2019-2020年一年级起点英语 5A unit3(1)教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级起点英语 5A unit3(1)教案 北师大版Structures:Did Ken win the race?No, he didnt. Yes, he did.He was third. Ann came last.Review Review the flashcards for Unit 1 and 2. Review all the verbs learned so far. Review the song from Unit 2.Set the scene Have the children look at the title of this Unit. Explain the meaning of sports day. Ask the children to talk the sports day they had last year. You can ask what sports they were in, if they won a prize and what their positions were in race. Present the words race, won a prize, first, second, third etc. When they are mentioned by the cildren. Ask individual child, “Did you run?” Present the answer Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Have them repeat after you.Get preparedTell them that in this Unit they are going to read about the sports day at Ken and Anns school. Have them open their books at page 26 and 27.Have the children look at the pictures and read the story first. Then ask them to say what the story is about. Play the tape for the story. Have the children listen. Then play the tape again. This time you can ask the children to repeat the key structures.Tell the storyNow draw the childrens attention to the text at the bottom of the pages. Explain that the text tells more about the story. Have the children read the text.When they finished ,have the children talk about the story. Elicit the main point from the children while pointing each picture on the page. Play the tape. Have the children listen.Play the tape again, or the teacher tells the story again. Ask questions to check the childrens understanding.HomeworkExtend the game by having the children talk about runners from their class. What were their positions in school sports day last year?附送:2019-2020年一年级起点英语 5A unit3(2)教案 北师大版Structures:Ken was third in the race.Did you run well?Yes, I did.Review the numbersTell the children they are going to play a game. Explain that you are going to say a word and see who can find the word in the book and report the page number.Say the word clock. The children should say seventy-eight. Continue with other words.Ask the Ss to say the page number of Self-assessment in each unit. Write the number names on the board.Then have children e up to the blackboard and write out the number for each word.Words to learnReview the main story with the children. Have the children read or tell the story again by themselves. This time focus on the words in the text. Write the new words on the board when they are mentioned in the text.At the end of the story, have the children read the words on the board. Have them open their books at page 28 and look at the words in the box. Have them look at the picture on the top of the page. Encourage the children to read the words beside each person. Point to the boy in the first position and elicit, “He is first.” Repeat for second to tenth.Play the tape and have the children repeat after.Listen to thisHave the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that the children in the picture were in a running race and you are going to play the tape for their positions in the race.Tell the children to read the sentences below the pictures. Explain that only one position is correct in each sentence.Play the tape, and have the children listen carefully. Play the tape again and this time have the children check the correct word.Read the sentence and have the children check their answers.Talk togetherHave the children open the books at the pictures on top of the page. Ask the children to guess what the pictures are trying to express. Have the children read the dialog by themselves to check if their guessing is correct. Explain Ken is talking with his father about his running in a race today at school.Point to each runner in the picture and have the children say their positions. Elicit the structure Jane was first.Have the children read the dialogue again together and see if they have any questions.The teacher models the dialogue. Have the children repeat after.Put the children into pairs to practice the dialog. Encourage them to make substitutions.Listen and practiceHave the children look at the pictures and read aloud the sentences under each picture.Play the sentences on the tape. Have the children repeat after.


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