xx黔南)阅读理解。When I was in school,I got into an argument(争吵)with a boy in my class.I thought that “I” was right and “he” was wrongand he thought that “I” was wrong and “he” was right.The teacher decided to teach us a lesson.She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other.There was a large round object on her desk.It was black.But when she asked the boy,he answered,“White.”I couldnt believe it! Another argument started.This time about the color of the object.The teacher told us to change our places.Then she asked me,“_” I had to answer,“White.” It was an object with two differently colored sides.From his side it was white.From my side it was black.Sometimes we need to stand in other persons shoes and look at the problem through their eyes.(C)1.Who taught the writer a lesson?AHis classmate.BHe himself.CHis teacher.DHis mother.(A)2.How did the writer feel when the boy said the object was white?ASurprised.BWorried.CHappy.DAngry.(C)3.Which of the following can be put in_?AIs your answer right?BDo you think he is right?CWhat color is the object?DWhat do you think of the object?(B)4.Why did the object look so different in color?ABecause the boy and the writer had no ideas about colors.BBecause the object had two different colors on the two sides.CBecause the boy and the writer liked making arguments with each other.DBecause the teacher was so angry that she wanted to make fun of us.(D)5.What can we learn from the story?AWe must believe in ourselves and speak out the fact.BNever have an argument with our friend in front of teachers.CTeachers are always cleverer than their students.DWe need to look at a problem from others views (角度).单词拼写1In fact,health is much more important thanwealth(财富) to us.2Dontdrive(迫使) your children to do anything they dont want.3I think itll rain soon because the whole sky isgray(灰白的)4If you cant get to the train station on time,you need tocancel(取消) your ticket online.5Everyone thinksfriendship(友谊) will last for ever.


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