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Module 3 Unit 6Pets 同步练习 词语释义从下面每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。( ) 1. I feed my dog twice a day.A. give food to B. get angry withC. play against D. play with( ) 2. What a cute cat!A. happy B. cruelC. lovely D. friendly( ) 3. It took Amy nearly 4 hours to go back home from her office today. A. hardly B. almostC. over D. less than( ) 4. It is mon to see thieves in this city.A. usual B. difficultC. easy D. wonderful( ) 5. We often tell our kids not to speak to strangers. A. the people who are friendly B. the people who we dont know C. the people who are lucky D. the people who are sad 选择填空( ) 6. - It is raining _. - We have to stay at home instead of_. A. badly; go fishing B. heavily; go fishing C. heavily; going fishing D. badly; going fish( ) 7. - Guo Yue did quite_ at the World Table Tennis Championship. - But Zhang Yining did even_. A. good; best B. well; bestC. well; better D. good; better( ) 8. - Many people _ the Marathon. - But only _them finished running at the end. A. took in; the number of B. took part in; a small number of C. took part in; the number of D. took in; a small number of( ) 9. - What do you think of john? - He studies so_ that he_ speaks to us in the school.A. hardly; hard B. hardly; hardlyC. hard; hardly D. hard; hard( ) 10. - _ good care of pets can make children kind-hearted. - Yes. It is a good idea_ pets.A. Take; keeping B. Taking keepingC. Take; to keep D. Taking; to keep( ) 11. - What can we do _ the environment? - We can do it by_ more trees. A. protecting; planted B. to protect; planting C. protecting; planting D. to protect; planted( ) 12. - Tom, why do you keep a dog _ your pet? - Because it will be faithful _me forever.A. as; to B. be; to C. as, for D. be; for( ) 13. - In the past, most people died _ diseases. - And some died _ natural disasters.A. of; from B of; ofC. from; of D. from; from( ) 14. - Dogs need fresh air and large open space where they can _. -_, they are usually kept in small space and dont have many chances to do that. A. lie around; So B. lie around; However C. run free; However D. run free; So( ) 15. - She is _smart that she can learn quickly. -_. she can remember what she A. such; Whats more B. such; Thank goodness C. so; Thank goodness D. so; Whats more( ) 16. -Jack gets sick _.- He cannot do anything except _.A. serious, slept B. seriously; sleptC. seriously; sleep D. serious, sleep( ) 17. - _ was the play last week? - Not all students _ that. A. What; enjoyed B How; enjoyed C. What; enjoy D. How; enjoy ( ) 18. - I dont know _ to get to the post office. - I can show you t re way _ it. A. how; to B. how; for C. where; to D. where; for( ) 19. -_! You cant cross the street_ the traffic lights turn green. - Oh, thank you.A. Go on; while B. Go on; untilC. Watch out; until D. Watch out; while( ) 20. - My bike _ and I have to walk home.-_ A. as stolen I m sorry to hear that. B. has stolen; It doesnt matter. C. has been stolen, Im sorry to hear that. D. has been stolen; It doesnt matter. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Long long ago, a poor farmer had a dog and a cat. The dog and the cat _21_ for the farmer and they got food from him. One night, the farmer said, “I will not get enough _22_ for both of you to live in. If you work _23_than your partner, you will have the chance to live in the house. Then they _24_ goodnight to each other. The next morning, the dog and the cat got up early. The dog went to the field and worked hard; But the cat climbed up a tree and began to_25_. When the cat woke up, he went to the field and left a lot of footprints in the field. In the evening, they both went back home. The dog told the farmer that he finished all the _26_, but the cat also told the farmer that he finished all the work, The farmer decided to go and check in the _27_ the next day. What did the farmer _28_? There were all the cats footprints in the field From then on, the cat lived in the _29_ and the dog lived out of it. So the dog was_30_whenever he met the cat. However, the farmer never knew why,( ) 21. A. worked B. lived C. played D. made( ) 22. A. halls B. stores C. rooms D. malls( ) 23. A. earlier B. harder C. more happily D. more slowly( ) 24. A. talked B. said C. spoke D. told( ) 25. A. laugh B. cry C. sleep D. walk( ) 26. A. work B. homework C. test D. food( ) 27. A. field B. village C. market D. hospital( ) 28. A. hear B. see C. feel D. taste( ) 29. A. school B. classroom C. house D. store( ) 30. A. excited B. worried C. happy D. angry 阅读理解阅读下面的语言材料,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。More and more people like keeping pets, so pet hospitals are usually very busy. Kind persons who love animals are needed to provide help in busy pet hospitals. Those vets will teach them how to take care of the pets. Scientists think that pets will probably be much smaller because people in the future will live in much smaller space. Scientists are now working on making very small farm animals. The same thing migh8t be done to make small cats and dogs. Its said that one day you might own a panther (豹) as a pet. Some scientists believe that they might have to start turning wild animals into pets since this might be the only way to save them from dying out. What about buying a robot to be a pet? This may sound silly, buy it could bee true. Robot dogs have been made to sell. They are like real dogs. These pets might bee more and more popular in the future. Lots of people want pets while they are on holidays. A hotel in Minnesota has solved this problem. They lend cats to their guests, Many experts (专家) believe that this idea will bee more and more popular. It is very possible that in the future you will be able to order a pet, as well as room service, at a hotel.( ) 31. People can provide help in busy pet hospitals as long as they _.A. love animals B are richC. are strong D. are sad( ) 32. The scientists want to make the farm animals smaller because_. A. big animals are dying out B. robots will bee pets C. people like smaller animals D. people in the future may have smaller living space( ) 33. Whats the fourth paragraph about? A. People may keep smaller pets in the future. B. Robots might be popular pets in the future. C. People can help animals in the pet hospitals. D. People can borrow pets from a hotel.( ) 34. According to the fifth paragraph, people may want pets most_. A. at the beginning of the year B. when they work busily C. on holidays D. when they stay with their family( ) 35. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Pet hospitals are very busy because more and more people keep pets. B. The people who keep pets have to help in busy pet hospitals. C. The pets are likely to bee smaller and smaller in the future. D. Wild animals may bee pets in the future. 情景对话从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。A. Because it can play with me when Im lonely.B. Do you like kangaroos?C. For about two years.D. Whats your favourite animal?E. Im keeping a dog as a pet.F. Just sometimes.G. How about you?A: Do you like animals?B: Yes. I think small animals are really cute. (36)_A: think so too. (37) _B: Oh, really? How long have you had it?A: (38) _B: Why do you keep a pet? A: (39) _B: Doesnt it make a mess in the house?A: (40) _ In most cases, my dog is quiet.B: Im afraid I cant stand it.参考答案 词语释义1-5 ACBAB阅读理解 31-35 ADBCB 选择填空6-10 CCBCD 11-15 BAACD 16-20 CBACC 完形填空21-25 ACBBC 26-30 AABCD 阅读理解31-35 ADBCB 情景对话36-40 GECAF

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