2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module1 Unit3 Taste and smell period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module1 Unit3 Taste and smell period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module1 Unit3 Taste and smell period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module1 Unit3 Taste and smell period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版ContentM1 U3 Taste and smell (Period 2)Aims1. To use nouns to identify food items.2. To use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g., Taste the Smell the3. To use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g., Soup, please.4. To use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g., Taste the Smell the5. To use modeled phrases to begin and maintain an interaction .Language focusTo use imperatives to give simple instructions.e.g., Taste the Smell theTeaching aidsMultimedia, cards, etcProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2. Daily talk.e.g., Touch your nose, please.What do you like?Can I help you?1. Sing a song2. Answer the questions.活跃气氛,复习旧知识。While-task procedure1.(media) Who are they?2 What do you see on the table?3. W hat is Alice doing? Smell(All kinds of food)Smell the food.Its nice.Smell the banana.Smell theT/S S/T S/S5. , smell the banana. , taste the banana. Eat the banana.Eat theT/S S/T S/S6. Listen to the tape and read together.1. Tom, Alice, father and mother2. rice, noodles, fish, meat, soup3. To learn smell.(Say and do the action.) Say it one by one.4.Say Its nice. Say the centences.5.S: Smell and taste.Learn taste.(Say and do the action.) Say it one by one.Say the centences.熟悉情境,了解人物。单词较难,运用动作、开火车等多种形式,加强巩固。在对话中配上动作,由助于学生理解掌握知识,激发学生学习的兴趣。Post-task activityMake a short dialogue with Taste the Smell theS1: Can I help you?S2: , please.S1: Here you are.S2: Thank you.S1: Taste/Smell the S2: Yummy, yummy/ Its nice.努力尝试在语境中进行语言的交流,提高运用能力。Assignment:1. Read the book of page 10.2. Say the sentences you learn today when you have dinner.板书设计Smell theTaste the教学反思附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module2 Revision教案 (新版)沪教牛津版 Content1B Module2 Revision (Period1)Aims1. To use nouns to identify toys and food.2. To use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences. e.g. I like 3. To ask yes/no questions to find out ones preferences.e.g. Do you like ?Yes./No.4. To ask Wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person. e.g. What do you like? I like 5. To bring up pupils good habits of listening and speaking.6. To educate the pupils to be polite to the others.Language focus1. To use nouns to identify food and toys. 2. To ask Wh-question to find out specific information about something. e.g. What do you like?3. To ask yes/no questions to elicit simple responses. e.g. Do you like ? Yes./No.Teaching aidsPictures, multimedia, cards, etcProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePart 11. Warming upGreetingsAsk and answerSing a song T says,P1 responds(Hello, Hi, Good morning, How are you? etc)让学生快速进入英语学习状态;师生问候既是对所学问候语的复习,又增进了师生情感互动。Part 2Review the words.1. T shows the pictures then ask: What do you like?2. Talk with your desk mate.3.T asks: Look. Do y0u like?1. S: ball, jelly, milk2. S: What do you like?S:I like SS Work in pairs3. S: No, I like/ Yes, I like通过图片来复习本单元单词和重要句型。在同桌操练的过程中学会使用句型。利用老师的的课件中的食物和玩具来练习一般疑问句。Review the dialogue.1.Show the situation2. Look and listen3. Look and say.4. Think and plete运用多媒体创设在买东西的情景和语境,把语言点串成一个主题,让学生在看看、听听、说说、想想中感知、理解、掌握语言。Part 3Make a dialogue.Say and act.(Work in pairs)通过模仿自编对话,初步培养学生同伴合作能力和会话能力。Part 41. Read the book2. Follow the tape板书设计Module 2ball doll bicycle kite jelly ice cream sweet biscuitcola juice milk waterI like 教学反思1B M2 Revision Content1B Module2 Revision (Period 2)Aims1. To use nouns to identify toys and food.2. To use formulaic expressions to indicate preferences. e.g. I like 3. To ask yes/no questions to find out ones preferences. e.g. Do you like ?Yes./No.4. To ask Wh-questions to ask for specific information about a person. e.g. What do you like? I like 5. To bring up pupils good habits of listening and speaking.6. To educate the pupils to be polite to the others.Language focus1. To use nouns to identify food and toys. 2. To ask Wh-question to find out specific information about something. e.g. What do you like?3. To ask yes/no questions to elicit simple responses. e.g. Do you like ?Yes./ No.Teaching aids Pictures, multimedia, cards, etcProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePart 11.Warming up2.Greetings3.Ask and answerSing a song T says, P1 responses(How are you? etc)让学生快速进入英语学习状态;师生问候既是对所学问候语的复习,又增进了师生情感互动Part 2Review the words about the food.1.Quick response T: What do you see? How many?2.Guessing gamea. Look at my mouthb .What is missing?( pictures; words)3. Listen and number通过快速反映的问答,既对要复习的词句进行了初次强化,又调动了学生的学习热情;通过看口型,猜单词的游戏 帮助学生掌握单词的正确读音;What is missing的游戏,让学生在检索、回忆中整体巩固了单词的音、形、义;根据学生的实际情况设计听力材料(语段),在词不离句中再次复习了单词,又为下面的复习作了铺垫.Review the pattern:A: Can I help you?B: What do you like?A:I like B: Here you are.A: Thank you.1. Show the situatione.g. A: Can I help you?B: What do you like?A:I like B: Here you are.A: Thank you.2. Show some masks (shop assistant, Alice, Danny, Kitty, Eddie, etc) Pupil can choose one then act and say.运用多媒体创设在超市买东西的情景和语境,通过老师介绍,学生跟说到学生的演演说说,从扶到放,使语言学习层层推进。用不同的头饰,充分考虑了低年级学生的年龄特征,同一知识点用不同的途径来强化,既提高学生的积极性,又提高复习的效率。Part 3Make a dialogue.Say and act.(work in pairs)通过模仿自编对话,初步培养学生同伴合作能力和会话能力。Part 41. Read the book2. Follow the tape板书设计Module 2What do you like?I like Do you like ? Yes./ No.教学反思


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