八年级英语下册 Module 4 Seeing the doctor练习题 (新版)外研版.doc

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Module 4 Seeing the doctorWritten test part (共95分) . 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. How do you improve your English?_ watching English movies. A. In B. For C. By D. With( )2. My grandmother often takes some _, so she is very healthy. A. exercise B. danger C. advice D. noise( )3. I started playing basketball two years ago and I feel very _ now. A. sad B. serious C. safe D. fit( )4. Jenny, you look _ and thin. Whats the matter?I am ill. A. nervous B. excited C. lovely D. weak( )5. When do you usually _ the office every day?At 9:00 am. Then I start work five minutes later.A. look at B. get on C. arrive at D. leave for( )6. Jack is only two years old. Hes too _ to _ himself. A. old; look after B. young; look after C. old; looking after D. young; looking after( )7. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me _ it three times a day. A. take B. to take C. bring D. to bring( )8. I _ my bike to school every day. Its good for health. A. ride B. rode C. clean D. cleaned( )9. You must stop _ in the river! Its too dangerous. A. swim B. to swimC. swimming D. swam( )10. Wang Tao usually spends two hours _ his homework in the evening. A. do B. to do C. did D. doing( )11. I _ Mr Black before. This is my first time to see him. A. wont meet B. wasnt meetingC. havent met D. dont meet( )12. His uncle moved to Canada in xx. He _ there for five years. A. is living B. was living C. lives D. has lived( )13. Linda _ the museum twice last week. A. visits B. visited C. will visit D. has visited ( )14. _ have you been away from your home town?Since xx. A. How often B. How longC. How soon D. How many( )15. _?Im not feeling well. My stomach hurts. A. How can you do that B. What should you doC. How can I help you D. What do you think of it. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。What is health? I think “health” means eating well and doing enough 16 . Eat different kinds of food, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that fruit and vegetables help us to keep 17 , but many of us only eat our favourite food. 18 that we can only get what our body needs by eating all kinds of food, or we get 19 easily. We must often drink water and milk. Everyone knows that water is 20 . Besides water, kids also need to drink milk. I began to drink milk 21 I was a child. I think its good for me. When we are eating, we should notice how our body feels. When our 22 is full (满的), stop eating. Eating too much makes 23 bee fat and feel terrible. Dont 24 too much time watching TV or playing puter games. We should 25 all kinds of sports, such as running, swimming and so on. In this way, we can be well.( )16. A. sports B. projects C. time D. sleep( )17. A. quiet B. hungry C. healthy D. nervous( )18. A. Know B. Remember C. Think D. Guess( )19. A. well B. shy C. ill D. angry( )20. A. cheap B. light C. clean D. important( )21. A. when B. for C. since D. before( )22. A. mouth B. stomach C. head D. hand( )23. A. him B. me C. us D. them( )24. A. use B. cost C. pay D. spend( )25. A. take part in B. be proud ofC. keep clear of D. be good at. 情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Mike, do you like running?B: Yes, I do.A: (26)_ B: Every day. I usually run for an hour after school.A: Oh, thats good. Running is good for health. (27)_B: Oh, no. Some of them dont run at all.A: Really? (28)_B: Because they think its boring.A: (29)_B: They usually watch TV.A: I see. (30)_B: Game shows.A: Its good to relax by watching game shows, but I think the best way to relax is through exercise.A. What do they usually do after school?B. Where do you usually run?C. How often do you run?D. What kind of programmes do they watch?E. Do your classmates also run every day?F. Why dont they run?G. Are they interested in game shows?. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) A Dear Anna,How are you? My name is Cindy. Ive been looking forward to having a pen friend for a long time. I hope we can bee good friends. I got your name and email address from my English teacher, Ms Sands. These days Im thinking about what to write. First, I wanted to tell you what its like to go to school here in Minnesota, but later I thought you could look up Minnesota on the Internet and read about it yourself. Then I had the idea to tell you about my family, but I realised (意识到) that the story of my little brother losing a tooth or the time we got a new cat might be kind of boring. After that, I thought about asking you questions about what its like to live in Belgium, but Im afraid you might think my questions are silly.I think I can tell you a little about myself. In fact, you probably already learned one thing about me. I sometimes have a hard time making up my mind (拿主意)! I hope you can write me back anyway. Yours,Cindy根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. Cindy got Annas information from _.A. the Internet B. her English teacherC. a pen friend programme D. her school newspaper( )32. According to Cindy, which of the following might be boring for her email?A. Her likes and dislikes. B. Something about her family. C. Famous places in Minnesota.D. Going to school in Minnesota.( )33. Why did Cindy decide not to ask Anna what Belgium is like?A. Cindy visited Belgium years ago.B. Cindys classmate told her about it before.C. Cindy already learned about it on the Internet.D. Cindy thought her questions might sound silly.( )34. From the email, we can know that Cindy _.A. lost a tooth last weekB. has a lot of good friends C. once wrote a letter to AnnaD. is not good at making decisions( )35. Cindy wrote the email to _. A. give advice to Anna B. ask Anna for help C. say “hi” to her new pen friend D. help her new pen friendB If a person is ill, he will probably go to see a doctor. Doctors treat patients (治疗病人). A patient needs the doctors medical help if he has a fever, a headache or something else. (36)_ He will take his temperature, test his blood pressure (血压) and so on. For a patient, its very important to follow what the doctor says. There are a lot of hospitals in our city. (37)_ They try their best to help patients. In many cases (情况), they save their lives. (38)_ He is sixty-seven years old. For the last five years, he has had heart trouble and he doesnt think it carries a risk. But one day, he felt very bad and we called for the ambulance (救护车) at once. (39)_ Later the doctors told us that my grandfather had a heart attack (心脏病发作). It was very dangerous for his life. But the doctors did everything necessary (必要的) in time and saved his life. He stayed in hospital for about one month. (40)_ Now my grandfather feels very well. 