2019-2020年高考英语 完形填空书面表达系列训练(5).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 完形填空书面表达系列训练(5)第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(xx太原调研)Flood, flood, floodOn Friday, April 18 I came home after two hours of sandbagging, wondering how anyone could do that for so long.I was_36_, sweaty, and sore from my legs up.People were all determined to save their_37_. And we did not have school that day.You couldnt switch a_38_on TV without seeing the news of the_39_.I was sad._40_the river was a long way from our place, I still_41_sorry for the people who had to _42_their homes go under the fearful Red River.I went to bed that night with a terrible_43_ in my mind.The next morning my mum woke my sister and me up and told us to_44_our things.The water was _45_ sort of far away, but she didnt want to take any_46_.My father brought us to Red River High School where we took a bus to the Air Force base.My dad stayed behind to work at the hospital _47_there was a shortage of_48_.The place we stayed in was called a hangar (飞机库) .It was_49_and crowded.My sister found a friend so I didnt see much of her._50_I was bored enough to sleep.The next day my dad came and we all piled in the car and_51_to my grandparents farm in South Dakota.We stayed with my grandparents and went to school in the small town of Leola.We_52_there on May 29.I _53_that the flood waters never even entered our home.We were all_54_for our good luck.The town was damaged to the tiniest detail.Then we saw people cleaning and working hard.The cleaning continued and life_55_, but we will always remember the terrible flood.文章大意:本文讲述了作者经历的一场洪灾。36A.dirty B.tidy Cangry Dhappy37A.children B.fields C.lives Dhomes38A.program B.channel C.play Dreport39A.flood B.rain C.town D.field40A.Even though BHowever C.As long as D.If only41A.sensed B.noticed C.felt D.found42A.sound B.make C.have D.watch43A.word B.washing C.noise Dfeeling44A.fetch B.send C.pack D.throw45A.ever B.still C.only D.just46A.chances B.steps C.sides Dactions47A.though B.because C.while Duntil48A.teachers B.nurses Ccleaners D.patients49A.noisy B.quiet C.large Dfortable50A.After all B.As a result C.Above all D.As a whole51A.ran B.drove C.toured D.flew52A.arrived B.left Cstarted Dfinished53A.took out B.looked out Cfound out Dput out54A.thankful B.scared Csorry Deager55A.broke down B.stopped C.ended Dwent on36答案:A扛了两个小时的沙袋,我当然身上“很脏”。37答案:D所有人都誓死保卫自己的“家园”。38答案:B你打开电视的任何一个“频道”都会看到“洪灾”的报道。channel“频道”。39答案:Aflood“洪涝灾害”。40答案:A“尽管”那条河离这儿很远,但是我仍然为那些眼睁睁“看着”自己的家园被淹的人们“感到”难过。even though“尽管,即使”,however“然而”;as long as“只要”;if only“要是该多好啊”。41答案:Cfeel“觉得,感到”;sense“觉察”;notice“注意”;find“找到”;feel sorry for.“同情;为感到难过”。42答案:Dwatch“看,观察”。43答案:D我睡觉时,心里有难过的“感觉”。44答案:C第二天,母亲把我们姐妹唤醒,要我们把东西“打包”。pack“打包,整理”。45答案:B洪水离我们“仍然”有点远,但是母亲不想“冒险”。still“仍然”;ever“曾经”;only“只要”;just“刚刚”。46答案:Atake chances“冒险”。47答案:B父亲呆在医院里继续工作,“因为”“护士”人手很短缺。48答案:B见上题解释,医院里当然是缺少“护士”。49答案:A飞机库很拥挤,很“吵闹”。由后文我烦得要睡觉也可推出。50答案:B空前后是因果关系,所以选as a result“因此”;after all“毕竟,别忘了”;above all“最重要的是”;as a whole“总之”。51答案:B前面讲到“we all piled in the car”,所以是“驱车”前往祖父母的农场。52答案:B我们在五月二十九日“离开”那个小镇。53答案:C回到家,我“发现”洪水从未进到我家。find out“查明,弄清楚”。54答案:A我们都为我们的好运感到“感激;庆幸”。55答案:D清理工作还在进行,生活也要“继续”。*结束 (xx丰台二模)今年4月16号,北京的部分高校开展了校园开放日活动,你和你的父母前往一所你向往的大学参观咨询。请根据下面四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文日记,叙述你们这一天的活动及感受。注意:1日记的开头已为你写好。2词数不少于60。 