2019中考英语 七上 Unit 5-9 阅读练习 人教新目标版.doc

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2019中考(人新)英语七上U59阅读练习及答案 (限时:30分钟)A 话题体裁词数难度建议用时魔术说明文2225分钟下图1、2是一个“魔术绳”的表演,另外五张图是该魔术的解密步骤。请参照解密图,将阅读材料AE正确排序,完成15小题。A. Now pick up the scissors(剪刀). Hold the paper carefully and cut it through. Keep the small piece of string between you and the scissors, so you do not cut the string. B. “Magic string” is a popular magic trick. You can do this trick for your friends or family. You just need a piece of paper, a piece of string and a pair of scissors. Thats all. C. Pick up the paper and fold side A down. Now your friends can see side B, but they cant see side A. Side A is shorter than side B, so it does not cover the string. Push the middle of the string up, and fold C up over A. Now most of the string is inside the paper, but a small piece of the string is outside. You can see it but your friends cant. D. Put one hand over the paper, and then pull the string out slowly with your other hand. The string is still in one long piece! E. First, fold the paper so that it is like the paper in the picture. Side A is shorter than side B, but not much shorter. Side C is much shorter than side B. Show the long piece of string so that people can look at it. Put this piece of string on the paper. 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 答案解析1. 【解析】选B。从解密图一可知只是说明所需材料,故选B。2. 【解析】选E。由E中的First便可知与解密图二匹配。3. 【解析】选C。C主要说明折叠方法,故与解密图三匹配。4. 【解析】选A。A主要说明如何剪开纸,故与解密图四匹配。5. 【解析】选D。D主要说明如何把绳子抽出,故与解密图五匹配。BTea has a long history with more than two thousand years. Its hometown is certainly China.At first, tea was considered as a kind of good thing that could make people awake so that they could study fortably. Many knowledgeable people thought it was helpful for their study, because their minds could keep awake after drinking too much tea. During the Tang Dynasty, tea was sent to European countries first through the Silk Road.It was tea that made Chinese culture spread over in Western countries. The first book about tea was The Classic of Tea by Lu Yu in the Tang Dynasty. In the book, he described all the tea cultures.However, the tea culture changed into a kind of new form. Many people could find something bad in it in the Song Dynasty. Many people spent much time on it instead of thinking about the safety of their country. Between the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, plenty of people paid more attention to tea. People thought of it as the symbol of spirit.Nowadays, tea has bee the most gentle and fortable drink in France. It also bees a helpful drink that is good for peoples skin and health in England. Lots of Chinese look on tea as one of the most popular presents that they give others on important festivals.1.What did many knowledgeable people think of tea when it was invented at first?A.Useless.B.Difficult. C.Meaningless.D.Helpful.2.When was tea spread to European countries for the first time?A.In the Tang Dynasty.B.In the Yuan Dynasty.C.In the Song Dynasty.D.In the Qing Dynasty.3.Between the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, tea was regarded as .A.a kind of drink B.the symbol of the spiritC.a kind of cultureD.a kind of gift4.Which of the following about tea is TRUE according to the passage?A.Lu Yu was born in the Song Dynasty.B.Tea was invented in England.C.Englishmen think tea is a kind of healthy drink.D.Frenchmen like to give tea to others as presents.参考答案:14、D A B .CC阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。He is one of the founders of architectural (建筑学的) education in China. He is a leading Chinese architect and city landscape planner. He is the famous architect, Wu Liangyong. He won the Top Scientific and Technological Award in China.Wu has spent his whole life searching for the ideal architectural style for China. Wu did his masters degree in the US but has his own architectural ideas. He has led many important projects, including the design of the new Beijing Library, the planning and designing of Changan Avenue and the expansion (扩大) of Tiananmen Square. He has also joined in the planning work for many cities, including Beijing, Xiamen and Guilin.All of Wus designs follow the idea of the “preservation (保存) of Chinese traditions and the harmony of cities, humans and nature”. He cares about how people feel living inside one of his buildings. “mon peoples living problems are the