根据材料内容从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料内容完整、正确,其中有一个句子是多余的。A. I will tell you about the accident that my grandfather had not long ago.B. During that time, the doctors treated him well. C. About twenty years ago, almost all nurses were women. D. The doctor will examine (检查) him carefully.E. Experienced doctors and nurses work there day and night.F. It arrived very quickly and took my grandfather to hospital in no time. 36. _ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _ 40. _. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A) 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。41. Mr Wang usually reads the d_ newspaper before breakfast.42. Jack didnt go to school last week because he had a serious i_. 43. Mr Liu has a kind h_. He always helps people in trouble. 44. Wheres Mike?P_ hes in the classroom, but Im not sure.45. Why do you look so s_?Oh, I went to bed too late last night.B) 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。pet, fever, awful, member, condition46. John had a high _ and the nurse took his temperature. 47. He felt _ after ten hours flying.48. I have two lovely _ a dog and a cat.49. Your grandfather is in excellent _. Dont worry about him. 50. Linda and Mary are _ of the Music Club. 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。51. 她感冒了,没有去上班。She _ and didnt go to work. 52. 这就是你牙痛的原因。_ you have got a toothache. 53. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。Reading in bed _ to your eyes. 54. 爸爸每天带我散步。Dad _ every day.55. 自那时以来,我们就是好朋友了。_, we have been good friends. . 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。dark, e, over, example, feel, tell, she, help, sometimes, becauseIve got a brother who is two years older than I am. (56)_ hes OK but other times he is a real pain in the neck. I will give you some (57)_. Yesterday I couldnt put the key (钥匙) in the front door because it was (58)_ and I couldnt see where the keyhole was. Did my brother help? No, he just (59)_ me how silly I was! And last week when I (60)_ back from the hairdressers (理发店), he took one look at me and laughed. “No friends will go out with you looking like that. But dont worry. I can (61)_ you. Here, take this paper bag and put it (62)_ your head.” Do you know how I (63)_?On the other hand, having a big brother can be helpful. My parents are not so worried about letting me go out at night (64)_ I have a big and strong brother. Another good thing is that he has many friends and there is a girl who is very good at maths. I always ask (65)_ for help if I have problems with my maths homework. She is always very kind and helpful!. 书面表达(10分) 假如你的好朋友闫敏生病了,下面是她今天上午去医院看病时的诊疗记录。请你根据该诊疗记录写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍闫敏的病情和医生的处置方法。诊疗记录2016年2月2日 姓名:闫敏门诊科室:内科简要病历(主诉、病史、体征):肚子痛,发烧,持续两天处置:不要吃快餐食品,多喝热水,服药(一天三次)初步诊断:感冒 医师签名:许桂华_附 加 题 (共10分)In xx, Cliff Jones began a journey around Britain on a unicycle, a bicycle with only one wheel (轮子). Before that, he made a film about his experiences travelling around Europe in an old car. He was crazy about cars and worked in a car factory. To save money, Cliff went to work in London on an old bicycle, which he also used to go to France on holiday. “That trip opened my eyes,” he says. “I decided to travel around Britain by bike.”Cliff didnt want a normal (普通的) bicycle. He wanted to build one himself. “The craziest bike I could think of was a unicycle.” After visiting a unicycle factory, he made one and set out in xx. He was away for four months, and travelled over 8,500 km.For Cliff, the best part of the trip was arriving in Wales and seeing Mount Snowdon. “I met lots of cyclists (骑车的人) there. They could easily ride up mountains on their bikes, which I couldnt do. But I was never sorry about making my unicycle. Many people were interested in my unicycle.” His worst moment came when he had to drink some dirty water from a river. A serious fever kept him in bed in hospital for five long days. He didnt want to give up (放弃) the journey, but found it hard to carry on because he felt so weak. However, Cliff now says, “If possible, I would like to do something similar (相似的) again.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )1. What made Cliff realise he wanted to travel around Britain by bicycle?A. Visiting a unicycle factory. B. Taking part in a bicycle race.C. Riding his bicycle to another country.D. Travelling around Europe in an old car.( )2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Cliff was crazy about making films.B. Cliff bought a unicycle from a factory.C. The journey around Britain was over 8,500 km.D. The journey around Britain took Cliff five months.( )3.When Cliff met other cyclists in Mount Snowdon, he was _. A. interested in their bicycles B. not sorry about his own unicycleC. surprised by what they said about his unicycleD. not happy about what they could do with their bicycles( )4. Why did Cliff give up his journey around Britain halfway?A. His money ran out.B. His unicycle broke down.C. He had to go back to work. D. He was seriously ill for several days.( )5. Where might you read this passage?A. In a diary. B. In a guidebook.C. In a magazine. D. In a dictionary.答案笔试部分. 1-5 CADDC 6-10 BBACD 11-15 CDBBC. 16-20 ACBCD 21-25 ABCDA. 26-30 CEFAD. 31-35 BBDDC 36-40 DEAFB. 41. daily 42. illness 43. heart 44. Perhaps 45. sleepy 46. fever 47. awful 48. pets 49. condition 50. members. 51. caught a cold 52. Thats why 53. is harmful 54. takes me for a walk 55. Since then. 56. Sometimes 57. examples 58. dark 59. told 60. came 61. help 62. over 63. felt 64. because 65. her. One possible version:My good friend Yan Min is ill. She has got a stomach ache and has got a fever. She has been like this for two days. This morning her mother took her to see the doctor. The doctor thought Yan Min caught a cold. She asked her not to eat fast food. She also advised her to drink more hot water. She gave her some medicine and asked her to take it three times a day.附加题1-5 CCBDC

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