April 16 Saturday,SunnyToday some universities were open to the public. _ 参考范文April_16_Saturday,SunnyToday_some_universities_were_open_to_the_public.Its a good chance for me to know more about my dream university. So I , acpanied by my parents , went to Beijing University. Early in the morning we went there excitedly. To our surprise, many students had already been there. Directly we went to the stands where teachers and voluntary students of different departments made introduction and answered questions. Since I intend to choose English as my major, we spent lots of time asking the teachers for detailed information and advice. I was deeply impressed by the wonderful course and learned professors.Then we were attracted by the stands of various clubs. It was really amazing that they have organized such colorful activities! I just cant wait for such a wonderful college life.Inspired by what I saw during the day, I am determined to try my best to be admitted to the university. My parents also encouraged me to work harder for my dream. Its not easy ,but I am sure I can do it. (xx武汉武昌五月调研)请根据以下提示,结合自己的学习生活,就“如何缓解压力”这一话题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的建议或做法。Nowadays students study hard and they are always under a lot of pressure.Its necessary for them to have some ways to ease stress and minds.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;除诗歌外,文体不限;文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;词数为120左右。_参考范文One possible version:Pressure is a mon serious problem nowadays.Many students in our class worry about their exams.Much pressure as we have from our studies,we need a relaxation after heavy work to renew our energy.Furthermore,burying ourselves all day under piles of books is not the only way to study.Im always under pressure,too.My parents expect me to go to a key university.One evening,I had a talk with my mother.I told her I was not lazy and I really felt tired.I needed time to relax.My mother agreed with me at last.So I think a conversation with parents or teachers or good friends is an essential way to solve the problem.Besides,we can listen to music after class or we can even cry or shout in the open in order to refresh ourselves. 你的家乡是一个依山傍水的小镇。过去,这里人们生活极其贫困。解放以后,人们生活的各个方面都发生了很大变化。请根据下面表格的提示,写一篇120词左右的短文,介绍该镇的变化情况。 人口约20万面积约360平方公里地理概况坐落在大山脚下,面临一条大河,新建有许多工厂、商店、医院、学校教育状况解放前只有一所学校,只有富家子弟可以上学,现在有10所学校,每个孩子都可以上学生活状况丰富多彩,人们工作之余,可以逛商店、看电影、跳舞、参加体育活动等参考范文One Possible Version My hometown is a small town. It has a population of more than 200 thousand people and an area of 36 square kilometers. It is at the foot of a mountain. In front of the town lies a big river. Before liberation, people there lived a hard life. Great changes have taken place there since liberation. They have built many factories, shops, hospitals and schools. The school education has also improved. Before liberation there was only one school. Only the rich children could go to school. Now there are 10 schools. Every child can go to school. Peoples lives are colorful. After work they go shopping, see films, go dancing and have sports. They all live a happy life. 请根据下面提供的情景, 写一篇100词左右的短文。 Your friend Lily tells you, I am suffering from depression (沮丧, 消沉). I have trouble sleeping. Im often tired. When I think about the future I feel hopeless. I dont enjoy anything. I am never happy. I dont laugh or smile any more. You need to give her some suggestions and tell her what she should do. 参考范文第一篇:One possible version: Lily, dont be upset. I have some pieces of advice for you. First of all, whenever you feel blue, try listening to some songs, because music has been proved to have great effect on smoothing pressure. If you still feel depressed, look at yourself in a mirror and smile for no less than 30 seconds, then you will believe that nothing is serious and have a good mood. Of course, you had better try to find any good friend you can trust to talk to. I do hope these will help you. Please believe tomorrow will be better and our life will be full of sunshine!


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