2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 2 How are you教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 2 How are you教案 外研版教学目标:知识与技能1、能听懂并说出问候语Good morning,并能运用它进行对话。2、基本能听懂并说出句型How are you及其回答Im fine, thank you.并能和别人进行问答练习。3、基本能唱出英文歌曲Hello Hello。4、在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演过程与方法 1、创设真实的教学情境,让学生在真实的情景中体会到运用English语言的乐趣。2、通过机械性操练、游戏、唱歌等多种形式,以达到对语言的理解、记忆、掌握和运用。情感目标 通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、学唱歌,做游戏、敢干开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心在小组活动中积极参与合作,从而意识到交流对于学习英语的重要意义。文化意识: 能够恰当使用英语中与人问好的问候语,了解在英语国家中熟人见面相互打招呼的方式,对学生进行日常行为礼貌教育。教学重点: 能听懂并说出句型How are you及其回答Im fine, thank you教学难点:注意thank中th的发音/ 。教学准备:单词、句型卡片、动物图片、录音机、多媒体教学课时:1课时教学过程:Step1 Warmer1、伴着音乐老师走进教室,热情地向同学们打招呼说“Hello”或“Hi”,与近处的同学握手,向远处的同学挥手。表扬那些用英语向老师打招呼的同学说“Very good!Well done!”或“Clever boy/girl!” 2、Revision用英语告诉学生:Im Wang Linzhen.3、师生、同学之间用Hello,Im 问好。Step2 Presentation1、拿出钟表,看看时间,然后做出刚起床的动作,对学生说:Good morning!让学生猜猜意思,试着回答。师与几个学生问好,然后与全班问好。通过对话,引出“How are you?(出示意思)师引导回答(出示笑脸,做表情)帮助学生回答:Im fine, thank you.与学生练练,适时指导。板书课题:Module 1 Unit2 How are you ? 2、告诉学生:今天早上我们的朋友Sam刚一起床,他的两位奇特的朋友就来跟他问好,你想知道它们是谁吗?他们跟Sam 说了什么?那就让我们一起去看看吧!Lets have a look.Listen to the tape(picture1),listen and point.(要求学生边听边指着相应的说话的人物,并根据图片想一想图中的小朋友都在说什么?) then answer the questions:1) Who are they?2) What did they say?听完后,找同学回答,当同学答对小鸟和Sam时,可以拿出准备好的图片说:Yes, they are a bird and Sam.当同学答出小鸟和Sam问候时,可以举起图片,学着小鸟和Sam的声音说:Yes, the bird said: Good morning, Sam./ Sam said : Good morning!板书句型:Good morning.Good morning! 并利用写好的句型卡片教读。请学生试着读。3、Now lets listen again (picture2),and then tell me : 1) Who are they?2) What did they say?听完后,找同学回答,当同学答对小狗和Sam时,可以拿出准备好的图片说:Yes, they are a dog and Sam.当同学答出小狗和Sam问候时,可以举起图片,学着小狗和Sam的声音说:Yes, the dog said: How are you ,Sam?Sam said : Im fine, thank you.板书句型:How are you?Im fine, thank you.学生试读,着重强调thank的发音(看口型),并示范和领读。4、Listen and repeat for 3 times.可让个别学生展示,奖励。5、Read in groups(Help each other), and then act it out(戴头饰),奖励小组.Step3 Practice 1、Part3 Teacher and a student do for model.then play a game(会话接龙)。第一个先说完的小组算优胜。2、Game请四个学生到教室前,一名同学出场用布蒙上眼睛,另外三个学生中的任意一人使用“How are you?向该学生问好。该学生要试着猜出说话的是谁并上前用“Im fine, thank you.”回答。如果猜对了,全班说“Yes!”如果猜错了,全班说:“No!”然后继续猜。3、连锁问答游戏 4、Sing the songT:Would you like to learn a new song”Hello! Hello!”Lead to read.,then play the tape ,listen and sing together,and do the actions.(师生齐唱,做动作,用欢快的歌曲小结学习内容。)Step4 Summary1、Do you have any questions? 2、Show the words and lead to read again.3、Point to the important drills, and read together again.课后作业Listen and read the text for 3 times, then say it in your life.Preview the next lesson, Blackboard design:Module1 Unit 2 How are you?-Good morning.-Good morning.-How are you?-Im fine, thank you.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 2 Im eating hamburgers and chips教案 外研版课题Module1 Unit2课型NT教学目标认知目标:全体学生能运用:im eating hamburgers and chips. 技能目标:全体学生能理解:grass, hamburgers,chips,fast food情感目标:知道英语国家典型食品的名称重点全体学生能说Im eating.难点be与动词变化教学准备教师准备Words cards, pictures, tape, CAI学生准备Book 教 学 过 程教学环节(时间)教 学 内 容设计意图Step1Warm upStep 2 PresentationStep3Drill & Practice1.Greeting.T: Hello. Boys and girls.S: Hello. Teacher.2.Role play.Act the dialogue of Unit 1.hamburgers, chips, fast food1.Look and say:noodles, rice,then learn “hamburgers chips, fast food”2.Look at the picture and talk about it.Who are they ?What is Amy doing ?Whats she eating ?3.Learn “Im eating hamburgers and chips.4.Listen to the tape and answer the questions: What is Amy eating?Is Daming eating hamburgers and chips? Why ?TextWhat is doing ?Whatishe/she using?1.Then listen again and repeat the dialogue.2. Do the role play in groups. 3.Read and choose the right words to plete4.Guessing game:Cover the pictures partly. Then ask the children to guess: What isdoing?What is he/she using? 提出问题,学生带着问题分层次的理解课文通过游戏激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固知识点和口语Step4ProductionSay the poem.1.Listen to the poem and point.2.Then listen and repeat 3.Say the poem and do the actions. GameDo actions and guess.Are you eating ?Yes,I am .No, Im not.Exercises.4.Do the exercises in activity book.Ss talk about the pictures then try to find out the rules with teachers help.小结Ask the children to sum up the main points in groups. Then report the main points.板书设计作业Module 1 Unite 2Im eating hamburgers and chips.A:Read the textB:Recite the text反 思进过一节课的学习,学生们上课状态明显好转,讲解正在进行时,总结规律,在具体语境中运用现在进行时,学生容易出现不加ing的情况,需要多做练习。


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