2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4(2)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 4(2)教案 新世纪版一、教育目标:1.使学生从小养成爱护玩具的好习惯。2.培养学生有礼貌地向别人索要物品。二、知识目标:基础目标:1.使学生认知单词: Barbie doll, jigsaw, picture book, transformer2.会根据提供的图片或场景运用句型Give me -, please.3.理解Sports Club中的 “ Step forward. Step backward.”,并做出正确反应;反之,也能根据不同的动作用正确的英语表达。4能认知字母g和h,并了解它们在单词中的发音。发展目标: 1.由Wonderland中的词拓展学习有关玩具的英语词汇。2.能替换Grand Theatre中的语句,根据不同场合进行提问并回答。能力目标: 1.能用句型“Give me, please.”索要自己想得到的物品。2.能认识有关玩具的英语词汇。三、情感、策略和文化等有关目标:1.情感态度:使学生从小养成爱护玩具的好习惯。2.学习策略:有效利用教学游戏和活动培养学生合作学习的意识。3.文化目标:西方人喜欢养宠物,并把宠物视为他们的朋友。四、教学资源:Students book 2B P19P24Cassette 2B Unit 4Students workbook 2B P20P25Word and picture cards 2B Unit 4五、教学过程(3课时)第一课时ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevisionUse these shapes to make some pictures and say, “Give me the , please.”Review the shapes and the colours.While task presentation Task 1Each group chooses one student to make a shape together. The others help him to say, “Give me , please.” The teacher acts as a transformer.Task 21. Act out the dialogues according to the cards you draw. Devote for the best actor or actress. Prepare some small cards: hungry, sad, thirsty, your birthday.Task31. Give the best actor or actress a present. Invite them to choose: A Barbie Doll, a jigsaw or a picture book.Learn the new words: Barbie Doll, jigsaw and picture book.3. Do a survey: Which toy do you like best? Learn the new word: transformerInvite one student to be a transformer.Read after the tape.通过表演学习新的单词能使枯燥无味的机械操练变得生动、有趣。运用表示不同场景的卡片,让学生在模拟的情景中操练句型。让学生互相调查所喜爱的玩具,在交流的过程中巩固所学的单词。Post-task activities Task 1Read the words. Listen and choose. Listen and link. Finish the exercises.通过简单、有效的练习进一步巩固所学单词。第二课时ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevision:(1) Review the new words together.(2) Fill in the blanks with missing letters. Tr_nsform_r _arbie _oll _ook pi_ture Read the words and fill in the blanks.从单词的音、形、意三方面全面复习单词。While task presentation Task 1:(1) Talk about: whats your favourite toy?(2) Show many toys and encourage the students ask for the teacher: Give me (3) Tell the students some rules:Give me + a -. Give me + 不可数名词-. Give me + some -. Task 2:Listen to the dialogue and ask:Who are they?What are they doing?What does Spotty like?The teacher asks, let the students answer.Listen to the tape, let the students understand the sentences they hear.由学生感兴趣的话题着手,引入新课。在大量的操练中让学生初步感知一些语法知识。教师的设问能帮助学生理解课文。Post-task activities 1 Repeat the dialogue and try to imitate the intonation. 2 Act out the short play after reviewing. 3 Make a new dialogue.Listen to the story in Grand Theatre.通过表演,使学生能够更好地理解课文内容,更加牢固地掌握课文主要句型。第三课时ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevisionReview the new words together. Fill in the blanks. Say, “ Give me the letter , please.”Transf_m_r B_bie doll _igs_ pi_ture 2.Learn the song: My BreakfastReview the story together.Learn after the tape.在游戏中不仅复习了单词而且复习了句型。歌曲朗朗上口,学生非常喜爱。在学唱歌曲的同时,扩充他们的词汇量。While task presentationTask 1Fill in the blanks: ba_ _irl _at 2. Read the letters and words:G CA HB DF H E FDollBookPictureTransformerBoneTask 2Make your own rhymes.G for H for Task3Teacher does first, then invite some students to mime. Learn the new letters: Gg HhLearn the new order:Step forward. Step backward.通过大量单词的朗读让学生感知字母在这些单词中的发音。在活动中学习英语,能够调动学生积极性,也更有效地帮助学生记忆。Post-task activities Task 1Review the orders: Attention. At ease. Turn right. Turn left. Stop. Eyes front. Eyes left. Eyes right.GameActivity:Read after the tape. Make the sentences. Say and act. petition: Whos the little leader?整合Sports club中的语言材料,换一种方式训练学生的反应能力。附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 5(1)教学反思 苏教牛津版本课的教学内容是牛津小学英语2B第5单元At school的第一课时。本课的教学目标是让学生学会六门学科的英文表达。在本节课的教学中,我做了以下两点尝试:一、创设情境,活跃氛围。考虑到低年级的学生比较好动。在课前三分钟安排几首歌曲,给学生一个过渡的过程。让他们逐步从课间的十分钟活动过渡到英语课上。这个看似小的教学环节能让学生很快的静下心来,进入学习状态。在新授完单词之后,为了让学生能有进一步的掌握和巩固所学单词,我适时插入了“Bomb”,“Whats missing?”“I say,you spell”等游戏环节,引导学生边听边说边做,既活跃了气氛,又巧记了单词,让学生在学习的过程中体验轻松和愉快。二、小组合作,活动激趣。本课中我设计的四人小组活动任务:在组内拼读所学单词,并增设小组上台教单词环节,更是希望突出本课重点,使优等生有机会展示自己,同时能及时从学生那儿获得反馈信息。随后,我要求各小组分工制作一张英文课表,使学生进入良好的小组自主学习的氛围,学生在小组讨论中,人人有机会交流新单词。此外,在四人小组活动中,我注重引导学生间互相帮助,对乐于助困的学生给予肯定,营造团结互助的氛围。三、不足之处,有待改善。首先,我在教学环节的安排和内容的处理上还有待斟酌。其次,活动形式还不够新活,学生的参与面还不够广。另外,根据学生的实际和教材的特点,学生运用完整的句型进行班级交流的机会还不是特别多等。小学英语课堂教学是一项复杂的工作,只有我们不断努力,不断尝试,才能使我们的英语课堂教学迈上一个新的台阶。


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