2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit11 In the zoo教案(2) (新版)沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit11 In the zoo教案(2) (新版)沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit11 In the zoo教案(2) (新版)沪教牛津版Teaching planTopic: In the zoo (Look and learn)Teaching Aim: 1. To learn the new words: panda monkey 2. Asking Wh-questions to know about various kinds of animals. e.g. Whats this? 3. Using adjectives to describe animals. e.g. Its fat. Its thin 4. Using verbs to describe animals. e.g. It can dance.Language focus 1. To ask and answer Wh-questions 2.To describe animals simply.Difficult point: How to ask and answer with “what,s this? and whats that?”.Materials: Multimedia, animal masksProcedurecontentsMethodsPurposePre-task1. Poem 2.Daily talk3. ReviewSay togetherWhat this? What this? Touch your What can you do?1.Words2.Short dialogueA: Whats this?B: Its a pig/chick. Whats that?A: Its a cow/duck.营造轻松愉快的英语学习气氛,集中学生注意力。巩固旧知识,培养学生的说话能力。为新授知识作铺垫。While-taskProcedure1. Go to the zoo2To know about bear.1.To elicit “zoo”.1) Dora and Boots take us to the zoo(show picture)2) Read the word “zoo” and the phrase “in the zoo”.3) Enjoy a flashLets go to the zoo2.Ask and answer1) Enjoy a flash2) What can you see in the zoo?I can see1.To elicit “bear”1) Show the picture.A: Whats this?B: Its a bear.2) Read “bear”2.Say in pairsA: Whats this?B: Its a bear. Its fat.3.A chantWhats this? Whats this?Its a bear. Its fat.创设情景,和学生们熟悉的Dora、Boots一起去动物园,认识不同的动物。培养学生学习英语的兴趣。带学生进入故事情景,激发学生学习兴趣。借助图片、实物、多媒体吸引学生注意力,让学生在有趣、轻松气氛中学习、巩固新句型。通过看图学儿歌、编儿歌,说一说,做一做操练、巩固新句型。3.To know about tiger.4.Review animals we have learned.5.To know about panda.1.To elicit “tiger”1) Show the picture.A: Whats that?B: Its a tiger.2) Read “tiger”2.Say in pairsA: Whats that?B: Its a tiger. Its big.3.A chantWhats that? Whats that?Its a tiger. Its big.4.A poemWhats this? Whats this?Its a bear. Its fat.Whats that? Whats that?Its a tiger. Its big.The bear and the tiger.The tiger and bear.I can see.1.(Show pictures of animals) A: Whats this/that? B: Its a Its 1. To elicit “panda”1) Show the picture.2) Read “panda”2.Say in pairsA: Whats this?B: Its a panda. Its fat.3.A chantWhats this? Whats this?Its a panda. Its fat.用相同的方法认识老虎。把之前的儿歌结合,巩固知识。在模仿基础上编简单对话,巩固知识,培养学生的交际能力,做到学以致用。6.To know about monkey.7. A guessing game.8. Its abilities. It can 1.To elicit “monkey”3) Show the picture.A: Whats that?B: Its a tiger.4) Read “monkey2.Say in pairsA: Whats that?B: Its a monkey. Its thin.3.A chantWhats that? Whats that?Its a monkey. Its thin.4.A poemWhats this? Whats this?Its a panda. Its fat.Whats that? Whats that?Its a monkey. Its thin.The panda and the monkey.The monkey and the panda.I like you.Show pictures and guess.A: Whats this/that?B: Its a A: No/Yes. Its a B: Its 1. A game (act as an animal)Hello, I am a I can 2. Pair work(One pupil acts and the other introduce.)A: Hello, I am a I can B: Look. This is a It can 听听Dora和 Boots在动物园的对话,引出对话内容。培养学生英语能力,特别是英语口语表达能力。用儿歌做总结,巩固新授知识。最后一句做感情升华,让学生热爱动物。用猜谜游戏,活跃课堂气愤,激发学生兴趣。并能巩固知识。用表演形式更生动地呈现内容,再通过不同角色的扮演来转换人称代词,更易理解。