most important part of architecture,” Wu once told his students.In 1987, he took on the rebuilding of Beijings Juer Hutong. Many architects found it difficult to make new styles fit naturally inside old Beijing.However, Wu believed Beijings old city was special in the history of world cities. Wu put his heart into the project. He decided not to pull down all the old houses. He used the old style as much as he could to keep a sense of Beijings heritage (遗产).Wus final product reflected traditional Chinese poems and paintings people living closely together in a yard, just like old times. His design has won several international awards including the UN World Habitat Award (世界人居奖).1. Wu Liangyong is known as a(n) _.A. inventor B. painterC. architect D. historian2. Whats the ideal style of Wus projects?A. Old and natural.B. Traditional and harmonious.C. Modern and original.D. Scientific and international.3. According to the story, we learn that _.A. Wu designed Changan Avenue and Tiananmen SquareB. Wu focuses more on the designs of buildings than peopleC. Wus rebuilding design of Juer Hutong fitted into old Beijing styleD. Wu thought old Beijing city was special in the history of world cities4. Which of the following would be the best title?A. A great architectB. Chinese architectureC. New styles in old buildingsD. Rebuilding of Beijing参考答案14、CBDADHannay was nervous. His enemies were searching for him. All around him were grassy hills without trees. He had nowhere to hide. How could he escape?Hannay walked along the country road for a long time. Then he saw a road worker, who was working alone, fixing the road. Hannay could see the road worker was not feeling well. Hannay came up to him and said “How are you?”“My head hurts,” the road worker said, “I cant do it. I want to go home to bed. My daughter got married yesterday, and I drank a lot of wine with my friends. Thats the problem!”Hannay agreed that he should be home in bed.“Yes, and I would be,” he replied, “but yesterday I received a message saying that the new surveyor was ing to look at my work. If he es and finds me away, Ill be in trouble.”Suddenly Hannay had a bright ideahe could act as the road worker and get away from his enemies.“You go off to bed,” Hannay said. “Ill do your job until the new surveyor es.”The road worker was pleased with his idea. He gave Hannay his hat and his old coat. Then he went home to sleep and perhaps to drink a bit more. Hannay put on the road workers hat and coat and began to fix the road. About an hour later he heard a voice.“Are you the road worker?” it asked.It was the new surveyor. He was a young man with a clean face. He sat in a small car.Hannay said “yes”. The surveyor told him about some work he wanted him to do before he came by again and drove off. Hannay continued with his work.Then a village boy came by. “What has happened to the road worker?” he asked.“He stayed at home today,” Hannay replied. “Hes sick.”At about midday, a large car came down the hill and stopped near Hannay. Three men got out of the car. Hannays hearts beat fast. He knew his enemies were ing1、What is this passage probably taken from?A.A history book. B.A travel book. C.A novel. D.A science book.2、Who did NOT e by while Hannay was working on the road?A.The surveyor. B.The road workers daughter.C.Hannays enemies. D.A village boy.3、What can we infer from the story?A.Hannay helped the road worker because he was warm-hearted.B.The grassy hills were perfect hiding places for Hannay.C.The surveyor had a lot of working experience.D.The village boy knew the road worker.4、What is the correct order of the story?Hannay met a road worker who was not feeling well and offered to take over for him.Hannay was worried because his enemies were following him.A car stopped near Hannay and three men got out.Hannay acted as the road worker when the surveyor came by.The village boy wondered what had happened to the road worker.A.B.C.D.参考答案 主旨大意 本文是小说节选。文章讲述了汉内想要冒充修路工逃避敌人搜捕的一段过程。1、C推理判断题。根据文章内容以及最后一句可知本文是小说节选。故选C。2、B细节理解题。根据文章最后五段可知The surveyor、Hannays enemies和A village boy都走到他身边过,并没有提到The road workers daughter。故选B。3、D推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段的“What has happened to the road worker?he asked.”可知文中的男孩认识这名修路工。故选D。4、A推理判断题。根据文章第一句可知敌人追着他在先,排除选项C和D;根据文章最后一段中的“Three men got out of the car.”可知第句在后。

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