山东省东营市2019年中考英语总复习 第6课时 八上 Units 4-6练习.doc

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山东省东营市2019年中考英语总复习 第6课时 八上 Units 4-6练习.doc_第1页
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山东省东营市2019年中考英语总复习 第6课时 八上 Units 4-6练习.doc_第3页
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第6课时八年级上册Units 46一、单项选择1(xx重庆中考A卷)I have a bad cold.Sorry to hear that. Youd better go to see a at once.Adoctor BcookCwriter Dfarmer2(xx广东汕头龙湖模拟)The story is so amazing! Its the most interesting story Ive ever read.But Im afraid it wont be liked by .Aeverybody BsomebodyCanybody Dnobody3(2019预测)He was late this morning, because the bus was too for him to get on.Aquiet BtidyCcrowded Dnoisy4(xx安徽合肥三模)You know what? John has invented a walking machine for the old.Really? He is so .Aconfident BfriendlyCfunny Dcreative5(xx山东临沂中考)Of all the blue holes in the world, Sansha Yongle Blue Hole in the South China Sea is now . It is 300.89 meters deep.Adeeper Bvery deepCas deep as Dthe deepest6(xx吉林长春月考)After the rebuilding, our school is being .Amore and more beautifulBmore beautiful and beautifulCbeautiful and beautifulDthe more beautiful7(xx上海奉贤二模)According to my brother, fishing is an excellent hobby to .Apick up Btake upCput up Dturn up8(2019原创)Daisy, I want to give my friend a surprise on her birthday. Can you give me some advice?Sure. You can a special gift for her.Agive BchooseCshare Dafford9(2019原创)After the , we decided to have a party for Mr. Smith on Sunday.Amirror BgradeCcharacter Ddiscussion10(xx云南昆明西山一模)Its true to a good habit at the beginning; you can achieve more.Aset up Btake upCend up Dput up二、阅读理解(xx山东东营中考)Do you want to know how you can succeed in a new school term? Here are several tips for you from some teachers.Use a calendar or chart. Write down special tasks, activities and important dates on a calendar. This helps you remember things you need to do. You can also make a chart. Then, use colorful pens to circle or draw a line under your homework,reading tasks or other activities. By using a chart, you learn how to plan for your studies.Buy folders(文件夹) in different colors. Put your notebooks in different folders according to the subject. This helps you keep papers and notes organized.Books are great friends.Visit the bookstore or library every few weeks to find a new book to read. The more you get excited about reading, the more confident you will bee.Join all kinds of clubs or sports. Its important to municate with teenagers outside of school. Joining sports clubs or other group activities is also a good way to help you learn how to get on with others. During this process(过程), you can learn how to solve problems and respect others.Ask for help. Youre never too old to ask for help. You can turn to your teachers when there is a question about homework, projects or relationships with your family members.They are there to help solve problems and listen to you.1How many tips can you find from the passage?AThree. BFour. CFive. DSix. 2You can NOT write down on a calendar.Aspecial tasks BhomeworkCactivities Dimportant dates 3 can help you bee confident.AUsing a chartBBuying folders in different colorsCReading booksDJoining different kinds of clubs 4According to the passage, the students can .Anot municate with teenagers outside of schoolBjoin all kinds of clubs and sports to get good grades in examsCthink it over when they have a question about their homeworkDask their teachers for help if they cant get on well with their family members5The passage is mainly about .Ahow to plan for your studiesBhow to succeed in a new school termChow to solve problems and respect othersDhow to keep the papers and notes organized三、动词填空阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。(2019预测)One day, I took my daughter to the park.As soon as we got there, my daughter 1. (run) to the swing(秋千) and asked for a push. When I was helping my daughter, I noticed another girl trying to make her own swing 2. (go) high by herself. Her old grandmother was sitting on the chair nearby and smiling at us. Gradually, my daughter 3. (push) higher and higher by me. Then I walked towards the little girl. I asked if I 4. (give) a big push to her. She smiled and said “Yes”. For the next hour, I pushed the swings, and played with my daughter and the little girl. When we went home, I 5. (be) tired but very happy.One day two years later, after a days work, I went to pick up my daughter before going home. While I 6. (wait) outside the school gate, a little girl smiled sweetly at me and gave me a big hug. As I watched her 7. (run) away, I realized that she was the girl whom I gave a big push in the park.So far, I 8. (not forget) her sweet smile and the warm hug that she gave me. In fact, if we give love to others, love 9. (find) its way back to us. It may travel from heart to heart or it may blossom(开花) in the heart. The love we share, the kindness we 10. (give), and the happiness we create will e back to us with a pleasant surprise.四、综合填空阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。(xx山东德州中考)One afternoon, I went into an art museum while waiting for my husband. I hoped to enjoy the works of art quietly.A young couple walked in front of me and talked 1.a the paintings between themselves all the time. The lady did almost all the talking, but the man kept listening to her.I thought the man was very patient 2.b nobody would like to be bothered(打扰) while enjoying the paintings.I met them several 3.t as I moved through the different rooms of the art museum. Each time I heard her talking, I moved 4.a quickly.I was 5.p for some gifts at the museum shop when the couple walked slowly to the exit(出口). Before they left, the man 6.t out a cane(拐杖). Then he tapped(轻敲) his way to the coatroom to 7.g the jacket for his wife.“He is a brave man,” the worker of the shop said. “He decided not to change his life after his eyes got hurt. Though he is 8.b now, he never gives up. He and his wife e here whenever there is a new art show.”“But what can he get out of the art? He cant see!” I asked.“You are wrong. He 9.s a lot, more than you and I do,” the worker said. “His wife describes 10.e painting so he can see it in his mind.”I fell silent. Then I realized that I learnt something about patience, courage and love that day.五、书面表达(2019智乐星好题)2019年4月23日是第24个“世界读书日(World Reading Day)”,你将代表班级参加学校举办的英文演讲比赛,请你根据以下要点,以“Reading makes my life colorful”为话题写一篇演讲稿。要求:1.100词左右;2文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。Good morning, boys and girls!The topic of my speech today is “Reading makes my life colorful” 参考答案一、15 AACDD610 ABBDB二、15 CBCDB三、1.ran2.go3.was pushed4.could give5was6.was waiting7.running8havent forgotten9.will find10.give四、1.about2.because3.times4away5.paying6.took7.get8blind9.sees10.every/each五、Good morning, boys and girls!The topic of my speech today is “Reading makes my life colorful”. I love reading. Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us cleverer and happier. Our study can be improved if we read more good books. The more we read, the more we will learn and the brighter our future will bee. I usually read after school. Books about history and nature are my favorites.However, some students spend much time in listening to music, watching TV or going online to play puter games. It takes much of their spare time. So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books, especially classics so that we can spread Chinese traditional culture to the world.Lets start reading now. And let it bee a part of our life!


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