3. A flash (The panda is dancing.) Its a panda. It can dance.4. Other animalsIts a It can 用短片吸引学生注意力,加深理解。Post-taskactivityDora and Boots know many animals.1.A DialogueA: Hello, Boots. Whats this/that?B: Its a Its It can A: Thank you. Bye. B: Bye.最后用一段对话来巩固知识。AssignmentHomework1. Listen and read the text.2.Ask and answer with your friends . Whats this/that? It is a Its It can 延伸课堂教学内容,让学生运用所学内容。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit12 In the park教案 (新版)沪教牛津版教学目的:1)学习询问他人正在做什么事情。2)描述他人正在做的事情。3)学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry4)通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松愉快地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语感。教学重点:1)学说问句What are they doing? 2)掌握句型Theyre 动词+ing +宾语 教学难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音,并自如地应用。教学准备 课件、豆奶教学过程:一、Warming and revision1 教师快速向学生出示几个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write , jump , run 2, 请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。3. 全班整体边做动作边操练4。 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。二、Presentation(一)学习新句型1 请一学生挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词,做出相应的动作。2 教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习Hes/ Shes 动词+ing +宾语。3 请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:Im动词+ing +宾语。4 教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh. Theyre 动词+ing +宾语,并板书。5 教师指着黑板上的句子,请学生跟说多遍。6 再请一组学生挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词(不能重复),做出相应的动作,教师请其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ? 然后教师把正确答案写在黑板上。7 请学生一起认读黑板上的句子。(二)学习新动词1.教师画简笔画,教学单词chess,并男女生比赛“下棋”,看一堂课结束谁最快走完这部棋,现学现用 play chess.2教上几位学生模仿一个动作,让其他学生猜猜他们正在做什么。3 学生看动作,引入短语: doing taijiquan.。4 请全体学生一起边做动作,边说: doing taijiquan.教师通过提问:What are they doing ?引入句子:Theyre doing taijiquan. 并板书。5.图片出示dragon boat ,并教学操练。教师随即出示PPT并提问:What are they doing?从而引出rowing a dragon boat,操练doing taijiquan rowing a dragon boat:(1) 老师说,学生做(可加快速度,增加趣味性)(2) 老师做,学生说6 教师做饥饿状说:Im hungry. Im hungry.板书hungry(饿的)并重复说多遍,再提问学生:Whats the matter with me?由此教单词 hungry(饿的)。8 教师从包中拿出一瓶豆奶说:I want to drink soybean milk. 边:“喝”边说:drink drink , Im drinking.让学生模仿跟着教师重复句子并模仿动作。9 教师拿着豆奶走到学生中,到边“喝”边说:Soybean milk is very nice. Soybean milk is very nice.提问学生What am I drink? 由此教说soybean milk(豆奶)并板书,在此可适当扩展drink coffe,cola.water.tea.10请一些学生模仿喝豆奶的动作,比比谁表演的最好。其间老师可以适时用What is he/ she doing ? What are they doing ?提问其余学生。三、Consolidation(一)快速反应1请几位学生到教室前,由教师说动词词组,学生模仿动作,比比谁的反应最灵敏。2让学生在小组内进行训练。(二)游戏1猜猜猜 教师请几位学生到讲台上,事先悄悄地告诉他们要做什么动作,但是学生猜之前不准做动作,全班一起问What are they doing? 问完后个别学生举手回答,若猜对,棋子向前走几步。(四)学歌曲1教师用两只老虎的调子,教学生学一首自编的歌What are they doing? What are they doing?Theyre reading. Theyre reading.What are they doing? What are they doing?Theyre rowing. Theyre rowing.What are they doing? What are they doing?Theyre playing. Theyre playing.What are they doing? What are they doing?Theyre drinking. Theyre drinking.2可分小组,分男女生学唱。四、Homework1 学唱歌曲。2 抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milk3 收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?


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