2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12 I cook教案 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12 I cook教案 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12 I cook教案 冀教版(一起)Sentences: I like are delicious.Words: delicious, dumplingsPhrases: make dumplings, cook dumplings二、Type of class:New lesson.三、Teaching Aims:Make students read and use these sentences and words correctly.Make students like helping parents.四、Important point:New words and sentences. Difficult point: 3 new words五、Training Teaching aids:tape,card,gifts.六、Teaching procedure:ProcedureaimTeacheractivitiesStudentsactivitiesAdoptmethods1. Greet and Free talkGive the standard greeting to wele students to English class. And have a free talk with the students.Greet and answer in English.Talk with the teacher.Talk with other students.Talk freely.2. Review and Lead inShow the students some cards. Ask “what are these?” This words is about “food”Tell the class that todays lesson is about food, too, called “I cook.” Then translate it.Say the word “fruit, meat, vegetables, water, juice”Follow the teacher.“I cook”Say together3. Study new concepts1) Give the standard mand for students to take out their student books and turn to the pages for todays lesson.2) Have the class look at the pictures on pages 24 and 25. And answer some questions. Who know the food shown in photographs at the bottom of the page? What can we put in the dumplings? 3)have the students to say the words.4)ask some questions and then give the “listen ” mand and play the audiotape. 5)discuss the audiotape script with the class. What do “make dumplings” and “cook dumplings” mean? 6)listen and follow again.Take out their student books and turn to the pages 24.Look at the pictures on pages 24 and 25. Think of the questions.Dumplings; Meat, vegetable, eggFollow the teacher to learn “dumplings” Listen and read the text after the audiotape with the question: what do you hear in the text.Discuss the two words with the teacher.Eat dumplingsListen and follow the tape.Study and play together.Pairs workStudy together4. Activityinterview Give the directions and interview paper.Interview the questions in groups.Questions: Who have helped to make dumplings at home? Who like to make dumplings? Who likes cook dumplings? And who likes to eat dumplings?Groups work5. have fun “chant”Play the audiotapeSay the chant after the tape; say the chant togetherSay together6. Do exercise Give the standard mand for the students to take out the activity book.Take out the activity book and do some exercise on page 24 and 25.Do exercise.7. ClosingGive the order to number offNumber off “make dumplings” “cook dumplings” and “eat dumplings”Say one by one8. Homework1)listen and read the text 3 times2)draw pictures to remember new phrases on the drawing books.3)help your parents to cook.Do your homework according to your interest七、Teaching Consideration.附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 13 I count(1)教案 冀教版(一起)本课主要是对于1-20数字的讲解,其中涉及how many句型和简单数字加减法的英语表达。教师可通过生日或家庭聚会等画面的观察方式来呈现句型how many句型和一些餐饮单词的讲解,最后通过游戏来操练数字的加减法,达到让学生运用自如的目的。二、教学目标(一)知识1掌握下列词汇并懂得使用其复数形式Spoon (s), bowl(s), cup(s)2掌握句式How many.plus.is.minus.is.3了解下列句型Its time for.(二)能力日常生活中会使用how many句型进行数量的提问与回答;熟练掌握20以内数字的加减法(三)情感懂得体会数学给人们带来的乐趣三、教学重点20以内数字加减法的掌握四、教学媒体一张家庭或生日聚会的照片或画片;投影仪;皮球;电脑课件(看flash学数字歌)五、教学过程1课程导入教师将一张家庭聚会的画片放在投影仪上,引出本课话题I count. How many people are there in your family? 接着把同学们的注意力转向餐桌,教授学生spoon, bowl和cup,并介绍单词的复数形式;2趣味操练,呈现新课教师拍皮球,学生默数,假设教师拍了19下,之后教师突然停下,问一个学生:How many? 学生回答:Nineteen.接着学生拍球,如拍了3下,停顿,再拍4下,问How many? 另外一名学生回答seven或three plus four is seven。学生先从小数的加法练起。然后再轮流将球上抛(一定高度即可,不可过分起哄),以同样的问答方式进行减法的练习(minus);最后播放迪斯尼相关flash,使学生在愉快的巩固数字的歌曲中结束新课。六、课堂评价1课上用英语数数你同桌文具盒里文具及书包里书本的数量;2用英语说出你家里的电话号码及父母的手机号码,把所学的知识带到日常生活中,把学习的快乐带给身边的人,在体验成功的过程中不断进步;3采用不同的学习形式,及时对学生做出正确的评价,多鼓励,多赞许,使不同层次的学生都能发挥他们的英语水平,学习的效果比较好。


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