2019-2020年一年级英语下册 unit1 Lesson2教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 unit1 Lesson2教案 沪教牛津版教学目标: 知识与技能目标:1. 能听说对话: How are you ? Fine,thank you . Good morning . Good morning. 2. 能和别人打招呼,问候别人,并会用自己的名字进行简单的介绍。3. 扩展:询问对方的名字与回答方式:Whats your name? My name is. 过程与方法目标:1TPR教学法, 使学生听听做做。2运用小组讨论法, 使学生通过小组讨论学习, 掌握本课对话。3. 经过反复操练,学生可以自如地进行问候、打招呼。情感态度与价值观目标:1 任务性教学法:通过本课的学习,了解西方人问候与打招呼的方式,如何进行简单的自我介绍,逐渐习惯英语的语言方式。2 通过评价指标多样化,评价主体多元化,使不同的孩子通过本课的学习,愿意了解更多的西方文化与知识,产生浓厚的学习兴趣。教学重点与难点: 1如何和别人打招呼,并能进行简单的问候。 How are you? Fine, thank you. Good morning. Good morning.2. 询问对方的名字,并能用英语进行简单的自我介绍 Whats your name? My name is. Im .教学准备:录音机、卡片、人物头饰、图片、玩偶教学过程:一、组织教学:Sing a song to warm up.二、复习导入: 复习上节课所学的指令,听听做做。三、讲授新知:1.介绍人物:教师拿出人物头饰,向同学们介绍他们的名字,让同学们介绍教材中的新朋友。2.教师带着头饰示范对话,学生重复 Good morning. Good morning. 教师分别向每一个学生挥手并问候Good morning,让没一个学生作出反应。反复练习,并鼓励学生相互之间问候。 3.用玩偶扮演不同的角色演示对话,学生重复How are you?Fine, thank you.教师与学生进行互动,互相问候,让学生反复练习对话。 4.教师带着头饰示范对话:询问名字及其回答 Whats your name? My name is. 教师摘下头饰,尽可能多地询问学生的姓名,让学生反复练习。5.学生两人一组,练习对话,在说对话时,鼓励学生多问一下其他的知识。可适当的进行扩展。四、巩固操练 1每个学生自己可以通过所学的知识编一个小对话,尽可能多得用上所学的句子。22个或两个以上的学生为一组,进行分角色表演。3教师在黑板上挂上一幅与课文有关的图,通过图讲述一个故事,将对话情景重现,加深学生对语境的印象,同时,还可以锻炼听力能力。 五、小结、作业:1听音跟读本节课所学内容。2编写一个对话,将所学的对话充分利用。Uint 1 My classroomHow are you? Good morning.Fine, thank you. Good morning.附送:六、板书设计2019-2020年一年级英语下册 unit1 Lesson2教案 苏教牛津版Teaching contents: Words: cat, bird, dog, capDialogues:Im a cat cat cat.In a cap cap cap.Preparations: CAI, tape recorder, pictures, cardsStep 1: GreetingT: Good morning boys and girls.S: Good morning Miss Lin.T: Glad to see you.S: Glad to see you too.Step 2: Revisions1.Numbers:T: Boys and girls, please look at blackboard and count the numbers.S: 110T: You were done very good job.S: Thank you.2. Act the dialoguesStep 3 listen point and learn to say. 1.This activity reinforces and practices the correct pronunciation of the new vocabulary. 2. Play the cassette or say each word. The children point to the corresponding picture. 3. Ask in dividuals to say the words. Correct any pronunciation mistakes. In pairs, the children take turns to point the the pictures and say the words.Step 4 Chant 1.Draw the childrens attention to the picture in their pupils book. 2. lets listen and say.T: Boys and girls, please listen to the tape recorder and read after it twice.S: OK. Teach the children the chant line by line.Explain the meaning of the chant. Draw their attention to the picture again to illustrate the meaning.Repeat the chant 2 or 3 times. Encourage the children to clap as they chant.T: Im a cat cat cat in a cap cap cap.(with clap hands)Ss: Im a cat cat cat in a cap cap cap. (clap their hands.)They can also perform some actions to the chant. For example, they can hold their hands to their face to represent witskers when they hear: Im a cat, cat, cat and then mime putting a cap on their head for in a cap, cap, cap.课后小记:

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