2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 1(1) 第二课时教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 1(1) 第二课时教案 人教PEP一、教学目标:1.主要学习句型“Where are you from? Im from ./ This is my friend, (名字)”。2.巩固、操练对话的句型,鼓励学生在真实情景中会话。二、教学准备:教师准备两个锤子、几个小球和几面小国旗。学生准备朋友的照片。教师准备人物头饰。三、教学过程:(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.师生问候,并进行日常口语练习。2.复习字母、歌谣。并玩游戏看谁敲得快。(二)新课展示(Presentation)1. T:This is my friend, Amy. S: Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. T: Im from China. Where are you from?(语速放慢,并重复几遍) A: Im from America. 老师再用同样的方法介绍Mike.2.老师教读新句子,并让学生全班读,小组读多种方法练习。 3.让学生听录音,看插图,跟读对话。(三)趣味操练(Practice)(1)游戏“抽签”学生在老师手中抽取一张卡片,其余生问:Where are you from? 该生回答Im from .(2)请生用带来的照片介绍他的朋友。(四)课堂评价(Assessment)1.活动手册上P4的内容。为花朵涂色进行自我评价。2.活动(Add-activities)(1)听录音,仿读对话。(2)和同伴表演对话3.教师用肢体语言表示出字母,让学生猜出字母,并大声读出。4.出示字母卡,学生认读,并提问学生回忆以它开头的单词。5.放A部分Lets chant的录音,学生有节奏地跟唱歌谣。6.听故事:让学生理解I want to be a teacher./ Can you read this?/ Sure. / Oh, no!这几个难句。(五)课外活动(Add-activities)读字母给家长听。将chant说给家长听。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 1(1) 第二课时教案 广东版开心一、Objectives and Requirements:1. LanguageTarget: Whats this? Its a butterfly. I like chicken. What do you like? I like steak.2. VocabularyKey: notebook, pencil case, snake, butterfly, soup, steak, pink, graySounds and words: this, these, that, those, mother, father 3. Materials:Picture cards1-8, large sheet/cardboard, colored chalk二、Procedure:1 Target 1) Getting readyUsing the picture cards of previously learned vocabulary and real objects in the classroom, approach Ss randomly. T: Whats this? Ss: Its a (pen). Elicit responses from Ss and continue around the class to several Ss. T: What do you like? Again, generate responses from Ss and model if necessary.2) Using the bookd) Point to the picture and model the dialog. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence so Ss can repeat.2. Practice 23) Getting readya) Write “How are you?” on the board. T: How are you? (Point to the sentence written on the board.)b) Elicit responses such as Good. And Fine. And encourage Ss to ask you this question.c) Then proceed to ask Ss about various classroom items they are familiar with. T: Whats this?d) Have Ss respond. Model correct responses and plete sentences.4) Using the booka) Play the tape and have Ss answer.b) After listening and answering questions, encourage Ss to ask each other these three questions in pairs or small groups. 3 Song5) Getting readya) Point to the pictures on the page. Then ask Ss Who the characters are. T: Whos he? Whos she?b) Elicit responses. 6) Using the bookPlay the tape and point to each word and sentence as it sung.Divide class into two teams .One team sings “Hello! How are you?” part and the second team sings the “Fine, thanks.” part. Encourage Ss to join in the singing when they are ready.3. Activity 21) Getting readya) Draw an outline of a balloon on the board.b) Ask a volunteer to e up to the board.c) Show the student the colored chalk (or markers).T: Green balloon!d) Help the student get a piece of green chalk to color in the balloon. Do this with two more items and colors.2) Using the booka) Have Ss work in small groups or pairs. T: Color the balloon. Color the rabbit. Use any color you want. After Ss have finished coloring the pictured items, teach Ss how to play Slap! Call out an item and a color. T: Purple umbrella.b) Hopefully, at least one student has colored his/her umbrella purple. Ss who has purple umbrellas on their pages should slap the picture and say Purple umbrella.c) Continue until all items have been called out with a couple of different colors each.

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