河南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1课时 七上 Units 1-5(含Starter)练习 人教新目标版.doc

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河南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1课时 七上 Units 1-5(含Starter)练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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河南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1课时 七上 Units 1-5(含Starter)练习 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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河南省2019年中考英语总复习 第1课时 七上 Units 1-5(含Starter)练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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第1课时 七年级上册 Units 15(含Starter)一、单项选择 1(xx山东济南天桥一模)Whos your favorite actor?Wu Jing, is a famous action actor.Ahe Bhim Chis Dshe2(xx河北邯郸模拟)My neighbor Jim invited me to home for coffee.Amy BhisCher Dyour3(2019原创)Is that your father?No. Its my uncle, my mothers .Ason BsisterCbrother Ddaughter4(2019原创)In order to me, the old lady gave me some apples.Acare BsaveCthank Dadmit5(xx河北秦皇岛海港模拟)This song is new, many students in our class can sing it.Aand BbutCor Dso6(xx江西吉安遂川模拟)Have you ever seen the movie called Yes or No?Yes. I think its . I fell asleep when I saw it last night.Aexciting Bboring Cinteresting Dfunny7(2019原创)P.E. is very for me. I can get full marks.Great! Congratulations!Ahard BeasyCdifficult Ddifferent8(2019原创)Listen, the country music so sweet.Yes, I love it. Asmells Bsounds Cfeels Dlooks9(2019预测)I want to look up a word. May I use your ?Adictionary BradioCplayer Dpen10(xx河北秦皇岛海港模拟)I think we get ready for challenge at any time because it es all of a sudden.Amay BcanCmust Dmight二、完形填空(xx甘肃定西模拟改编)There is a tradition in my school. Every year, before the Grade 9 students graduate, all the students in 1 grades, from Grade 7 to Grade 8, will gather together on the ground in front of the teaching building and cheer on the Grade 9 students who are standing upstairs. Only when I took part in the activity, did I understand the real 2 of the school tradition.I was in Grade 8 at that time. 3 that special day, all the Grade 9 students stood in the hallways and 4 at the younger students below. We all shouted loudly together, “Believe in yourself! You are sure to 5 !”Soon it will be 6 turn to be blessed(祝福) in this way. It also means I will have to say 7 to my school. 8 it will be sad, it will still be one of the brightest times of my life to be cheered on by so many students. Im sure our teachers and parents will be 9 us because we have grown up and can 10 problems by ourselves.1A.lower Bhigher Ctaller Dshorter2A.opinion Bmeaning Cmethod Dadvice3A.In BAt COn DOf4A.looked up Blooked downClooked through Dlooked after5A.succeed Blose Cfight Dhurt6A.my Bhis Cour Dher7A.hello Bsorry Cgoodbye Dsee you8A.Although BBecause CSince DIf9A.strict with Binterested in Cproud of Dsimilar to10A.deal with Bagree with Cfight for Dlook for三、阅读理解(xx河南中考)Would you like to experience what going to school was like in the late 1800s? To start with, imagine everyone in school sharing only one classroom.In the 19th and early 20th centuries, most American students went to a oneroom schoolhouse. A single teacher would typically(典型地) have students in the first through eighth grades, and she taught them all. The number of students varied from 6 to 40 or more. The youngest children sat in the front, while the oldest students sat in the back. The teacher usually taught reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and geography. Students memorized(记忆) and retold their lessons.The classroom of a oneroom schoolhouse probably looked much like your own. The teachers desk stood on a raised platform(讲台) at the front of the room, however, and there was a woodburning stove since there was no other way of heating. The bathroom was outside in an outhouse.In Honeoye Falls, New York, there is a oneroom schoolhouse where kids today can experience what it was like to be students in the late 19th century. For a week during the summer, they wear 19th century clothes and learn the way children learned more than a hundred years ago.What else has changed about school since the 19th century? For more information, please visit our website: locallegacy.1What does the word “varied” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A变化 B排列 C调整 D减少2Students in the late 19th century could learn Areading, writing, sports, history and scienceBreading, art, arithmetic, history and geographyCreading, writing, arithmetic, history and geographyDreading, physics, chemistry, history and geography3Which of the following best shows what a oneroom schoolhouse was like in the late 19th century?4Some kids go to Honeoye Falls to Atry the food in the late 19th centuryBlearn the subjects over a century agoCmemorize and retell their lessons they have learnedDexperience the way children learned over a century ago5Which of the following is TRUE about the students in a oneroom schoolhouse?AThey had only one teacher.BThey had different classrooms.CThey could choose the seats they liked.DThey learned more subjects than we do now.四、词语运用(2019预测)tellwondertheysleeplightbefarlaterthenfriendhimvisitAbout a hundred people lived in a very small mountain village. It was very 1. from the other villages and towns. They had few 2. and none of them left the village. Of course there was neither electricity(电) nor gas(煤气) there. Once a writer 3. the village. The backwardness(落后) of the village surprised him. He decided to 4. about it to the world. So he took the oldest villager to London. The old man told all about his home and village to the people. Several months 5. he returned. All the villagers went to see him and asked him how he had enjoyed 6. in the city. “Everything is 7. in London,” the old man said, “Ive 8. to many good places and eaten all kinds of nice food and other things. But the trouble was I could not 9. at night.”“What happened to you?” his wife asked. “The 10. was on in my bedroom all the time.” “Why not blow it out, then?” “I tried, but it was inside a little glass bottle.” 五、补全对话(xx广东东莞中堂二模改编)A: Hello, I am Kate.B: Hello! 1. ?A: I found a pencil box outside. 2. ?B: No, it isnt. Maybe its Amys.A: Amy? 3. ?B: She is tall and thin. She likes playing basketball.A: Oh, I know her. 4. .B: Yes, it is her.A: 5. B: Youre wele.六、书面表达(xx河南洛阳洛宁模拟)在我们成长的道路上,父亲有着不可或缺的作用,教会了我们很多。父亲节即将到来,请以“Learn from My Father”为题并根据要点和要求,写一篇英语短文。要点:1你从父亲那里学到了什么;2你因此有了哪些改变;3对父亲表达感谢。要求:1文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;2词数80左右。Learn from My Father 参考答案一、15 ABCCB610 BBBAC二、15 ABCBA610 ACACA三、ACDDA四、1.far2.friends3.visited4.to tell5.later6himself7.wonderful8.been9.sleep10.light五、1.My names Lily2Is this yours3What does she look like/Who is she4She is in Class 55Thank you very much六、Learn from My FatherMaybe my father is just an ordinary man in others eyes. But for me, he is my hero, because I have learned a lot from my father.My father is a book lover. He likes reading very much, and he also gives me advice on how to choose good books. Because of him, I fall in love with reading as well. Through reading, I understand my fathers words, “Reading can not only offer you knowledge, but also make you wise and confident.” Also, my father is a strong minded person. If he decides to do something, he will keep on working until he finally makes it. In this way, he sets a good example to me and makes me believe “Where there is a will, there is a way.”Thanks to my father, these things I learned from him make me now a confident boy with good grades and a strong will. I am very proud of my father, and will learn much more from him on this lifelong journey.


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