八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Dealing with Problems Lesson 12 Generation Gap教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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Unit 4 Dealing with Problems Lesson 12 Generation Gap 教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材第四单元的第12课,话题为Dealing with problems,属于课标话题7情感与情绪(feelings and moods)以及话题8人际交往(interpersonal munication)下的第27个子话题(cooperation and munication。本课是一节阅读课,内容涉及单元话题Dealing with the problem中的Generation gap这一子话题。本课的阅读材料是What do you argue about at home? We asked three students and their parents.描述的是三个家庭孩子和父母对孩子学习、交友、习惯等方面不同的看法。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1.学生通过阅读,获取三个家庭父母和子女对一些常见教育问题的不同看法的事实性信息;2.学生通过所获取的事实性信息,推断出父母对孩子的关爱【情感态度价值观目标】学生能够根据所学、所感,以角色扮演对话进行语言和情感体验、自我评价反省等活动。 教学重难点【教学重点】通过听,获取、理解对话的相关信息。【教学难点】学生通过所获取的事实性信息,推断出父母对孩子的关爱。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-upDraw Ssattention to the topic of the lesson by presenting the picture of their family photos by questions:Q1: Do you love your parents?Q2: Do your parents love you?Step 2 Pre-reading1. LSs talk about what problems they always argue with their parents by presenting the survey.2. Ss talk about their feelings when they argue with their parents by questions:Q1: When you argue with your parents, are you happy?Q2: Are you parents happy?3. Ss think why we always argue with our parents by answering questionsQ1: What kind of family life would you like to live?Q2: Why do you sometimes argue?Step 3. ReadingPart 11. Read for the general information.Ss read quickly to guess what might be in a passage by reading the pictures, title and the bold words to encourage Ss to Ss are trained fast reading skills by the key words with the help of questions.Q1: Who are three students?Q2: Who are three parents?Ss re-construct the structure of passage with the help of questions.Q1: Which part are the students talking about?Q2: Which part are the parents talking about?2. Read for the detailed information.Part 21. Ss get and understand the detailed information with the help of the questions.Q1:What problems do they argue with their parents?2. Ss check the answers by presenting it on PPT.3. Ss share how they feel their parents with the help of questions.Q1: Do you have the same problem like theirs?Q2: When your parents argue about these things with you , how do you feel?Q3: How about the three students?Q4: Are they satisfied with their parents?Q5: What do they think of their parents?Step 4. Work in pairs1 Work with your partner to recall (回忆)the problems and suggestions.2.Ss understand the task by reading the report A lot of teenage students have some problems with their parents. Andy, Jessica, Edward showed their problems in our text book. Would you like to help some of them?Step 5 Homework1. Read the text carefully.2. Design your own Problem Page 教学反思略。

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