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2018-2019 外研版五年级英语下册期中试卷带答案五年级英语测试题 等级:_一、按要求填空 (20 分)1.we (宾格)_ 2bus(复数) _ 3.these(对应词) _ 4.make a home library _ 5 .放风筝(翻译) _ 6.中国食物(翻译) _ 7.图书卡(翻译)_ 8. heavy(反义词) _ 9.teach(第三人称单数形式)_10.dance( 过去式)_二、单项选择 (30 分)( ) 1. Did she learn _ foreign languages? A. many B. some C . any ( ) 2. Did he _ English ? A. learn B. learnt C. learning( ) 3. She didnt _ a cake yesterday. A. make B .makes C. made ( ) 4. Hes _ English now. A. learns B. learned C. learning ( ) 5.He is_ English teacher. A. a B. one C. an ( ) 6.There_ lots of buses and cars . A. is B. are C. wasnt( ) 7. She cooked _ a fire . A. in B. on C. at ( ) 8.Thank you for talking_ us . A. with B. about C. to( ) 9.What did she_ for dinner? A. have B.had C. having( ) 10.She couldnt read _ write. A. or B. and C. to ( ) 11. I miss _ grandmother. A. my B. you C. she ( ) 12.Lets _ to the library. A. go B. goes C .went ( ) 13. Here is a card_ you. A. to B. for C. of ( ) 14. We can_ a book about computer there.A. finds B. find C. found ( ) 15. Sam ate six hamburgers _ school. A. in B. at C. on三、用给出的介词填空。 (10 分)in on at for about1. She worked _the fields. 2. He likes working _ school .3. Lets put them _this shelf. 4. Itll be easy _you to carry. 5. Its a programme _China. 四、连词成句 (15 分)1、 learning now he is English_.2、are lots of and cars there buses_. 3、where books animals are about the_?4、 the pencils broken yellow are_.5、 she for breakfast did have what_?五、给下列问句选择正确的答语。 (10 分)( )1.What did she do yesterday? A.She made a cake.( )2.Whos this? B.I want to buy a pen.( )3.Is it new? C.Shes my mother.( )4.Can I have your library card,please? D.Yes,it is.( )5.Can I help you? E.Yes,here you are.六、读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F) 。 (10 分)I am Lucy. I like bags very much. I have two bags now.One is big andheavy.The bag is black.My father bought it ten years ago.And it has got no wheels and no pockets.And the other bag is yellow. Its big butlight.I bought it last year when I went to Beijing.It has got two wheels and three pockets.And it also has got a cute bear on it. ( )1.Lucy has two bags. ( )2.Her father bought a yellow bag for her. ( )3.The black bag is big and heavy. ( )4.The yellow bag has got no wheels.( )5.Lucy bought the yellow bag last year. 七、写一篇题为“Last week”的作文,描述你上个星期做了哪些有意义的事情。注意动词的过去式。 (5 分)要求:不少于五句话。20182019 学年度第二学期期中质量监测五年级英语测试题参考答案及评分标准一、1.us 2.buses 3.those4.做一个家庭图书馆5.fly a kite6.Chinese food7.library card8.light9.teaches10. danced 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15答案 C A A C C B B C A A A A B B B二、三、1.in 2.at 3.on 4.for 5.about四、1.He is learning English now. 2.There are lots of buses and cars. 3.Where are the book about animals ?4.The yellow pencils are broken. 5.What did she have for breakfast? 五、题号 1 2 3 4 5答案 A C D E B题号 1 2 3 4 5答案 T F T F T六、七、略


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